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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Nothing to argue about, as stated by multiple posters you are incorrect. The purpose of this thread was to give the OP correct information, we are correcting you. Sorry if you dont like it.
  2. Rubbish, the owner on the chanote does definitely not have to be there if POA is granted and correct paperwork prepared prior.
  3. Why not, how do you know the lawyer is dodgy? Do you consider all Thai lawyers dodgy? Had a couple of great lawyers act for me over the years on land purchase/sales.
  4. Cant personally abide people who actually start it by insinuating someone has a drink problem, then gets all sensitive as they dont like the reply. Pot calling the kettle black and all that. I'm off for a Leo, bye.......... PS, as well as putting me on ignore, are you going to tell your dad too? ????
  5. I think very logically. Chances of the Thai Army currently practicing in Lop Buri for an army on army coup/ civil war using heavy artillery and main battle tanks are zero. If you think its a possibility then you need to start drinking again and stop being a complete drama queen.
  6. Go have a beer and chill out, stress will get you before any of these other things you are imagining......
  7. I think you are over reacting/ over thinking........
  8. Why would they be practicing for a coup using heavy artillery and main battle tanks?
  9. Didnt take long for the fun police to strike!
  10. I've read some tosh on here, but this has hit another level.
  11. I thought you were a successful trader making a fortune, shouldn't they be flocking to you?
  12. wonder if she left a few signed photos for the station..............
  13. Smells of another Michael Bridge article, asking ridiculous questions and factually incorrect in many places.
  14. I bet Bob's a former 'heavy machine gunner' in the US Marine Corps, hobbies include extreme sports and power lifting.
  15. Followed your advice, anymore bright ideas? Not sure the wife will let me wear these.
  16. In all fairness, he cant collect his old age pension for another 5 or 6 years..........
  17. To be honest, I think that was always the plan. I laughed 15 years ago when someone told me they wanted to shift everything back from the front to Soi Boukhao, seems its happening. The bar area around soi 2 near Dolphin looks like a nother victim along sois 7/8. Naklau main street at the bottom is open, should pick up around the end of the year I think.
  18. Most people are here are not happy unless they are moaning about something ????
  19. Flew BA with the family summer 2019, great price, great flight and really good customer servcie both ends with young kids. My only complaint was the way out was during the day, getting into LHR early evening. The night flights arriving in the morning were much better.
  20. Couldn't agree more, take Pattaya for example, if they judged it on the amount of times the word w**k (rhymes with a piece of military equipment with tracks) was used, it would actually be a good thing for most, however it could be interpreted as bad.
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