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Everything posted by roger101

  1. I find your posts offensive and insulting. I saw the post about renting and thought I would find out more I normally ride a motorbike but my sense of balance is getting worse. I have really started to notice it in the last couple of years. I'm 76 now and thought I would try one out before I buy. There could be many reasons to want one for a few days. I would have loved to been able to rent one a few years ago when I broke my ankle. It doesn't mean I'm a 350 slob who exists on beer and fish and chips, although I have been known to have fish and chips on a Friday occasionally.
  2. The Sukhumvit side or the beach side.
  3. Thanks I'll go and have a look tomorrow morning.
  4. If you are in Pattaya go to New Bar in Soi Made in Thailand (the upper part), Ask for Peter he has a collection of guitars at home and in the bar on display. Which he adds to occasionally. It's a lady boy bar so to find it on the net if you're not in Pattaya you might have to go to the Pattaya Ladyboys Forum in your search (New Bar). I have always found Peter very friendly and I believe his knowledge of guitars is quite extensive. Although it's a ladyboy bar it's also a nice quiet bar to have a drink in. You won't get hassled by any of the staff or other customers. I hope this helps.
  5. Excuse the spelling. Does anyone know if the market has a seafood area? It's a bloody big area to walk round if you're just searching for one thing.
  6. The police should also charge him with riding without a helmet. I doubt very much he jumped up and nutted the window.
  7. If you don't expect to kill him don't kick him in the head.
  8. Wow. he is not British. Must be a mistake.
  9. WOW. A policeman acting responsibly That's why it made the news..
  10. It should be totally irrelevant where a guy comes from, only about what he is doing or not doing.
  11. Pantomime. Thai version. Oh yes he will, Oh no he wont.
  12. There is only one and that's Bread's Everything I own. I'm not even sure if that's the correct title but as soon as I hear it I think of my father who died when I was 31. Many years ago now but it still affects me. Even thinking about it makes me sad.
  13. Simple. He's returning on the 22nd and later that day PT nominate him for PM. Back and once again Prime Minister.
  14. Why be so pedantic. Lots of people say renew when they actually mean extend.
  15. I would participate too but it's way past my bedtime.
  16. It's political activists that get assassinated or disappeared. Not multi millionaire ex PM's. Mind you in other countries that might not be true.
  17. I have been here for 17 years, although I'm married I never used that for my Visa just the 65,000 Baht a month income. If they changed it by too much I would have to consider relocating. My wife's family would be unhappy though because of the money I give them every month. I must admit if I didn't support them I could live a much better life style.
  18. I read sometime ago that legally all bars must show a menu. Another Thai law that gets enforced for a short time and then forgotten.
  19. From memory it looks like the menu from the bar at the top of Soi Yamoto.
  20. Yesterday I rode in the Soi VC area. I saw many young Arabs on motorbikes who where riding a lot faster than me. I didn't see one helmet on any of them. The way they were riding I doubt if any had licenses. Doubling the financial requirement for a retirement visa would hurt me (I would have to relocate) it wouldn't hurt them because most of the ones I saw looked to be in their early 20s ,so wouldn't be here on a retirement visa anyway.
  21. Considering how beneficial this is for the child and the country as well (breastfeed children are healthier which cuts down expenses for family and government), you would have thought the powers that be would have a massive advertising campaign and set up all the facilities to make it possible.
  22. What would you offer for a 2017 125 Click with 52,000 on the clock with full service history?
  23. It probably does but you need brains to be able to use it.
  24. Send for Leslie Phillips.
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