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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious. But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.


    Actually I was taking the p*ss, but nice to see even you buy into the "only BG's/lower class Thai's" do things like that myth, Women by nature are strange creatures, and even more so Thai women, irrespective of the "type" of woman, my we cite the recent case of the Thai lady judge throwing a wobbler over her car, for the Thai lady diplomate in Egypt slapping someone around...


    You have obviously posed this question for a reason, so come on 'fess up what has she done ? Tell Uncle Soutie and the rest of the class

    Yes you are right. I said it only happens..thats exaggerating. Let me correct myself. It tends to happen most of the time among low life people. That's not to say that it doesn't happen otherwise but my experience shows that it happens more often in the previous case.

    Btw, like I said curiosity was the reason I posted this question. Nobody has done anything to me, I am not the kind of man who tolerates retarded, mentally unstable people in his life, regardless of gender.

    I simply find it amusing when I hear such stories as these people who cannot control themselves and do such things are just too funny to me.

    You find it amusing ??

    People have been killed by this kind of crazy behavior that you find so funny.

    Get a life pal and start a thread about cheese or some other harmless topic.

    Dont twist my words. I did not say I find it amusing when people get hurt! I said that the people are funny to me who do this because they call themselves adults, yet are not even able to control themselves.

    • Like 1
  2. After two years I finally pulled the pin on my relationship a couple of months ago. She was the most insecure and jealous person I have ever known (in the two years we were together I was 100% faithful). I have no-one to blame but myself and my only defence is that I was blinded by her beauty and put up with the nonsense.


    On our last night together she got drunk and accused me of some nonsense. She would not be placated so I went home, with her following in the car screaming abuse at me. At home I went and sat outside with a bottle of beer and hoped all would calm down. It didn't!


    She picked up the large beer bottle and threw it at me followed by the glass both missing me narrowly. She then ran into the g house and came out threatening to kill herself with the scissors she was brandishing. I told her I would phone the Police so she threw the scissors (opened up) at my head and got very close.


    Then she said,"you want to finish with me" and for the first time in two years I grew  a set and said, "Yes". Normally I would try and calm her down. When I said yes it stopped her like that. She then spent 20 minutes begging me to reconsider and offering to change. I held my own and refused at which point she got angry and packed her bags and left.


    This is one of several stories I could tell. And if I might add a word of caution to anyone who sees this behaviour in their woman. Don't be a pussy like me, get out immediately. It does not change. They will not change. But you will.


    I have just started dating again, Last night I wanted to watch the late football match, she was tired. In the past that would mean sulking and an argument with me not watching the footy. My date said she would go home and wait for me, no fuss no drama. To most men that is probably normal to me it was a breath of fresh air. How sad is that?

    That's a good one. Thank you for sharing. You should be proud to finally be able to say no and get out of that relationship.

  3. Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious. But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.


    Actually I was taking the p*ss, but nice to see even you buy into the "only BG's/lower class Thai's" do things like that myth, Women by nature are strange creatures, and even more so Thai women, irrespective of the "type" of woman, my we cite the recent case of the Thai lady judge throwing a wobbler over her car, for the Thai lady diplomate in Egypt slapping someone around...


    You have obviously posed this question for a reason, so come on 'fess up what has she done ? Tell Uncle Soutie and the rest of the class

    Yes you are right. I said it only happens..thats exaggerating. Let me correct myself. It tends to happen most of the time among low life people. That's not to say that it doesn't happen otherwise but my experience shows that it happens more often in the previous case.

    Btw, like I said curiosity was the reason I posted this question. Nobody has done anything to me, I am not the kind of man who tolerates retarded, mentally unstable people in his life, regardless of gender.

    I simply find it amusing when I hear such stories as these people who cannot control themselves and do such things are just too funny to me.

  4. Yes the OP made a mistake so what. At least he keeps trying. The girl's english could use some improvement as well so I dont know what she is so worried about. By the way, the word he used by mistake is just another word in the dictionary.

