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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. You are misunderstanding the situation. Customs or whichever department doesn't enforce the law because they have a natural urge to do so and they genuinely care about someone braking the law. 

    What is enforced and what is ignored depends on the individual you are dealing with and their feelings regarding the case. 

    Since that woman already made it clear, that she has a single digit IQ and she has no intentions to release your drone, you can either find a way to get that army approval or buy a drone locally. 

  2. Obviously a scam. Probably a black dude from Nigeria is sitting in front of his stolen MacBook typing the day away, trying to trick women into sending him money. 

    I would tell the cops and they would talk to the girl and she would continue talking to him like nothing happened and by doing so they could easily get the guy as it has happened many times already. 

  3. yeah if the immigration advised you that you might have trouble coming back then get a new one. And fly back don't cross the land border. Just recently that British dude who had his hand gel spilled on his pass was detained on the way back because the other country didn't let him in with that passport so he had to come back.. But his visa expired. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, blackcab said:


    I don't believe there is any law in Thailand that requires a property owner to give a contact to a person that rents their property. If there is I'd be obliged if you could share it with me.

    I am not gonna look up the law, go ahead DIY but I have never heard of such thing in my life that you need to sign a sheet with only prices on it. There's a reason why a contract is signed by both parties whenever something is leased rented or sold. And yes it is by law, because that's a legal document that's drawn so that anything happens they can get it sorted out legally. 


  5. It's simple. It depends on what you signed. In Thailand it's not legal but if you didn't sign anything that said you cannot do it or doing so will be a breach of contract and they will keep your deposit then they have no right to move you out immediately and have no right to keep your deposit. Go report it to the police if you didn't sign anything that said you can't do what you did. 

    If you did then there's nothing you can do.  

    It reminds me of that hospital that recently confiscated the passport of a foreigner coz she couldn't pay. Then when she went public with it, the hospital all of a sudden gave back the passport and all the money she had paid till that day. 

    If you don't let them screw you then they won't. That's all. But like I said that's only if you haven't signed anything that you should have not signed. 


    But how is that even possible that you didn't sign any contract just a sheet with the prices? 

    Then if it's true they broke the law because there must be a contract so report that too. 

    By the way can I know the name of the apartment(you can PM me) so I won't go to that place when I am back to CM. 

  6. My Thai gfs who are into this always tell me that they order from Australia. The shipping is cheaper and whether customs stop it or not depends on what's written on the package. You should find a company that is willing to write something like 'gift' on it. Then it will most likely pass through. 

    Since it's imported, there's tax and customs duty on it but since the destination country deems it illegal, you won't pay any tax on it. It will be confiscated. Unless you refer to the advice mentioned above..don't have it shipped the normal way. 

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