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Posts posted by roger101

  1. 3 hours ago I drove down Jomtein Beach Road.  It was busier than it has been, mostly Thais. I guess if schools are shut,bars closed and you dont have a lot of money because you have lost your job, the beach is not a bad place to come.

    What did surprise me was the number of people without masks. I would say it was about 60/40 (60 without) on the other hand in Pattaya it was reversed (40/60). No sign of plod anywhere telling people to wear masks.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Microsleep is a lot more common than people realize. Tiredness, playing computer games and any thing thats boring are some of the causes. When driving years ago (1600 Kilometers a week) I found that I started biting my nails when I was tired. It was the first sign of being tired, at which point I pulled into the first rest area to close my eyes for a little while.

    I used to bite my nails but I gave up years ago. I never bite my nails at any other time.

  3. After going to the bank this morning to pick up my Bank Statement (1 year for proof of income) and the letter for Immigration I went home and made sure that I had everything (double checked).  So after lunch of I went to Soi 5.  Not many people (3 in front of me).

    Number called so I sat down and gave the man the paperwork.  On checking it thoroughly and going through the bank statement highlighting the FTT entries he said I need a bank statement from home.  I explained that I used Transferwise and he said he needed a some copies.  I asked how many, 1 or 1 year and he said 3 would do.


    So of I went home to download 3 Conformations from Transferwise.  Duly printed, back to Soi 5. After making me sign them he took my money  and gave me the token and said come back tomorrow.


    The request for the documents from Transferwise was new. Last year I stilled used the letter from the embassy.  Is this right or is it just Pattaya Immigration being awkward.  Last week before I started to put the paperwork together I checked what paperwork I would need and found no mention of documents relating to a foreign bank.


    Anybody else had this.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 36 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Go to your settings and change the notification settings.

    Method to use for content I follow automatically

    • A notification when new content is posted
    • One email per day with all new content from that day
    • One email per week with all new content from that week

    Thanks Joe. Your depth of knowledge always astounds me.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, jimn said:

    Another OP who doesnt bother to investigate properly before opening a topic. The flights never stopped as quoted above.

    This wasn't for me but a friend who doesn't have internet. He was booked for a flight on the 7th June with Eva. When he went to the agent they couldn't at the time find any information. So when he told me a  few days later I said I would look on the net. I tried Eva website but no joy. Looked at another couple of sites, still no definite information. So yesterday I tried the font of all knowledge and got the info that he needed. OK

  6. At White Hart Lane about 1958 Spurs V Norwich in the cup. Stood right at the front near the center circle. Only remember one thing from the match and that is Norwich played  in yellow. Dad worked  Saturdays (overtime) so never saw another match.  Moved out of Edmonton when I was 12. Only been to White Hart Lane once since then I was making a delivery just before I retired here in 2006. 

    • Like 2
  7. I have Sony 48' TV which went bang this morning. I think it's a blown fuse. I'm looking for somebody to come and look at it and repair or give me a quote. As I dont have a car going to a shop is not really an option. And a 48" TV is not easy to carry. I looked on the forum but the most likely shop (from 4 years ago) which picks up isn't there any more.

    I know I can replace it from somewhere between 10 and 15 thousand but if it is a simple repair I would much rather repair it than send it to a landfill.

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