  5. They never eat much at once. Thats how they are able to eat so many times. It seems that they eat much while they actually dont. They are actually careful about that, as for most of them getting fat means that the world has come to an end. They just eat often.

    Besides most of them are slim. Slimmer people have faster metabolism and they are able to eat more while staying slim.

    • Like 1
  6. In my opinion you have decided it once already together that the UK is a better choice and you should listen to that. Usually the first decisions are the correct ones, now you just started to over analyze the situation which has led to confusion. You know it already that the UK is a better option, you just miss each other with the wife and on the short run it seems to be an easier solution to come back, get a job and stay together. But you have been in that situation already and both of you agreed on changing it as it was not satisfying. So my advice, think long term. You might need to spend some time away from your wife, and arrange the visa for her which is a pain in the ass but in the end it's all going to worth it. Women look for two things in life: security and happiness. Back in the UK you can provide both with a stable job and once you settle down, you can guarantee happiness too. Meanwhile here, as you have mentioned there would be no assurance of future security, and without being able to provide stability and security how could you make a woman happy.

    Is she going to like it? You need to give her some insight about the UK and ask her what she thinks.

    • Like 2
  7. ... everyone would help... people like to help others, thats the human default setting...

    maybe you want to discuss, if one should consider this bad luck of falling onto the back as the turtles fate and accept that - and not intervene with fate...

    but part of the turtles fate is also YOU, who came along...

    But if helping each other is default setting then how we still manage not to care about each other?

  8. That's amusing. That's a fact that everything in this world is constantly flowing energy and numbers represent different types of energies. It's also not a coincidence that certain individuals attract different numbers depending on which energy level they resonate on. But it's unfortunate that people always try to twist everything and they think that acquiring a certain number or license plate will change anything. It's us who have the power to change things for the better but still we push this silly nonsense that the things around us have power over us.

  9. If you cannot speak Thai well enough to express your needs, and you cannot find a Thai staffer at CMR who understands your English, you are in for a long wait! Where the hell was your "Thai friend" through this ordeal?

    A very pathetic story indeed.

    Your answer you mean, it is.

  10. I get the impression that they thought that you were screwy and just wanted to get rid of you. That happens sometimes.

    I agree with UG.  Yes, that happens sometimes.  And who is to blame them !!


    Isn't it nice that it is so easy for people like OP to post on this forum!  Posted Image

    Ohh you guys got the impression, okay. Well, I dont get any impressions. I happen to know myself and If I was screwy I would know about it. If I gave them a reason to want to get rid of me, I would have noticed it.

    I stated my opinion about the work ethic there which I experienced first hand. But I really appreciate the helpful input. I am going to like it.

  11. Straight into the blood test unit. I wish I was that lucky.


    Ground floor to the left of the cashiers, before the exit. There's usually a lot of creams on sale outside the door. Just walk in, tell them what you want or tick it on the form, pay the fee and hey presto it's all over.

    Thank you. It's nice to see an intelligent post once in a while, that makes sense and helpful. I do think that that was the problem that I did not go there straight as I didn't know the drill.

  12. For 10k you can find some nice places either condo with an at least 6 month contract or an apartment. Don't get discouraged by the posts regarding to it is going to be boring. Sure Cm is nothing compared to Bkk but give it a try and soon you will see if it's the right place for you or not.

    • Like 1

    I've received service at Ram three times in the past week and generally have been satisfied.  I used to work as a nurse and the nurses there seem quite competent.

    Each time I've gone to the information desk to check in there was no waiting and  both people I've dealt with spoke perfect English.

    I didn't see people chatting and screwing around.  Every time I went it was without an appointment and I feel it's a pretty good deal to walk in cold off the street and be seen

    promptly.  Try that at a clinic in the US.  A 60baht ( $2 ) to cover nursing service and 300baht ( $10 ) to be seen by a doctor is expensive?  <deleted>?

