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Everything posted by Muhendis

  1. I wonder how long it will be before VFS will be the "go to" place for us run of the mill folks. Nice if they can speed things up with regard to the 30 day wait for extension approval but there would probably be a sizable fee for that.
  2. I have a visa extension to do in the not too distant future so I decided to look at arranging an appointment at the Buriram immigration office. That bit of the web site seems to be non-functional but what I did find was as follows. It seems that VFS is becoming the preferred agency for document handling on behalf of the immigration bureau. Although this doesn't apply to me this is news to me. Any body seen this before? Visa categories and Document Information 2.3 Necessity to Stay and Work in A Government Section, State Enterprise or Other Government Agency Criteria for Consideration Foreigners are required to have a stamp for temporary stay. Receipt of Affidavit or request from the agency or organization. See Documents needed → At the Immigration office As soon as you arrive at immigration with the approved E-Extension visa, follow the steps mentioned below: Go to the E-Extension area at immigration and join the queue to the E-Extension counter Present the necessary required documents and passport to the officer Get the E-Extension visa stamp Add note: Please be informed that the application process will be completed successfully after applicant get sticker visa at immigration. Visa fees The fee payment is the last step of your application process after submitting your details and the other mandatory documents. The fees paid for E-Extension visa would be (NON – refundable online processing fee, inclusive of all charges) as follows: Visa fee: 1,900 THB Service fee as following: • Regular Service fee: 500 THB to get your E-Extension decision within the next 7 business days. • Express Service fee: 1,500 THB to get your E-Extension decision within the next 3 business days. • Super urgent service fee: 5,000 THB *You can also apply for a super urgent service, to get your E-Extension decision within the next day (only business day).
  3. My house, which is 2 stories, has no cracks. Pillar slabs depth of 2m. Landfill depth of 1m with 2 year settlement time. Then I added the carport. Cracks appeared, as anticipated, between main house and carport due to different settlement rates. I made sure the two weren't bonded together to allow for this movement. Resulting cracks are entirely superficial and not a problem. Stopping the water seeping between the house and carport was a bit of a challenge but all's well now.
  4. There is no need to panic about this issue. You have built a house with heaven knows what electrical machines (concrete mixers et. al.) running from the temporary supply. The rated "up country" voltage is 220V but this may drop to <180V under load conditions (dependant on your cable size). This voltage drop is likely only going to happen when you have a shower or make a cup of coffee. This could be a problem if the compressor in your air conditioner wants to start at the same time and likewise the 'fridge. We ran on a 1km "extension lead" from our nearest post and temporary meter with cable 25mm². We had no problems of equipment failure for that year before I did my solar installation. Our voltage generally dipped to ≈180V first thing in the morning when the village was waking up. Regarding the 40m rule. My meter is about 50 metres from my property and the PEA engineer, who was present at the time, didn't bat an eyelid. I don't think they are too bothered as long as the meter reader doesn't need to walk too far from the meter to the house post box to post the bill.
  5. 'Course they will. They were done professionally. I must say I do find it rather strange that we are discussing a forum members piles. Hope they get better soon.
  6. That's possibly true but in our village many houses have these monstrosities. This fella is good for 100A short circuit current.
  7. The OP is about insufficient funds for immigration purposes. My additional off topic comment reference investments was a note about why my money is not kept permanently in a Thai bank account. Funds are managed for me in the UK switching between suitable platforms. 12% was in years previous to covid but we are slowly getting back there again. Further discussion about investments is not part of this topic so this is where I stop....
  8. I had something similar happen to me. I am on marriage visa extensions and my money needs to be in the bank 60 days prior to the new extension. Mine was three days late into my account. I went to my local immigration office who checked the calendar days. The day I would need to apply was a friday but on that day the immigration office would be closed. This meant I would need to submit my application on the monday which is three days later. The immigration officer explained that this would not be a problem except that I would be on three days overstay. I should therefore expect an overstay fine of 500 Baht/day and all would be fine. For those among you who would chastise me for not keeping funds permanently in my bank all I can say is that my funds kept elsewhere, are earing 12% and I like that.
