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tubby johnson

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Everything posted by tubby johnson

  1. My most recent under consideration lasted only 21 days (when I got my one-year stamp). That's an improvement. How soon after the Under Consideration Period are you allowed to withdraw funds from your bank account? Immediately? Or is there another 2-month waiting period?
  2. Is that a sissy lapdog in the photo? Wish that had been stolen too from the fitness boy.
  3. That's the sound my bottom makes after a few too many spicy somtams. Google Translate still has some improving left to do.
  4. Intrepid rookie agent Smedly of CSI Aseannow has solved the crime. The victim was shot miles from his home in order to steal £20k in cash .... from his home. Case closed. Move along, everyone.
  5. At one point the musician Nick Cave got involved. I'm quoting the BBC and various other websites. Nick Cave wrote this screenplay: "Following his death in the first film, Maximus goes down to purgatory and is sent down by the Roman gods, who are dying in heaven because there’s this one god, there’s this Christ character, down on Earth who is gaining popularity. As many of the gods are dying, they end up sending Maximus back to Earth to kill Christ and his followers. Following a series of events that see him being cursed to live forever, the film ends with a montage of Maximus fighting in various conflicts throughout history such as The Crusades, World War II, and the Vietnam War. The final scene sees Maximus working at The Pentagon in modern-day America, continuing his eternal struggle against mankind's most depraved of emotions whilst still contending with his inability to reunite with his deceased family." Hmm ???? ... Too bad this won't see the light of day.
  6. And that's the crux of your problems. Get yourself sorted out.
  7. You gotta love these bitcoin clowns and grifters
  8. It depends on how it's pronounced. If it's "kin khaaaow ruue yaaaaaang !?!" then it's meaningless banter such as "what's up?" or "hey, how ya doin?". Ignore it. If it's "kin khao mai?" then it means "Do you want to eat my knee" = "Are you asking for a knee in the balls/chest?". It's a threat. Back away do not escalate.
  9. Won't people ever learn Gullible, easily led, greedy.
  10. Discouraged but tacitly allowed and tolerated. You can't avoid the common people if you're not willing to cough up extra baht for protection.
  11. 14 years old and out at 1am, hanging out with thugs, in a dangerous and illegal road race, without a helmet, speeding, endangering the lives of other road users. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes RIP
  12. He was horsing around, broke the law, and paid the consequences. He could scream himself hoarse that this is all just an innocent misunderstanding. But on a serious note, news stories such as this are tragic. The man looks awfully old and frail for a 63-year old; his own fault if he didn't look after himself properly. But he was probably just minding his own business at home with his wife, the Covid mass panic hurt his finances, and he might not have anyone to return to in the US. Here's hoping he gets his life sorted out soon.
  13. I regularly receive both the .nig emails and the phone calls - as do most other people, I suppose. The .nig emails end up automatically in my junk folder and I report the phone calls as scams. No hassle, just don't be gullible in today's world.
  14. The server accepted my application. Then an 8 day wait until finally a rejection without reason. Would it help to resubmit it online?
  15. Yes, it was due on the 14th. I submitted online in the morning.
  16. My 90 day report was due on 14 Nov. So I submitted my application online on that date, as per usual. Today -- a long 8 days later -- I received "Rejected". No reason given. What do I do now? Re-submit online?
  17. Even Binance doesn't believe in crypto anymore: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63577783 "FTX: Cryptocurrency giant Binance walks away from bailout" https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2022/11/09/the-spectacular-fall-of-ftx-and-sam-bankman-fried The latest crypto Ponzi to collapse. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/09/technology/cryptocurrency-binance-ftx.html The crypto religion is running out of suckers to fool.
  18. Sure you have "model citizen" If you're so terrified of the police arresting overstayers and restraining violent thugs, then don't ever overstay again. It's that simple.
  19. He paid the price. At least he didn't kill anyone else in his silly speed race.
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