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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Are you bored? I said drive down for the weekend........
  2. So no medical qualifications then, and you just ridiculed John Campbell for the same. Hypocrisy at its best!
  3. this fella John Burn Murdoch, is he a doctor?
  4. Or you can order anytime online, Siamburies ship https://expatfoodsthailand.com/shop/
  5. Or you could just drive an hour and a half down from Bangkok for the weekend and enjoy a few glasses of your favorite tipple with a meal. You seem to be annoyed all your favorite sex joints are closed, and you have to wait your turn.
  6. Are they all using pirated windows with Hotmail addresses?
  7. If people didn't assume you were anti vax due to your difference of opinion, then there would be no need. I think you are trying to educate the wrong crowd.
  8. It has every relevance, most pro vaxxers brand you an anti vaxxer if you disagree with them.
  9. Then best to stick to what we know and not just mention 'probably unvaccinated' as that can spread false information. In may countries the odds are that HIV patients are vaxxed as its recommended they are in priority groups due to their condition.
  10. Actually, if you read what you posted, the article does not mention 'probably from an unvaccinated person' It seems you made that part up. The scientist says (as someone else has already pointed out) ................ How did the new variant develop? One theory is that the new variant emerged with all its mutations in one big burst. Professor Francois Balloux, Chair in Computational Biology Systems at University College London, has been quoted as suggesting it's possible that the virus mutated during a chronic infection of a person whose immune system was already weakened by an untreated HIV/Aids infection. But that is speculation at this stage.
  11. https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-south-africa-doctors-see-skyrocketing-cases-in-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-but-symptoms-mild-in-omicron-hotspot-12484607 But symptoms seem to be mild so far thankfully.
  12. No i dont understand 'probably' . So its also quite 'probable' it cropped up in someone who was vaccinated? This is just paranoia............
  13. Back to my first post, WW2 was about freedom, now you are incarcerating people. Bottom line, if you are vaxxed then you have little to worry about, people should stop being scared of their own shadows and get on with life.
  14. There is a choice there, dont ride a bike if you dont want to wear a helmet.
  15. For those of us who are vaccinated, we want people to have the freedom of choice.
  16. Apart from thousands of jobs and livelihoods. Very selfish attitude you have.
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