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Posts posted by roger101

  1. Well, I would like to say how pleased I am with 3bb service. I would like to but I can't. I popped into the 3bb office on Saturday to try and sort out my problem.

    Can't help she said but I will send someone on Sunday to your home to sort it out. What time, no idea she  replied

    So I've sat here all day waiting for 3bb who didn't arrive. So no sports coverage at home for the second night running. To say I'm upset is an understatement.

    If they don't fix it tomorrow I'm going to start thinking about who to change to.

    • Like 2
  2. And why oh why have they started work on the other side when virtually no part of the original works (North side) has been finished. They have put the concrete down but for most of that side the pavements are in a terrible state.

  3. On 9/2/2022 at 5:43 PM, Crossy said:


    Yeah, I was just conveying the facts, I didn't say I agreed with the policy.


    No mask and you won't shop in makro or Lotus's's's either.


    I just go with the flow, if the majority are using masks I put one on, if not I don't. It does me no harm whatsoever.

    Lotus's the other day ,no mask no problem. TMB bank no mask, Kasikorn Bank wouldn't let me in without a mask.

  4. On 8/22/2022 at 4:26 PM, it is what it is said:

    of tourist numbers as a whole sex tourists make up but a small part, package holidays from china and elsewhere, of people not interested in prostitutes or the sex industry, make up by far the larger share of the tourism market

    Single travelers probably come for the nightlife but couples and families come for the whole package.

  5. 6 hours ago, lor said:

    When I first started coming to Thailand the bars were open 24 hours! At 9am when Marine Disco was closing it was off to the disco's that were just opening! If I remember right things were much more relaxed, people were not drinking fast to get as many drinks as possible before the bars closed their doors and kicked you out. I also believe there were a lot less road deaths then.

    I used to pop into Tesco on the way home at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and before that walking back to my hotel on Beach Road at 5 .30. Stopping at a beer bar along the way and waking the girl up under the counter to serve me a drink. long time ago I was young then.

  6. Before Covid I used to order various pies and Bacon and sausages etc from Buriram Pie Man. Delivered by bus to the bus station on Sukhumvit. As the bus fare was added to my order I used to wait until my little freezer was nearly empty before ordering to make it feasible.

    The main reason for ordering (apart from the fact of the quality) it was the only place I found that did a favorite of mine Boiling Bacon.


    My freezer is full right now but when it empty's I will be reordering.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Many years ago all Public Houses had cellars. These were necessary to lower the air temperature to about 55 or 56F. Which meant that traditional ales were  served at the right temperature. With the coming of electricity and cooling systems most recently built pubs don't have cellars.

  8. I had a small box of secondhand books sent over. My nephew arranged through his  shipping company to send them, no charge. On arrival here DHL wanted 1400 Baht for tax. Secondhand books theoretically are tax free.


    A few years ago some friends moved here from the UK.  After contacting the embassy they were informed that personal second hand goods were tax free.  So before they came they arranged for a container to be shipped with the  contents of their house that they wanted to bring over.


    A few weeks after they arrived they were informed by the shipping company that it had arrived at Laem Chabang and could be picked up.

    On arrival at the port the customs Officer said that there was a 400 pound (I forget the Thai amount) duty to be paid. When they said it should be Tax Free he said you can appeal but it would take months and the container would sit here all that time.

    They paid.

    • Sad 1
  9. On 7/14/2022 at 6:26 AM, jacko45k said:

    Stopped while the road works are ongoing?

    No, stopped completely when Covid hit. Before that for years during the day you very rarely waited more than a few minutes. The service got worse over the years and  sometimes you had to wait over 10minutes.

    . Then caramel Covid and it died.

  10. I live on Thepprasit, I just wish that the Baht buses on Thepprasit would start running again. It was so handy, 10 Baht to Thappraya Road then either another to Jomtien or Pattaya.

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