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Everything posted by Maybole

  1. Wife does Thai food especially Chiang mai. I do a few European dishes. Grandweans love my fish and chip (whenever I can get good ocean fish) and my mince and tatties. I have not yet found proper curly kail so cannot make a real Scotch Broth ( which wife loves).
  2. I tried a bottle of the lager, it is horribly sweet. I did not like it at all.
  3. Nicolas was an early christian bishop in Asia Minor who allegedly gave gifts to an impecunious family at Christmas. This legend was mixed up with Northern European year's end/new year mythology and exported to USA with European immigrants. There the business community saw an opportunity for profit and invented the modern Christmas.
  4. Unable to talk to the doctor, he cannot speak English. My wife and her sister have a history of exaggeration. I am suspicious that all of this is unnecessary.
  5. It gets curiouser and curiuoser. Wife now tells me that all except her sister are banned from her room for fear of contamination. WIHIH.
  6. I have no Idea. She was attached to a monitor which was fed from her finger and she was not wearing the nebuliser all the time.
  7. Her Blood oxygen levels are consistently 97-98%. I can understand the need for a particulate filter. She was taken to a private hospital at our daughter's insistence in spite of being well treated and recovering well in the local hospital. Our local hospital seems to be on a par with NHS hospitals in Scotland.
  8. My wife is recovering in hospital from a kidney infection followed by pneumonia. She is ready to go home but the hospital is reluctant to release her until I obtain an oxygen concentrator and install it in her bedroom. I consider this an overkill but I am not a medical expert. What is the opinion of members with medical knowledge?
  9. Comment from and ancient Teuchtar in a Highland pub. It does not matter, they are all the same the next morning!
  10. I am very fond of sea grown mussels and welcome this enterprise. How does the taste of fresh water shellfish compare with those from the sea?
  11. North end near Thapae road junction, other side from Diamond Hotel
  12. Try Sadamnern Liquor store on Charoen Prathet road. They have a good selection.
  13. Sister-in -law complaining of the cold and borrowing my pullover. I find it very pleasant here outside Chiang mai, 19 deg. this morning at7am. Meanwhile in Glasgow, __8C and airport shut due snow!
  14. The record is a skein of Canada geese seen over the Hebrides by an Islandair Boeing 727 at 28,000ft. This was during the 1960s.
  15. Why was this not done years ago? Are firefighters expendable?
  16. I think I make this request every year as New Year approaches. I like to savour a bottle of good malt around New Year. Glenfiddich and Glenmorangie are readily available but a bit bland for my taste. I prefer an Island malt (Talisker. Ardbeg, etc.) Would any member who spots such a whisky please reply to this post with details. Thank you all.
  17. Comment from a falang bar owner of my acquaintance "Why bother. all my customers have had enough and gone by midnight"
  18. Every Thai under thirty that I know intends to vote for MFP next time. Time is on Pita's side.
  19. The main responsibility is on the adult who allowed him access to the gun.
  20. Malt Whisky
  21. Back in 1978, I was walking down a main street in Malacca when I heard a voice crying behind me "Sir, Sir, I can help you. Come to my shop". A middle aged Chinaman rushed down the street behind me and took me by the arm and started to guide me back along the street. Curiosity took me and I followed him back about 100 metre, up 2 flights of stairs and into a studio type room. He explained that he had seen me out of his window passing by and thought that I was in grave need of his services. He was a Wigmaker.
  22. My granddaughter had the same problem and needed extra tuition . She caught up in about two years.
  23. Ironically it was Tiger and he is a ginger tabby,-a tiger lookalike.
  24. This evening after a meal outside in the garden, I was enjoying a beer and had just topped it up to the brim, when one of our cats, a large, robust but very friendly 2 year old tom jumped up, firstly on to my knee and then on to the table. He sniffed around the remains of the meal, which being spicy he declined, then sniffed my beer. I did not react immediately believing that he would turn his nose up at it. To my astonishment, he proceeded to lap it up for about a minute and then apparently satisfied, jumped back down,this time on to Sister-in laws knee and demanded a petting. He always did prefer women. I have never seen a cat drink beer before, has any other member seen this behavior?
  25. Probably a waste of time. She is a dumb woman who will know nothing. The real culprits will be a Chinese gang over the border in Laos.
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