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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. From their point of view, it doesn't really matter what mistakes the father made in the past. Of course deep inside it bothers and hurts them but as thais who are taught to respect older people and their mentors(theoretically a dad represents both) they would never confront him with what he did. That's why she looked at you the way she did. Because she knows you are right but she would never admit it as it's totally against what she has been taught and believes in.

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  2. McDonald's is cheaper in Hong Kong than in Thailand? That's so thai if you think about it. Hong Kong is one of the most expensive places in the world and they still manage to control the prices. Thailand is a country that struggles to make progress but the prices are constantly raised just to make sure everybody has a good laugh at the incompetence here.

  3. Anything you could possibly think of. As people mostly buy things that they dont even need, the question is not what would they buy but rather if my head was empty, what would I buy?

    Then you have an endless list and everything that is on that list is going to be needed by most people. So find the cheapest source to get them and sell it to them.

  4. I am back in Chiang Mai and going to stay for a while.

    I enjoy going out and socializing. I know there are a lot of cool people on TV who are long term residents here and I am looking to meet those that are open to it.

    I feel my age, I no longer have appetite for 3-4 different girls a day. I also had to cut back my daily calorie intake to 3500 and train only 5 days a week. I am no longer interested in very long bike rides, this heat gets to you goddammit. Nothing really makes me mad, I am calm and cool by nature. I am interested in all kinds of things..big bikes, cars, hot chicks, economy, business, investments, politics, spiritual stuff, bodybuilding, swimming, night clubs, riding(hitting the red line in 6th gear still gives me chills), eating, books, music, shopping, history, etc..

    Ah and I just turned 28 but don't let if offend you.

    PM me if interested in going out, riding, talking, doing some cool stuff or anything.

  5. Continue learning about it online. And when you have the opportunity to come here, then you will have the chance to go to different temples and talk to monks almost any time of the day. You can ask anything and they will do their best to answer and help you to gain knowledge and experience it first hand.

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