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Everything posted by Andrew65

  1. I'm looking at a flight London - Bangkok rtn in February '24. The last time I looked Thai Airways were wanting about £200 more than Eva Air (Taiwanese) for the same direct flight, and Eva are probably a nicer airline.
  2. That would apply to any meat. Part of why I never ate meat-based street food in Thailand (or anywhere). We don't know if the meat has been refrigerated in the hot weather.
  3. If Ping Ping were a shower-dodger he would become Ping Pong!?????
  4. Was talking to an old Royal Navy friend many years ago about the Thai submarine saga (debacle????). 1. The South China Sea isn't deep enough for sub operations. 2. Thailand doesn't really have any external threats.
  5. Some years ago an Australian friend , Mark, had been working in Thailand for a Japanese oil & gas company. He said that the company was pulling out of Thailand. One of the main reasons was that when they had to deal with government agencies they had to deal with military men, who didn't have the faintest idea what they themselves, or the company was doing. (This was a company that was investing 10's or 100's of millions in Thailand).
  6. Always got my deposit back in Thailand. Put it in a special fund in the UK so as not to be ripped-off by unscrupulous landlords.
  7. Thaksin introduced the 30 Baht health scheme? A remarkable feat in a country run exclusively by and for the wealthy?
  8. The new prime minister is from a party that never won the election?
  9. I tip in Thailand, in situations when I wouldn't in the UK. I would tip in a bar in Thailand, but wouldn't in the UK. I realise that if people leave 20-40 Baht tips it's quite a lot to somone who's on very little money.
  10. I used to tip 20 or 40 Baht. My check-bins were seldom more than 500 Baht, and that was often with something to eat as well as beer.
  11. An old (tight) friend once commented that tipping was difficult in Cambodia due to their lack of coinage. I did explain that a 100 Riel note is worth about 4 US cents. If I had 2,000-5,000 Riel left at the end of my trip I would give it to the airport tuk tuk driver as a tip.
  12. I always used to have a roll of 20 Baht notes for tips and taxis. I always used to bear in mind that waiting staff get paid very little, and if most customers leave a 20-40 Baht tip that adds up to quite a bit extra for them. (I would never put a tip on plastic because I wouldn't trust a business owner to pass it on).
  13. There's been a 'rumour' going around for about 15 years that Nana Plaza will be shut down, I think there was a previous 'rumour' about Washington Square also?
  14. Not sure about it being a big benefit using agents for this, if the 800k pa isn't a problem.
  15. Just waiting for our Brit-bashing German friend to comment that it was really a Brit who had acquired a German accent????
  16. You can, but bear in mind that there will probably be a 2-3% charge for using plastic. (Many years ago I would go to the bank to get the cash to avoid that when buying an expensive airline ticket).
  17. I wonder how different it is to the UK, where we've had police officers raping and murdering!?
  18. I've known guys who're always a problem when they drink, one guy only when he got drank/got drunk on whisky (ok on any other booze). After saying that, I've found most are ok on it. Many years ago I saw a guy wearing a T-shirt in Thailand that read: "Instant a****le - just add alcohol".
  19. Agreed. In a similar way alcohol is no problem for most, but turns a small minority into monsters or alcoholics (or both). It's said that cannabis can have a bad effect if taken during adolescence.
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