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Posts posted by roger101

  1. 23 hours ago, rott said:

    Overpriced compared to where? 

    And what price is it that you refer to.?


    My morning (or anytime) coffee at the Five Star Bar on Beach Road is 30 baht a cup. Served to your table by pleasant staff. Not a tin shack either, with a view of sun, sea, sand and palm trees. 

    Mind you. 30 years ago it was (a tin shack bar).

  2. 20 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Almost every night these days. (I'm getting old...).


    If you have not taken it before suggest you do so on a night prior to the one before your trip to see how it affects you, especially if you would be leaving first thing in the morning. Personally I wake up fine and alert but people do vary. Same applies to any other sleep aid you may be considering.


    Many thanks. I'll take your advice an try it a couple of times before I actually need it.

  3. 39 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    you might try a higher doese and/or a repeat dose when you awaken during the night.


    People vary, but I find I can take melatonin up to 3-4 hours before I plan to get up without problem. Though once I shifted to 10mg dose I seldom need to.


    Note that being classed as a "nutritional supplement" melatonin is not subject to the kind of quality checks that other types of pharmaceuticals are and thus the amount of active ingrediant ofteb differs from that labelled and this can vary greatly by brand. (This is true of all supplements)


    I am using Puritan Pride brand 10mg. No idea how much it actually contains but I know it works. (On the rare occasion that I need a repeat dose in middle of night/early morning hours I take 5 mg then).


    Waking up middle of the night/very early morning, especially in older people, is often directly due to drop in melatonin levels so melatonin often helps.

    Do you take Melatonin every day or just when you feel like a good nights sleep. Just recently I find myself waking up after about 4 hours. I have a long drive coming up (well long for me) and I want to make sure I get a good nights sleep beforehand.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    I assume that urobilinogen +1 is from urine test. This is not an exact result, which means they did a simple dipstick rather than detailed analysis.


    Without knowing the parameters of the dipstick test used I can't know what +1 equates to in terms of amount of urobilinogen in the urine. It could be entirely normal since it is normal to have some urobilinogen in the urine, or it could be borderline or slightly high - I can't say.


    If you had a serum bilirubin and liver enzymes done at same time and they were  normal then not likely to be of concern.


    Regarding the monocytes and eosinohils, I assume these are percentages?  If so, I wouod need to know what the total  WBC count was  to determine if the actual count is elevated or normal.


    it is most unusual to have these sort of tests done every 2 months, are you being treated for a chronic condition?


    Hi, I have the test done at Lifecare in Pattaya. They are a package that costs 500 Baht, and include Urine and a Complete Blood Count with Kidney and Liver as well.


      A smaller package of Blood Sugar and Fats cost 350 so I have the same test as the one I show the specialist. The 2 monthly test is just for me.


    I did have a problem with High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol etc (and high Blood Sugar) but these have been brought under control with tablets and diet. I see my Heart Specialist every 4 months and go to Lifecare to  get the test. Much cheaper than BHP.

  5. Hi Sheryl, I hope you can help me with this. I have a Blood Test every 2 months (for my benifit to check on Liver, Kidneys and Cholesterol Etc). This weeks came back with everything normal except my Urobilinogen (1+) Monocyte (15) and Eosinophil (5).


    What I want to know is how much of a problem do I have.

  6. I need the use of a pick up for a few hours. I need to go to Chonburi, view something and then (If I like it) bring it back to Pattaya, The item in question is not very  heavy just to big to fit in a car. Any suggestions. I tried looking at some car hire but all the ones I looked at only had cars.

  7. 13 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

    Now... if sellers are "jacking up the price" of chicken as well "because numerous people have received cash handouts from the government" and because "schools nationwide reopened this month", then we are in real trouble, huh, Mr. Samrit?


    Sometimes the trivial nonsense that is spewing forth from these so-called "leaders" whenever they open their ignorant mouths is just mind-boggling. How the heck did they ever manage to graduate even from high school?

    Almost as bad as the politician years ago saying the smoke in Chang Mai was caused by all those Korean Barbecues.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Guderian said:

    I always get them in the local market, as fresh as they come and a lot cheaper than the supermarkets.

    That's where I've been buying mine.

  9. I've been buying my eggs from the same source for years, but just recently  the whites have been very thin. It might be because they are getting their supply from a different wholesaler. Still taste OK.


    Can anybody recommend where to buy the freshest eggs in Pattaya

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