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Posts posted by roger101

  1. Got there at 7PM  on Friday and waited for the 7.20 fireworks. And waited and waited. If they are going to put the fireworks back one hour they should at least tell somebody.

    Saturday night almost missed the first show as I was still under the impression that it would start at 7.20.

    Typicl Thai planning.

  2. Thanks but I don't read Thai.

    I found the information on Pattaya News (in English) this morning. Good job I didn't trust Pattaya Mail they had the fireworks starting at 9.30PM not 7.20PM. I would have been pretty pxxxxx off if I got there at 9.30 and missed 3/4 of the show.

    • Like 1
  3. Some time ago a member said that he used the above Primer as it was the best All Purpose Primer he had found in Thailand. I have found it on Lazada but would prefer to buy it retail. Anybody know where in Pattaya I can get this. I have checked (where I can) on the internet but no joy.

    Or can anyone else recommend a good All Purpose Primer.



  4. Does anybody have the details of the schedule for Friday and Saturday. I know their timing goes out of the window as soon as it starts (actually the timing normally starts to go wrong before hand) but it would be nice to have a few details.

  5. The Fireworks next weekend are they on the Friday and Saturday (27th and 28th) or the Saturday and Sunday (28th and 29th). One article I read said Friday and Saturday and another said Saturday and Sunday.

  6. My Seiko Chronograph has started to run slow. It obliviously needs a new battery. The couple of shops I have used over the years are shut so whats the best shop now for a new battery?

  7. I have a friend in the UK who is thinking about living here when he retires in two years. Or should I say was thinking about  it. When I told him about the Medical Insurance he started to have second thoughts.I told him that I pay 144,000 Baht a year (I'm 73).

    He said perhaps he will come over for the peak season instead.

    • Like 2
  8. Why is it so difficult to find news about events in Pattaya. The newspapers etc will tell you that an event is taking place, but quite often that's as far as it goes. Take the Bikini Run tomorrow, Where does it start, where does it finish? Do they run to the north or in the opposite direction. Where does the prize giving take place and at what time.


    It's the same with the news, they will tell you that an incident (whatever) has occurred in such and such Soi but most of us once we get out of the immediate ares of where we live have no idea what they are talking about. A few maps would be helpful. Especially to a visitor (when we get them).

  9. 3 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    From where? I am sure by the time you seek answers here, driving maps will have shown the route.


    I looked at Google Earth and as far as I can see it means going up Route 2 for about 12 Kilometers doing a u-turn and driving back along Route 2  (another 12 Kilometers) back to the 362.

  10. My bank recently made a payment to Google (2000 Baht). As far as I remember I have never paid Google anything. After getting no joy from the bank(they even took an hour on the phone to find out that the payment was to Google)  So I thought I would go home and contact Google direct.


    Plenty of sites telling you what to do if your unhappy with their search service and how to improve it but no contact address. I finally found an email address of their press office and sent them an Email asking if they could help or at least an address for the right department. So far no reply.


    So I was wondering if anybody here knows of a direct email address.



  11. A the moment I use HD Prime as my TV source (mainly sport). I'm getting fed up with the constant buffering and freezing. Can any one tell me a good alternative. Sky, BT and Eurosport are my main stations to watch. Plus the Thai channels for the wife. Cable TV is not practical.

  12. On 10/15/2020 at 6:10 AM, jacko45k said:

    The guy suggested he had balance issues and was asking about treadmills. Do the paths in the park even have handrails? 

    Thank you Jacko. I dont like steps for the same reason. Stairs are OK because they have handrails.

  13. I need to walk more, but as I got older my sense of balance as gone downhill. I find walking on Pattaya's pavements (when you can find them) is difficult and I don't really want to walk in the road. So what I'm looking for is a cheap gym with a treadmill. I dont particularly want anything else.


    I used to belong to Tony's (lifetime membership taken out 13 years ago) got there 7.30ish walk and then home for a shower and breakfast. But alas that is no more. So anyne have sugestions, any where in the Pattaya area will do but I would prefer to keep it on the west side of Sukhumvit.


    • Haha 1
  14. 34 minutes ago, RichCor said:

    Not sure why you haven't already gone to a local clinic. Some infections can be treated with oral antibiotics, others would be better treated with an injections or slow-drip IV treatment (depending on the severity and coarse of the current infection).


    / Yes, I know I'm not Sheril. or even Cyril. 

    I have had thus before. I just cant remember what other antibiotic the  Dr gave me.

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