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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. This is food for the woke brigade high on estrogen, they'll be screeching blue murder in a few hours time. The falang was a gentleman, he didn't kick the monstrosity when he was down.
  2. Man up (if you'll pardon the expression) this took place in a bar full of drunk hookers at 4:30 in the morning in Pattaya, sounds normal for the place to me.
  3. Your estrogen levels are too high, drunk hookers, drunk punter, 4:30 in the morning in a bar.........the altercation sounds quite normal, why are you getting your knickers in a twist.
  4. It would appear from those who had seen the video that apart from some pushing and shouting by the hookers trying to prevent him from leaving nobody was 'assaulted', it seems from many 'concerned' posters here that not only the hookers were hysterical.
  5. If she hadn't filmed him she'd have nothing to complain about....and nothing sensational to post on facebook but there you go, you lose some you win some. She is a little wiser now though, don't get in an angry man's face when he is having a fight....but she knows that now and I am sick of this topic.
  6. I was being sarcastic, one often reads about asking the indigenous people for permission before taking a picture, here was the reverse happening. Of course he wouldn't have agreed so why get in his face, he was clearly agitated and possibly drunk. If she was looking for something sensational to post to the world she got it but hey don't complain if it goes wrong, getting too close to fighting dogs can get you bitten, common sense.
  7. I agree, the Neanderthal features are entirely missing.
  8. Be careful, the woke mob is always at the ready with false outrage, it's as good as an orgasm for some.
  9. I don't think it's illegal if it's in a public place, but it can be unwise sometimes.
  10. No, but she didn't act in her own best interest. What happens to him is up to the Thai judiciary, I can imagine that he will appear in court, be fined, pay recompense to the victim and then be deported. These days, with the abundance of smart phones, people are quick to photograph anything, sometimes discretion is the better part of valour, gawking and rubber necking are natural reactions, photographing is a whole new level and not very healthy.
  11. Consequences are a part of life and always exist as he will certainly find out to his cost, unfortunately he will probably only be fined instead of a stint in jail.
  12. I agree but others would be filming out of arms reach, getting into someones face who was angry and probably drunk is just as much a poor decision as his.
  13. Certainly but as she found out, there are consequences.
  14. What if he is? He is just as entitled to his views as a homosexual participant in a pride march, let's have a level playing field for everybody.
  15. They seem to exist everywhere in the world, I cant think of one leader anywhere who has integrity and a genuine will to serve his/her people, the world is being ruled by sociopaths kept somewhat in check by a patient civil service.
  16. Maybe she should have asked his permission first before filming......her actions were pretty stupid, the man was already hyped up what did she think would happen. That is not to excuse his violence towards her but she wasn't very street smart.
  17. What nerve have I touched for you to take my post so personally? Posts on AN don't change the world, they aren't even a fart in someones general direction. It isn't advisable to identify closely with any politician, they don't care about you, they care about personal power and most are sociopaths.
  18. They are both old and unfit but the orange one has dementia as well as being a fascist.
  19. In Thailand it's the rainy season.....in Europe it's summer, might have something to do with it but we will never know until we form a committee.
  20. Oh that is a poor dish, it's merely a reaction while you hover above me, pure and inviolate, bereft of any of the faults I admire while possessing the virtues I dislike.
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