    I didn't say that the 360 baht fee was expensive. I would be happy to pay more if I was seen promptly.


    If you  want prompt, CM is not the place for you.

    Can you enlighten me which place is?

  14. I've received service at Ram three times in the past week and generally have been satisfied. I used to work as a nurse and the nurses there seem quite competent.

    Each time I've gone to the information desk to check in there was no waiting and both people I've dealt with spoke perfect English.

    I didn't see people chatting and screwing around. Every time I went it was without an appointment and I feel it's a pretty good deal to walk in cold off the street and be seen

    promptly. Try that at a clinic in the US. A 60baht ( $2 ) to cover nursing service and 300baht ( $10 ) to be seen by a doctor is expensive? <deleted>?

    I didn't say that the 360 baht fee was expensive. I would be happy to pay more if I was seen promptly.

  15. This Chiang Mai Ram hospital always leaves me laughing until I cry. Every time I go there I am amazed at the weirdness I need to face as a patient. Two years ago I had to stay there for a couple of dayz as i had dengue. So I was lucky enough to experience first hand, what it's like to be treated there. Then this year, just a few days ago I went there to do a regular blood test for mineral content and also for HIV, Justin Case.
    Before I went there to do the test I did some research on it here on TV and I agreed with the advice that its best to go to the hospital because its quicker and cheaper as the clinics send the blood to the hospital anyway since they dont have the equipment to do the test.
    So I go there, go to information, then you are asked to go here go there sit here sit over there..I was cool with it as one would expect in a thai hospital. So after going through the general weirdness they make me talk to 5 different folks as noone understands that I need the blood checked for mineral content as well. But it's just the language barrier, we are used to that too. At least I am because I only speak some very basic thai. So after an hour or so they check my weight. Then she looks at me and says okay sir you dont have fever. How she knew it by staring at me I have no idea. Then they ask me to swait outside once again. After 20min another nurse walks up to me and asks what do I want? What do I wait for? I tell her. She says ok then disappears. Meanwhile its important to mention that the hospital was empty. Nurses laughing everyone was having some kind of fun but no intention to take my blood. So after a while an english speaking doctor shows up and asks me what I want. I feel like I am in heaven as those nurses drive me crazy with their incompetence. I explained it to the doc and he gets it..I am in, man. Besides I had a thai friend with me but it didnt help much, i swear everybody seemed to be high that day. People walk around in slow motion, little chitchats and laughs but nothing happens. So after talking to the doctor, soon they stick the needle in me and I have an hour to do whatever before getting the results. An hour later I am there to get it, needless to say they still have no idea what's going on. I am asked to sit here sit there go over there and another half an hour passes without anything happening. Then finally I get to see the same doc I talked to before. That's something. But I need to wait as someone is in with him. When that patient leaves I am waiting for the nurse to call my name. Nothing happens. A bit later I ask her can I go in? She looks at me smiling: I forgot to tell you you can go in. I go in I come out the result is negative the mineral content is all good. Now I need to pay. The process takes an additional 20min despite the fact that there are only a few patients there. I see them laughing and giving a darn about what's happening and at this point I wanna go through the glass window and show them what's up. Then they call me: I pay 2700thb for a simple test..well actually two. The doc fee is 300. The nurse fee is 60 lol. Those irritating nurses charge me 60 baht so I could watch them laughing and talking instead of working. When I left I thought I actually feel for the owner of the establishment and the patients. It's a private hospital and I personally go there to get better service but they always fail to deliver it. And the owner, for him it's business but the incompetent staff make his business much worse than it actually could be.
    Still to me it's just too funny. When i go there i feel like, I just can't do this again. I do believe it should be one of Thailand's attractions. I mean watching these creatures running around like ants, but everything they do is counterproductive.
    But of course, i know there are hard working people as well and my respect goes to them.

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