  9. Here in sunny 'ol Buriram it is simply a case of take both old and new passports to the Immigration office and the relevant stamps are added to the new passport. It is a free service but some officers will try and get 500 Baht for the privilege. No photo copies of anything are needed. The whole process takes about 5 minutes.
  10. This on international news. A slightly different slant on the same story. "A popular Russian-Belarussian rock band which opposes Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine has flown to Israel after facing threats of deportation in Thailand. Bi-2 confirmed on their official Facebook page on Thursday they have left the country over fears they could be deported to Russia, where they have fallen out of favour with the regime after criticism of Mr Putin and his war in Ukraine. “All musicians of the Bi-2 group have safely left Thailand and are heading to Tel Aviv,” read the post on Facebook. No further details were provided." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/bi2-russian-band-thailand-deportation-israel-b2488561.html
  11. That does have a ring of truth to it. It's quite possible Vladimir told his pals in the Russian embassy to have a diplomatic word with the head of Thai immigration.
  12. And free too Up to a point. Then, after a time, subscriptions will be requested.
  13. I agree. Simply looking at the logistics of getting a band and their equipment into Thailand has me wondering if there is more to this story. 'course it could be they just showed up and borrowed/rented amplifiers and guitars etc. but i would imagine they had, at the very least, a few guitars with them.
  14. I'm not overly fond of overpriced anything especially beer but I must say you have an advantage over me since I've never tasted crap. My dearly belivid brought home a can of that Carabou stuff which I tasted and after the third, or it may have been the second mouthful, I suggested it should be used as the compost from which it was undoubtedly created. I would dearly love to attempt some of the other beers mentioned above like Dunkel and Cheers Riceberry but sadly Buriram is less than forward in that respect (unless you know different). So for me the least unacceptable has to be Leo. As I may have mentioned before I am a real ale man from the UK where there is a totally, made in heaven, plethorough of delicious beer.
  15. I have an HSBC UK account. When I transfer funds to my Thai bank it used to take about 4 days due to an intermediary bank. My last transfer was completed within 24 hours which surprised me. I can only guess that they did the transfer direct.
  16. Let the defamation trial begin. Nice idea but not much mileage now all the damage is done.
  17. Yeah considering the discovery of lithium bearing rock in Thailand it would make sense and also offer more employment opportunities for the population.
  18. Thanks @Hotchilli. Yeah those temperatures are really cool. "When attempting to charge a Lithium battery below 0°C / 32°F a chemical reaction referred to as “Lithium Plating” occurs. Lithium plating is caused by the charge current forcing the lithium ions to move at a faster reaction rate and accumulate on the surface of the anode." https://www.redarcelectronics.com/us/resources/chargers-isolators-faqs/do-not-charge-lithium-battery-below-32-degrees/#:~:text=Lithium battery manufacturers often state,model%2C consult your manufacturer). I had forgotten about this problem living in the tropics.
  19. She was indeed peddling the news but I bet she was simply repeating her bosses comments. Looking at her picture, I would recommend she stops wearing her pyjamas to work.
  20. This is interesting. Please can you post your link. As far as I am aware, lithium batteries are not bothered by lower temperatures and are well behaved down to +10°C. Below that temperature they will become sluggish and will not perform so powerfully. However they do warm up in use. So much So in fact that efforts to stop them getting too hot have to be included in the design of packs.
  21. This is irrelevant. What is relevant is the amount of hazardous material, how it is stored and training of staff in handling such material. There should also be prominently displayed, warnings about cigarette smoking and use of construction hand tools like angle grinders etc. These things need to be mandatory before a licence can be granted.
  22. True but if you were to decide to build a new fusion reactor same as the current model, from scratch, your financiers would have to wait billions of years for their return on investment. Like you, I'm going to stick with our shared reactor which does 100% of my domestic electricity needs and, being such a versatile reactor, it also plays an important role in growing my rice.
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