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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. I have built many skyscrapers in the past, I know how it is. When construction is done, we simply remove the backslider holding the steel scanners on the top. That way the diamond encrusted hexagonal gates, which were designed to support extreme weight, won't collapse on the super resonating balance collider, which would immediately result in the evacuation of the second floor. 


    Hope that helps

  2. 1 hour ago, elviajero said:



    There is no specific law regarding overstay. It is classed as staying in the country without permission. Overstaying or entering illegally falls under the same clause in the Immigration Act. In either case the alien can be deported.

    Section 54 : Any alien who enters or come to stay in the Kingdom without permission or when such permission expires or is revoked , the competent official will deport such alien out of the Kingdom. 


    Anyone that overstays or enters illegally can be penalized as follows. 

    Section 81 : Any alien who stay in the Kingdom without permission or with permission expired or revoked shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both. 


    If your friend gets caught they will be arrested and prosecuted. They will be fined by the court which should be less than 20K at around 5-6K. They would be detained until providing a flight to their home country. They would almost certainly be banned for overstaying for 10 years.

    yeah that's what I meant. he will be sentenced/prosecuted then he will be forced to leave/deported.

  3. I feel for these mules. I know how it works. Sometimes they really don't know. They are simply used by low life nobodys who sell drugs for a living, to carry drugs because they don't want to do it themselves. 

    Very often it's just a bait. While one person gets caught with some drugs, the real big shipment goes through without a problem, because the attention of the authorities is diverted, or they are simply paid off.  


  4. If she's never ridden before, you might want to do the riding and just have her as a passenger instead of renting a bike for her too. I mean, she can't ride. It doesn't make sense for her to see if she can do it in traffic, especially not in the traffic in Thailand. 

  5. 8 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

    I've already told you the answer but clearly you don't like it. What you are proposing is tax evasion based on "they'll never find out". Forex trades are not all counted as long-term capital gains and therefore tax is payable by non-residents on the portion that is a short-term capital gain http://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/09/forex-taxation-basics.asp

    I have never proposed tax evasion. By the way you simply told me to google it. That's not answer. 

  6. 1 minute ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

    So the Form 1099-B that the brokerage is obliged to fill out, and a copy of which they'll lodge with the IRS - what happens to that?

    They fill it out, send it to the IRS end of story since there's no double taxation in place between said countries. 

    Since the person in question is a Thai citizen, he is supposed to pay the tax after this income to the Thai gov not the US gov. 

    But according to Thai law...If capital gains arise outside of Thailand it is not taxable. 

    So we are back to square one and that would be the original issue, that I am in the process of figuring out. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

    I bow to your superior knowledge of US tax law. So you're saying that a non-US citizen/resident carrying on a money-making activity in the US is wholly exempt from US taxes? Can you provide evidence of this?

    If someone doesn't live in the US, has no green card, no social sec, never even set foot on US soil, but is a trader who has an account with a forex trading firm that is based in the US(which you open online), then how is he going to be taxed? How it that individual tax liable? The IRS doesn't keep records on aliens. It's not the NSA. 

    I know for a fact that in such case you are not required to pay tax to the Irritating Revenue Service, so let's not deviate from the original question. 

    But thank you for bowing down. 

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