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DIY & Electrical Forum Expert
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Everything posted by bluejets

  1. ..............and they complain about the 2 cents worth contained in blue tip silver solder and ban it as a result.
  2. Aussie pollies apparently intend cutting back spending on armed forces. I'm sure if they ask the boofhead Albo nicely, he'd agree to give them both a frigate and a sub. At least by the time we get these new subs they'll be over 30 year old designs and pretty useless anyhow. Well, except for tying them up at the wharf and using the nuclear reactor for general power.
  3. Immigration would have entry records. Surely a fairly straight forward process to raise alarms on overstay people. Perhaps a good move would be to offer say 1000 baht for information leading to an arrest (kick 'em out) order. Many Thai have their head stuck in mobile phones these days so some kind of app perhaps.
  4. ....best don't as you say.
  5. Fairly common fault in the remote is the button looses it's conductive coating and no longer works. There are claimed fixes which work on youtube or instructables but never in real life. Obvious fix there would be a new remote. One can check if it is working by pointing at you mobile phone screen while pushing the button in question. The IR light can be seen while the phone camera is active.
  6. That would be my concern. The trip from Suvarnabhumi to Pattaya is usually around the 2 hour mark as others have said, BUT............ having just returned from Thailand I can tell you every domestic flight was late, perhaps at least 1 hour. So is this an International arrival where you have to go through immigration or a basic domestic flight? Either could see delays, immigration or late flights. I prefer to eliminate the possibility of delays by doing what another suggested.....take a flight the day before.
  7. MacGyver alive and well in Thailand I see. More like an electrical short from some diy install........
  8. A megger is used on all disconnected circuits to determine their "leakage" or down to earth value. Interpreting these values is another issue. Your "voltage sensor" is not worth didly squat as a measurement or indication of any problem.
  9. Someone doesn't get out much methinks. 1 hour trip (return in Thailand for 2 people ) around 2 $270. Same in Aus 4 times that.
  10. Pole spacing is dependant on cable size.
  11. As the old saying goes, if you want a Ferrari, buy a Ferrari. You might find yourself with torque problems with your requirements and expectations. I cannot see any split phase motor working successfully on a 3 phase inverter regardless of how many say "I got one and it works". There is simply too much difference in start run winding properties.
  12. Get rid of the phone..........change sim.
  13. It's cost...get a life.
  14. Neutral not required for certain dimmer types. Example........ https://www.sparkydirect.com.au/assets/brochures/42E350RLD2M-VW.pdf
  15. Threw a couple of "Mozzie Zappers" ...tennis racquet type ...in the checked-in luggage in Udon Thani last week on our way down to Bkk before return to Aus next morning. Waited for the displayed 5 minutes(plus some)where one needs to see if any checked-in luggage problems come up on the screen adjacent to the check-in counters(Thai Airways). None came up in the allotted time (plus some). Called back through security from upstairs about 15 minutes later to open the luggage. Bloke pointed to the mozzie zappers and verdict seemed to be " no...cannot". They have a rechargable battery inside about the size of a pea so that might have been the problem with checked-in. Offered to stick in our carry-on but once again "no way bloke". No point arguing so just agreed to bin them. News to me, never had problem before.......maybe he needed a couple at home, who knows. Also seems to be a lot of concern lately about any electronic devices such as laptops or carrying any batteries in carry-on luggage. As far as I was aware and what is written on nearly all web sites for aviation, batteries up to a certain size "should be" in ones carry-on. Qantas as well as Thai Airways I might add. Perhaps a knee jerk reaction to the "smoke-up" some mob had a week or so ago on one flight. I know Banggood no longer permit batteries be sent to Thailand so it could be one of those b/s things about to restrict even more our daily lives once again.
  16. You already had a fan....just don't put water in it.
  17. Water cooler waste of time over 20% humidity. At 80% you need to reduce humidity hence rac's
  18. Try to get a visa at any thai consulate without 6 month remaining and see how you go....you'll be disappointed with reality.
  19. Twist and tape one of the biggest problem areas in Thailand. That plus lack of recognition of the effects of joining aluminium and copper incorrectly. The next is either non-existent or badly set up MEN system causing neutral voltage rise among other things. Next would be an understanding of main earth installs and fault currents. Overloaded and poor cable size selection allowing voltage drop under higher current demand conditions would be another.
  20. Ends of the element sheath are commonly sealed to some extent to stop moisutre ingress into the manganese dioxide insulating medium as the element cools. Fix,if moisture is the problem, usually determined by megger test, is to remove the sealer, heat the sheath with a butane torch from mid-point to each end alternatively, driving moisture out. This is sometimes obvious like the sound of a wet firework or sneaky fart. Then re-test and reseal if successful. Option 1 for diy is get a new one.
  21. .....and at some future time, perhaps reality kicks in. Like, what to do for money ,obviously has zero savings, any form of health insurance would eat into anything he might have,how will he work here, how to pay for whatever visa just lets you plonk youself down here forever and a day and broadcast the fact on some 2 bit social media site. Absolute tosser.......
  22. Most likely a kactus led bulb. If all else fails, replace the wholus bolus. After all, I'm certain you would have seen " no servicable items inside".
  23. Had one done in Aus 4 days before coming back over to Thailand. Day surgery took maybe 4 hours total time at hospital. No side effects apart from the advised blood discharge in motions for around 7 days all up. Removed 4 polyps and tied off 4 hemoroids. Imagine any test result on biopsy waiting for when I return although doctor at the time said all looked good. Best way to handle jokes about colonoscopy proceedure is to get in first, leaves others with no where to go. 😁
  24. As one has already noted, not the run-of-the-mill result considering what the cost is dust to dust. What you fail to recognise ( why I don't know as it is so obvious) is the initial set up costs. Then come any repair/ maintenance/ replacement costs. Then, which will probably come as a real surprise to you, the future cost of disposing of any spent / worn out/ no longer operational sections of the installation. Even now there are countries with stockpiles of used buggered solar panels with no idea where to dispose of them. One can bet you as a consumer will fit the bill. Bit the same as your old worn out car/truck tyres. Then after 20 odd years, it all starts over again from scratch. Inshort, no such thing as a free lunch.
  25. Well, another dilute raving on. One thing many LED fittings will not sustain is reduced mains voltage levels. There are dimmable LED fittings out there but the technology behind the dimming process is not just wack a cap in series and close the cover. If it were that simple, manufacturers would have been all over it years ago. Best thing the Op can do is post on "instructables" where the rest of many wakkos reside.
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