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Posts posted by roger101

  1. On 9/21/2022 at 4:19 PM, JayBird said:

    Coco's at Mike's mall.


    Lots of cardio machines, and you can watch beach road and the gulf.

    Coco's is a bit beyond my price range. I'm going to have a look at Sun Gym on Soi Buakhao tomorrow.

  2. I used to be a member of  Tony's. I joined many years ago when the Baht was 70 to the Pound. I mainly used the Cardio room on Pattaya 3rd Road with quite often a swim afterwards. The advantage was of course the price. As I paid for life membership I could come and go as I pleased,no charge.

    During the years its been shut  I have done very little to keep myself fit. So I'm thinking of going back to the gym again. My sense of balance has got worse so I find walking on Pattaya's streets uncomfortable. I have asked about gyms before but when I looked I couldn't find it.

    What I want is the use of a Running/walking machine with preferably a TV  nearby to watch while I'm walking or something like Tony's badminton court to watch to break the monotony and of course cheap. Location is not as important as price but would prefer west of Sukhumvit.

    I look forward to your suggestions.

    PS AirCon not important as I plan to go early morning.


  3. 20 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Good for you. You must be one of the few companies that have taken on extra staff.


    BTW Insults are not really appreciated.


    You are absolutely correct that so many countries shut down a lot due to Covid. From what I can read however, unemployment has gone down greatly as well, though not nearly enough for some reason in Thailand.


    Many posts on this forum suggest the same.

    So in 8 years the daily rate has gone up by ONLY 60 baht a day, though without checking I suspect that the cost of living has gone up more than that.

    The official inflation  figure for that time is 9.3% and as the wage was about 300 at that time it makes 60Baht look reasonable. But you know what they say about statistics.

  4. I knew it was moving so I have a map of were the new place is. Does any one know if it's opened yet.

    Changing the subject slightly but same Soi.  Has Chow Soy shut permanently or is it moving as well.

  5. 19 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Might want to reconsider, as the DECO give you more power, more battery (power & usable ah s) & better warranty.


    I had another look at DECO and the Family 2 looks more like what I want. Most of the time it will just carry 1 person. At 36,000 Baht it is something I'll have to give serious thought to as I said before it's 16,000 above my previous ceiling.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    You're not going to find anything, that will carry 2 people, with a lithium battery in that price range. IMHO

    The ones I looked at had a reasonably size battery it was just to complected to remove them quickly although they looked like the battery had carrying handles and 1 picture I saw the battery was out of the vehicle and looked as though it could be recharged.

  7. I don't know if this is the right place but it's about battery driven vehicles (please mods feel free to change, if you think another location would be better)

    I am thinking of buying a 3 wheel  battery driven vehicle, preferably one that the seat configuration can be changed to seat 2 adults and one child. You must have seen them running around. As I get older I find my sense of balance isn't as good as it was and I dont own a car. Have always hired one when needed (not very often).


    Does anyone have any knowledge of these things, I have checked out a couple of shops in Pattaya but they don't have what I want.


    I live in a condo and don't have access to a socket in the car/bike park, so I need one with a detachable battery which I can take upstairs to my condo.

    Can anybody help me here.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:


    Where is your back up?? With mobile broadband available at a reasonable cost, there is little to no reason for not having it as a fallback.

    Up to 30 Mbps is available, more than enough for your streaming needs; 1690 baht for 12 months or 235 baht per month. Prepaid, so no obligation.

    Use your Smartphone as a modem or buy a 4G router for around 1400 baht.

    The trouble is I have no idea how to do what you're writing about. I just want something I can plug into the phone line and then forget about.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. I'm just about to give up completely on 3bb. No service Saturday and Sunday not bad Monday but stopped again tonight and has been down now for 5 hours . Just came back for me too send this.

    If I'm going to change I need to know who to go to.

    I'm in a condo so it's only a phone line access (TOT) I did have 30 mbps but as of now it's 4mbps when it's up and running'

    What's my best choice of providers if I'm going to change.

    I look forward to getting your comments.

  10. 2 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    Implement swimmingclasses in the primary schools and get the parents of their phones and watch their kids....

    60 years ago we had swimming lessons once a week for 11 and 12 year olds. Mind you we only had about a 1/2 kilometer from school to walk.

    It's going to be a lot harder here  when public swimming pools are almost non existent and private ones (hotels) wouldn't what a lot of local kids in their pools.

  11. Well, I would like to say how pleased I am with 3bb service. I would like to but I can't. I popped into the 3bb office on Saturday to try and sort out my problem.

    Can't help she said but I will send someone on Sunday to your home to sort it out. What time, no idea she  replied

    So I've sat here all day waiting for 3bb who didn't arrive. So no sports coverage at home for the second night running. To say I'm upset is an understatement.

    If they don't fix it tomorrow I'm going to start thinking about who to change to.

    • Like 2
  12. And why oh why have they started work on the other side when virtually no part of the original works (North side) has been finished. They have put the concrete down but for most of that side the pavements are in a terrible state.

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