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Posts posted by roger101

  1. Hi this ones for Sheryl. I am self medicating for Cellulitis.  The infection stopped getting worse after 2 days. After 4days I noticed a definite improvement but the last couple of days the improvement seems so slow. I do feel teeter, no temperature now and my leg doesn't protest when I walk but it's so slow.  Can you recommenced another antibiotic to help the system along.


  2. What's the box called in which you have the electric line in and multi lines coming out. I have a single unit condo, one line supplies too many units (Air con, Fridge , microwave, TV ,Computer ,printer DVD player, lights and things like hot plates in the kitchen.

    It occasionally trips, it only takes a few seconds to-flip  back but some times it seems to trip for no reason. So I thought whilst sitting here bored I would check on the net for a replacement with more out lines, but it didn't seem to matter what I called it it would never show what I wanted.

    So what should I enter to look at whats available.

  3. I am looking for a reliable air-con firm (Pattaya). I have used the same firm  for many years but when I rang today the guy spoke Thai, the owner was (is) Paul. Don't now his surname I've always thought of him as Aircon Paul..

    So can anyone recommend a good firm to service my air-con.

    I was having some new tiles in the bathrobe ceiling and it was pointed out to me that the lagging on the pipe leading to the roof was leaking (obviously what caused the tiles to stain). So I need someone to come tomorrow or Friday to fix it so that the rest of the tiles can be replaced.

    I didn't know if this was the right place to post but I thought it would be read by more people

    I am very hard of hearing so a native English speaker or an email address would help.

  4. 3 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:


    As i said i ate in ''Cheap charlie'' one time to verify if it was cheap as expected with the name

    from my point of view it was not, as i paid 200 for a basic dish and a small bottle of water

    so i will continue to go to few Thai restaurants where i can have a nice

    tasty dish and the same small bottle of water for less than 100 bahts

    but no problem, i am sure a lot are happy with the food and the prices here

    and it's perfect like that


    As it was shut today (I normally go on Friday for the cod and chips 99 Baht with card) I went to Robin's Nest, it was also shut. So I carried on down the Soi to Kiss.Not my favorite restaurant it was only the third time in 13 years.

    Cod & Chips 240 Baht. 2 glasses of wine 240 Baht. Same meal in Cheap Charlies 279 Baht total, and the wine is 250 cc.

    • Like 2
  5. I know it's not really a health problem but I need to buy a Loud Vibrating Pad Alarm Clock, and I thought this was probably the best forum to ask.

    I have at the moment (well until this morning) a working Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock. After many years of service it's  finally packed up. When I bought it it was reckoned to be the loudest one in the world.

    After checking on the net I can only find ones imported from the USA at a cost of $76 plus of course what ever the nice people at Customs decide.

    So does anyone here know of a source for something similar here, where I am not going to pay customs duty. The Vibrating Pad is much more useful to me as my hearing is that bad I sometimes dont hear the alarm (113 Decibels). I live in Pattaya but don't mind going to Bangkok if I can get one there.



  6. Does anyone know where to buy Mixed Spice in Pattaya. I've looked in Friendship and Villa and tried Tesco Online. No joy.

    As a matter of interest I tried Tesco UK and they stock it. I know you can make your own but that is a pain when you only want a small amount.

  7. I decided not to bother. My phone is playing up and being hard of hearing I dont like making calls especially to Thais. It's hard enough having a conversation in English with my countrymen.

  8. I received a text today saying that I have an appointment at BHP at 1 o'clock tomorrow at their Surgery Unit. I have absolutely no idea why. It says bring your appointment slip which I dont have. The last time I was in the Surgery Unit was 6 months ago after slipping over and damaging my ear which need some surgery to repair. I went back after it healed and the Surgeon said  OK. 

    What should I do? Ignore it or goand see what they want. The trouble with that is they hit you with a 220 baht bill for having your blood tested (which I do myself and 600 Baht for seeing the Doctor. I dont want to waste 800 Baht for nothing. I'm due to see my Heart Specialist this month anyway.

  9. I need a smartphone but I have no idea. All I want basically is WiFi (so I can get HD Prime when traveling) a telephone that can text and a camera.

    I very rarely use a camera so I'm not worried if there is only one or what size it is. My last camera (not a phone) had 2 MP and that was enough.

    Obviously I dont want to spend much money either. Any advice (for a good camera or one to avoid) would be helpful.


  10. I have to travel to Phetchabun from Pattaya next week. I normally go 7, 9 and onto the 1.

    I have read that the 9 gets congested and as I'm not a very adventurous driver I prefer to stick to roads that I know. So what I need to know is how bad is the congestion at lunchtime on the 9 on  a midweek day?


    Also the advised alternative is to stay on the 7 and drive straight onto the 1. Is this a good alternative?

  11. I went there yesterday and it was shut. I thought s-d it I'd forgotten about the holiday. So I went back today just after 5PM it was still shut. Are they working reduced opening times or are they closed permanently.

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