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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Oh that is really simple. First, other people flapping their mouth. What does that have to do with you?!

    Why would you listen? Every time someone talks down to another person, he is simply showing his own insecurities. 

    That's why he does it. To try to feel better about himself by belittling others. That's how you know whether you have just met a man or a stupid boy whose body is getting older. A man will lift you up, elevate your mood. An insecure little boy will talk trash about you because his self esteem is so low and he feels so bitter and bad about himself that he tries to bring you down to his level, because he obviously feels that he's less than you. He feels that he's inferior and tries to compensate. 

    Don't worry about it. When a boy shows up, tell him to get lost and go back to mommy. Focus on real men. 

    By the way chatting up a woman by trying to talk about boring brexit and other nonsense is another clear indication that he doesn't even know what to say when he sees a woman. With that being said, why wonder that they talk bad to you. Do you expect more from an insecure little kid who forgot to grow up?? I wouldn't. 

    If I saw a woman with that nice shape you described, which is very attractive to a lot of men, I would compliment her on it and ask if she's seeing someone then take her for dinner instead of talking about brexit and try to make her feel bad about herself. 

    If I saw a fat person, at worst I would tell her to love herself more, eat well and exercise. 

    Most grown men you see in Thailand would never even get a chance to get a good looking woman back where we come from, Europe US whatever. That's one of the reasons they are here. So then they see a smart, nice looking lady who is intellectual, can hold a meaningful conversation other than talking about facebook and getting drunk on the weekends. 

    They don't have access to that otherwise they would be living it up with a hot western wife wherever they wanted to instead of going to Thailand and settling there because it's cheap and the women are easy. 

    What did you expect what they were going to say? Oh yes you look good, you are smart and I wish I could have a woman like you but my insecurities don't allow me to do that:)? 

    Don't bother with what others say. It's about you and how you want and see things. Not what others try to force on you coz they are disappointed with life. 

  2. What does it mean they have no number plate and give false details? A bike without a number plate and official documents to identify the pu$$-+es is to be impounded and the p*$$y arrested. 

    If they are underage and should be in bed already then there's juvenile detention for such cuties. 

  3. I have dealt with cockroaches like that before. My personal opinion is that even if I was murdered, I would still not sign that paper. Just out of compassion. No gifts for b@+*es. 

    But as an advice to someone, who can be threatened and manipulated, tell your friend to tell those guys to visit again! Be nice with them, call them and say okay I have given it a lot of thought.. I will sign it. Come over please and so we can talk business. 

    Then be prepared for the visit! Set up a camera in some way that is not visible and record the entire encounter! 

    During the conversation, make it a point to ask clear questions about the matter such as.. So there's no way around it? If I don't sign, my whole family will be murdered? Play it cool and friendly, so they don't get suspicious! Nothing to worry about, it is just a family visit but accidentally it will be recorded. 

    Then you take the evidence NOT to the local cop shop because they might be involved. You make several copies of it and give it/send it to different powerful people. Send it to the army. Send it to the court. Give it to the highest ranking police in the area. 

    Based on the way they try to do this, they are small league idiots with a few lower ranking rogue cop connections. 

    Don't be afraid of them. Just play your cards right. 

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