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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. Time to move on and live with it. I agree with him, people need to vaccinate so that when they catch the disease it is less severe. I've had it twice that I know of, the first time before any vaccines and I ended up with double pneumonia, which wiped me out for a couple of months really. Very hard to recover from the secondary illnesses that accompanied the pneumonia. The second time was after a couple of vaccines and was far less severe, just a mild flu.
  2. I always fly in business class due to a physical need and Thai Airways are over priced for their product. I was a gold card member with them because their direct flights are very convenient and I flew every month with them but in the end I decided that I couldn't justify their price versus product delivery. Many better airlines in regards to price versus product.
  3. Drink drivers kill innocent people eventually. He should be jailed and then deported for being a drunk scumbag. I got life changing injuries from a drunk drink driver when I was 10 years old. His punishment, nothing because the attending cop was a mate of his. That was justice in the early 70's.
  4. RIP and condolences to his family. Seems strange that he disappeared 4.5 meters from a jetty. Maybe got a cramp or something. But I agree with others, weak swimmers should wear life preservers.
  5. I wonder if the Russian musicians know that tune " Death march at the meat grinder" or maybe just a nice funeral procession tune.
  6. Probably drunk and traveling at high speed on the wrong side of the road or on a footpath and the dog had no chance. The headline should swap motorist and insert Muppet, "Pattaya muppet crashes into dog".
  7. A blessing ceremony for his newly purchased Benz.
  8. Probably the first time he has ever been referred to as an expat in his life.
  9. I guess that "back by popular demand" won't form part of his future political slogans. Another desperate despot who just can't let go of power.
  10. My wife and I go to Tao Poon nearly every week to go to Gateway Plaza and the fresh Market and there are a plethora of condos there to choose from. If it were me then I would prefer Bang Pho as there are a couple of nice condo complexes on the river and then you can catch the ferry as well. I live 2 MRT stops from Tao Poon on the other side of Bang Sue Grand Station as that area also has the BTS stop, which means public transport options are available, however your area of choice is a good one, especially if you travel to Nonthaburi occasionally.
  11. No uploading needed and the online application a 5 minute process to do the 90 day report. Much easier than a trip into immigration or doing it by mail.
  12. Yep, I will discuss it with Juristic before I proceed with any vendor order, thanks.
  13. Thanks, I'll discuss your points with a supplier. Some of the vendors that I have reviewed thus far do advertise a distinction between window glazing design for sound insulation versus that needed only for thermal insulation. My understanding being that double glazing can be used as long as both panes are different in thickness in order to reduce resonance between panes, the void between panes has to have an inert gas to inhibit sound wave propagation between each pane and the window's upvc frame needs to be insulated from the concrete with sound insulating material in order to stop sound propagation from one material to the other.
  14. Has anyone got relevant advise in regards to removal of an aluminium 4 panel sliding door system (2 sliders plus 2 fixed) and then installing a double glazed single sliding door in a Bangkok condo? I assume the frame needs to be replaced so that a new frame can be installed that is suitable for noise reduction. I have already added new seals around all doors and blocked off whatever gaps I could find which did help with noise but not enough as the existing sliding doors are poor quality in my opinion. I looked at one company's previous work online and they changed the sliding doors and windows to double glazed but fitted the new double glazed set onto the old existing frame, which I don't agree with though I could be wrong about that. I would sell and leave except my wife likes it at our current address, so I need to rectify the noise issue until I can convince her to sell up and buy elsewhere. I need a company that is competent to supply and install, inclusive of removal of the old sliding door set without compromising on quality of product or installation. I am guessing cost at between 50 to 75k or so, but that is my guess only. Thanks for any advise.
  15. Hopefully once he is released they will arrest him for other crimes. He has most likely been abusing children for many years. They should have knocked him off in jail before he had an opportunity to re-offend. Scumbag.
  16. "Sleepy" my a s s. That bozo was obviously flogging it and lost control.
  17. Tendon inflammation most likely, not major. I hurt my elbow in the gym a few weeks ago and it took a couple of weeks of rest to recover.
  18. Dogs hate vinegar spray, so vinegar or acetic acid in a spray pack would deter them. Toss a few chillies in if you want to add some heat to the brew.
  19. My credit card covered purchases and medical issues that arose during travel if it was related to an item paid for via the credit card, e.g. buy a plane ticket, hire a car or MC, be legally licensed and have an accident and not at fault and no laws broken then medical costs were covered. The CC doesn't cover you for travel injuries obtained when associated with an event not related to the primary CC purchase e.g hire an MC and pay cash then my CC wouldn't cover me for any accident or injury. She should move to a lower cost public hospital , the private ones will bleed her dry.
  20. Playing on the phone, so the girl could have been missing for hours.
  21. Most likely someone simply tossed a lit cigarette butt into the back onto some rags and the solar panels added to the burn pile.
  22. I'm not sure whether he should be punished for executing this "victim" or given a certificate of community service for eliminating a drug dealing scumbag. The RTP should lock them up and throw away the keys on the lot of them.
  23. He was probably wondering if his pen gun would really work, so why not test it before work.
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