I have watched most Thai based content producers but I lost interest in most of them as their week to week content becomes a bit stale. But I appreciate their efforts to entertain, as it must be hard to come up with fresh content.
I never watch any vlogs that show "paid promotion" because I find it very disingenuous for a vlogger to suddenly proport to use and love some random product when in reality they probably never used the product in their life until they were paid to promote it e.g. "I use Shark VPN for all of my internet needs because it is sooooo great". That example is the type of statement that would be considered by me as a lie, not a true and honest promotional statement.
I do watch a few Thai based producers because I genuinely think that they seem like nice people and I am interested in their general life and well being.
But I think the worst vloggers by far are the ones who come to Thailand for a month or two, have no idea about Thailand and produce a few weeks of content identical to the content that a vlogging backpacker the month before generated. Each week someone else "discovers" another Thai hidden gem that has been "discovered" and vlogged to death numerous times in the preceding weeks. Or they tell the audience that a certain market is the biggest or the best or the cheapest in Thailand, when they clearly have no idea of the truth of any of those claims.