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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Dont know what the hysteria is, he is Israeli so quadrupled or maybe triple vaccinated at least......... Thus is he not bullet proof?
  2. Is Thailand the only country in the world that changes travel regulations at the moment?
  3. Unless you have a crystal ball then the world is pretty much the same on this one.....
  4. No, I'm very happy to pay for every member of my family to eat breakfast. But if hotels charge full rate for 12 year olds, do they allow 12 year old children to book rooms and rock up on their own and stay for the night without their parents?
  5. https://www.facebook.com/monkeybarkorat/
  6. Would you let your 12 year old pop off for the night on their own and stay in a hotel?
  7. If you are catering for 'low rate road warriors' then you shouldn't complain when people who dont match your expectations of high social standing turn up.
  8. 1600 baht more than your budget gets this, my son loves it, helps with online school too.
  9. I think I know this one, In a ST hotel, you pay by the hour, not by the number of people in the room which is a god send if you are having a group session.
  10. Whats the name of your hotel? I'll make sure I'll give it a miss so I dont lower the tone when turning up with twins from Bill Board.
  11. Back in 88 I paid extra for single occupancy, then the hotel charged extra again for a guest which i thought cheeky.
  12. And there are some delusional people on here who supported the closing of schools and said online learning works.
  13. Top floor Central in Pattaya, all these machines have been unplugged and stored in a corner. Good job I say, these machines come a close second to the Pattaya bridge club on the amount of harm they can do to you.
  14. Not sure where you live or what your abilities are, but i would scrub the treadmill and go for a walk or a run, more beneficial.
  15. Omicron variant more resistant to vaccine but causes less severe covid, major South African study concludes Great news, less than a day old. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/12/14/south-africa-omicron-coronavirus/ Most infections are described as mild, with recoveries usually within three days, he said. The most common early symptom reported is a scratchy throat, followed by nasal congestion, a dry cough and myalgia, or aches, manifesting in lower back pain.
  16. Cool, cane it between 11 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, sleep it off and restart at 5pm. Nothing dumb about that.......
  17. Nah, its fun the give the finger from your air con man cave in the height of summer during a black out.
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