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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Government U-turn after the damage to their reputation has been done, something not uncommon for this travesty of a government
  2. Another 'clean sweep' man trying to justify his existence.
  3. True but I doubt that Musk's master is any better. It is also important to realize why Tommy Robinson was imprisoned, for defying a court oder against spreading false and discriminatory rumours against an innocent man, ie lying, something Trump has done often enough himself.
  4. "Displayed effeminate behaviour and was often seen bringing male teenagers to his accommodation". He was having a bit of Dhamma on the side. Why would a monk have a financial dispute with another monk?
  5. I presume he will have to pay for the old man's hospital bill as well.
  6. They gave themselves up when they realized they were on CCTV. They could hardly give the reason for the attack as, 'he hasn't paid us for the ya ba we supplied him with'.
  7. At the very least it is the position of being the President that is respected, respecting the attributes and abilities of the person comes a little later. It is my opinion that Trump has dragged this elevated and respected position into the gutter, he is a criminal, a rapist, a liar, he even cheats the workmen and small firms who work for him and he is also possibly a traitor, whether by design or stupidity. He has divided his country and it would appear now he will attempt to divide the world with Tarifs, which history shows doesn't work, it strengthens the competitor to be even better, see China with the huge strides it has made in chip production and new innovations with the machines to produce chips since China was cut off from buying the latest machines from Holland, great! now they make their own. If he manages to survive 4 more years cognitively, which I doubt, he will leave America a poorer place. It is my hope that Europe can bring the herculean effort to move away from the US and realign themselves, why stay tethered to a sinking ship.
  8. Well admittedly she wasn't a leading light but she would have been presentable internationally and would have received respect instead of hidden giggles.
  9. That will make the prostate examination easier then.
  10. Well it is and nobody wants to see 'her' dick in the rest room.
  11. Well I too was aghast with disbelief that Trump won but I have since comforted myself with the thought that those who voted for him have got the president they deserve.
  12. If he had fallen down well he would have been found sooner.
  13. She's never been so firmly rejected.
  14. I don't think she has much to worry about, the ground work has been done, only the embellishments need putting up.
  15. Nothing lasts forever, dictatorships, capitalism, socialism, democracy are all short term works in progress, hailed for a while, tinkered with for improvement beyond recognition only to sink back from whence they came. Eventually they are taken back out of the drawer of forgetfulness, dusted off and declared the new panacea of societies ills.......it's all crap, nothing can threaten you unless you take it all seriously.
  16. We'll be watching your progress in court. Don't try to be clever with the tax office, you have more chance of leniency in a homicide case.
  17. This is what happens when a country is broke and in debt, the interest paid on the national debt is now higher than the defense budget. I suspect, 'you aint seen nothing yet'.
  18. I believe him when he says he was unaware that the body had landed n his roof, otherwise he would have dragged it off and thrown it in a ditch.
  19. Nothing wrong in getting old when one considers the alternative.
  20. Is that what they did to the captain of the Concordia?
  21. Really? What safety feature was missing? Any attempt to rubbish Thailand is good enough apparently.........this wasn't the Concordia.
  22. And you the people deserve him.
  23. so making products efficiently that the unemployed cant afford to buy.
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