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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. 23 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

    Do you know if the photos req need to be glossy or just printed out on normal A4 and how big. TX 

    I did a renewal of extension for marriage at Chiangmai yesterday. I took the relevant glossy prints but also included in each set of documents an A4 sheet of ordinary paper with the photos arranged  on it. The IO (a captain no less) handed back the glossy prints and kept the A4 sheets. The size was 4"X6".

    • Thanks 1
  2. There are many shops all over Chiangmai. You do not specify an area. I got a japanese import 2 years ago from a shop in Nonghoy. It is still serving me well. Go out the Sarapee road (Highway 106) to the 89 Plaza, turn left at the lights and after passing the Police Station, bear left and the shop is on the left about 200metres further. It is open from 5pm weekdays and all day Sat and Sun. Its about here N18.751691 E99.011873

    • Like 1
  3. Its all Taksin's fault. When in power he arranged that Lanna Thais got their fair share of government spending. Now the Junta is taking it back

  4. Some years ago, I had a discussion with a neighbour who was an Inspector in the traffic section of Strathclyde Police. He was of the opinion that you should stop on an amber light unless it was unsafe to do so. You would then have to prove in court why it was unsafe. He admitted that very few cases were contested by police.

    Secondly, in Chiangmai, about 18 months ago, I was tailgated by a Seelaw after I stopped on amber. There was plenty of time, I did not have to brake hard). Police decided that I had caused the collision because if I had not stopped, the seelaw would not have hit me.

    I would prefer to be hit from behind at low speed rather than side-on by a vehicle accelerating away on a crossing track.

  5. Alhamdilallah, Mair Rain.

    I uncoiled and laid out the hose ready to water the garden at 4.30 this afternoon. As I finished I heard thunder which sent me inside to switch on my computer and call up thr Thai Met department's Weather Radar. It showed a huge patch of bright colour just SW of Lamphun and heading my way. I recoiled the hose and waited. 30 mins. later, the rain started, very heavy at times, and lasted about 45mins., then it petered outover the next half hour. My plants all went Schloooop, I could almost hear them. Sister-in-law lined up a row of watering cans to catch the run off from the roof.   That will do nicely.

  6. Our Paw Luang (San Pa Thong area) has just announced a ban an all alcohol sales from 6pm tomorow unti 6pm Tuesday. I have seen no official notice although there has been speculation in some papers.

  7. 10 hours ago, mercman24 said:

    all these comments have any of you driven a big truck ? i very much doubt it by your comments, that is why you will see UK trucks with mirrors for this very purpose, stop posting stuff you know nothing about, car drivers.

    I agree, having driven some large vans, I can assure you that is is easily possible for a motorcycle to sneak into a blind spot while the driver is scanning his multiple other mirrors

  8. I have bought a gas stove and a replacement laptop battery from Lazada without problems. However, I ordered some chain oil for my bicycle and it failed to arrive a week after the notified date. Lazada complaints answered promptly and promised  a refund. Two days later Complaints informed that the supplier was unable to supply the item and had been removed from the list. I got my refund. A week later I ordered a similar item. After a week Lazada cancelled the order because it was a "prohibited item". Again I got a refund.

  9. My thanks to all who replied, please keep suggestions coming. I thank KittenKong for the link to the relevent article. No notification has reached in spite of Sagacard having a UK contact address to which they have been sending regular bills. I am searching for an address to find out if Saga intend to set up a new scheme.

    I have in the past asked several banks in Thailand if any will issue a Credeit Card and all have given the same reply, no falang can have a Credit Card unless he has a Work Permit. One also asked for a letter of guarantee from an employer.

    The Sagacard was useful because although they knew that I now live in Thailand, so long as I had a contact address in UK, they did not withdraw the card. RBS did as soon as I notified them.

    I used the card mainly for on line shopping, but also occasionally for paying unplanned bills. I could transfer money instantly from my UK bank account to Saga account in payment. I'have had several refusals (on line and in shops in Chiangmai) of my Debit card.

    I am therefore looking for  a Credit Card which will allow me to live in Thailand and pay by on line transfer from my UK bank account. I would prefer a UK based isssue but so far all have required residence in UK. If I could get a Thailand issued card, I would need to transfer payment via an agent from my UK bank account in payment. This can take up to 6 days depending on weekends and the many public holidays

    I hope this is all clear now.

  10. I am not sure if this is the correct forum. Moderators, please move it if another forum is more appropriate.


    On Friday, I could not log into my Sagacard account. On Saturday, I tried to pay a bill and the card was refused. I phoned the helpline and was told that ALL Saga credit cards had been withdrawn wef 28 March. Since the issuing bank was the Allied Irish Bank and Saga is a UK company I believe it is related to the pending UK departure from the EU.

    However, I am now without a functioning credit card. Some on line sites will not accept a debit card.

    I recall some discussion over the years on TV about credit cards available to non resident UK citizens but cannot now find the thread. I need up to date information on where I could obtain a new card without returning to UK.

  11. Thanks for all the suggestions, keep them c0ming.

    To clarify some points, The house is a new build and a proper earth system is in place. I watched it being done.

    I have bought several kettles for thai relatives, none of them have lasted more than 3 years. My kettle is a german make and has lasted 5 years already, Over the last 30 years I have bought only 4 european made kettles and they have proved much more durable than thai ones.

    She who must be obeyed insists on keeping this one because of its durability.

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  12. I have to use an extension lead or adaptor for my kettle which has a UK plug on it. I am unhappy with this and would like ti increase safety by replacing it with a thai 3 pin plug. I have searched HomePro, Home Mall and Global House without result. Has any member any recomendation as to where to try next in Chiangmai, preferably on the south side: Hang Dong, or San Pa Tong ?

  13. I have an old banana tree at the back of my house. The tree appears to be beyond producing fruit but there are several saplings around it apparently from suckers. Will these saplings eventually fruit, and if so, how long before they do? Will it damage the saplings if I cut down the old barren? tree to give the saplings more room?

    Finally, some trees e.g.apple, pear, date, need a second tree to cross-fertilise each other, does a banana need buddy?

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