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Everything posted by TaaSaparot

  1. Just like the Day Night Department Store.
  2. Looks like the majority were fined for not doing a TM30.
  3. 87 for me, but I have always understood that Pattaya was changing long before I arrived, unlike Stickman, and others that believe that Pattaya did not exist until they turned up.
  4. That all came to an end during Covid, when Stickboy left the Country, for a while. He is still on twitter.
  5. Years and years of Fat, Ugly, Cheap, Drunk, Old, Lonely snidey comments, while giving himself a free pass. And never let the chance go by to remind people that you were here in 1998, as though that is something to brag about. 🙄
  6. Nope, just the one security guard who had been told the Canadian guy was trying to break into a car (and it looks suspicious) A pushing match ensues, where the Canadian fell back and hit his head on the road.
  7. Miss this.
  8. And an aircon section.
  9. In the end yes, but not at the start.
  10. Possibly, but it was great while it lasted.
  11. Demolished so long ago, its on google maps. https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9295078,100.928585,3a,75y,308.59h,71.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRsUMXNB8NuGaGUgk2ATURA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu Sadly, as someone who ate in the 2nd Road, Walking Street, Pattaya Tai branches, and this one, there is no replacement. Would seem Covid is to blame.
  12. Been closing around Midnight every night this week, which is seemingly down to a paperwork problem.
  13. Tops in Central Festival.
  14. Crappy barriers and Cones will never be a permanent solution. In fact, it shows how little thought went into it.
  15. They have charged everyone else that was involved in the issuing of permits etc.
  16. As is the majority of Sois in Pattaya. But this has more to do with Soi Buakhao becoming one way, than Soi Diana Inn and Soi Honey Inn.
  17. TaaSaparot


    Lazada COD
  18. Nothing more selfish than Motorists.
  19. Ah yes, the Indian community. Sorry, I forgot about them.
  20. Stay away from the usual water throwing spots, and you never get bothered by it. And even then, apart from the odd rogue <deleted>, all the water throwing is finished by sundown. Obviously, I am not talking about the 19th here. Way too much whinging about Songkran in Pattaya IMO
  21. So, you live at the airport?
  22. Not sure invest is the correct word?
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