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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. There's no vaccination for dengue, only partially effective methods that are in the development stage. Those you can get for a few hundred bucks might work or might not. 

    Even the body can't develop full resistance to dengue. The antibodies it creates during the first infection are useless if you get infected again. 

  2. The only reason its at the top of the news is for the whole world's amusement. The girl in question is just like any other girl. Nothing hi so here. But her family doesn't wanna admit that she acted irresponsible and now tries to put the blame on the guy, making up things like molestation and false imprisonment lol. Nobody was falsely imprisoned but if that's a crime, then let's apply the same standards to authorities who falsely imprison people on a regular basis. 

    The girl wasn't raped, we know that from the start. By the way she's ugly. I don't know who would want to rape her. It's interesting how they mention the guy's name but don't want to say the girl's name. Why? Protect the innocent doesn't apply in this case. 

  3. Greenhillplace, dome residence, huaykaew residence, these are the bigger more well known places but you will find many good ones in the backstreets. Those on nimman are more expensive. But the small streets off nimman are good and cheaper. The ones on super highway opposite nimman are mostly hotels and there are plenty on huay kaew road adjacent to nimman. Focus on the small streets, on the main roads you will usually find hotels or more expensive ones. 

    As for gyms there is one in the old shopping mall Kad suan kaew on huay kaew road, there's one in the new shopping mall called Maya at the nimman intersection. There's one called Harris at orchid hotel connected to the old shopping mall. There's Fitness Thailand on huay kaew road. 

    Or you can check booking.com there you will find many. 

  4. 54 minutes ago, darrendsd said:

    The Legal solution would be to surrender herself at the Airport (not at a Immigration office as this would lead her to being locked in a cell) pay the overstay fine and accept the overstay ban that would come her way, probably 5-10 years


    If she has no desire to return home for good or return after her ban her only other option is to do nothing, hope for the best and hope that she is never caught


    Sounds like she is not in a good position, I wish her well


    She would surrender herself to who at the airport if she wanted to avoid immigration? 

  5. From what I remember, you can transfer but why the F they call that airport swampy remains anybody's guess. 

    And who gave that idiotic name? Why not swoosh? Or suvapoo? Or supum? Every single one of these make more sense and sound better. The swoosh airport. Or goofie, which would refer to gold field, the original meaning. 

  6. Imagine that you have a lower/normal blood pressure. 

    Seriously, there are documented cases when they asked people to do that on a regular basis and checked their blood pressure before and after. They all had lower results after. The mind can't differentiate between what's real and what's imagined. 

    Like simply thinking about some food you like triggers the secretion of saliva even though there's no food in sight. 

  7. If you are worried about who's watching you then you are far from being free as a bird. 

    I have never understood why people buy into this lame stuff. Yes it is true that there are certain people on this planet who are so afraid and so paranoid that they think they must watch everything and everybody like the <deleted> governments etc

    I have never bothered with that. The intentions of others, especially low life beings have absolutely no effect on me. 

    I am too busy living my life, I have no time for idiots. 

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