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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. She only did it because the dog looked depressed and she decided to give him a good pugging.
  2. At least they had a good view.....didn't see that coming though.
  3. He should be grateful it wasn't higher up.
  4. Not anymore.....he's learnt his lesson.
  5. A "disregard for accuracy" annoyed the disciple of truth.
  6. Yeah, all those great British (???) firms and the finance to back them up are just waiting to spring into action.
  7. Yes, Brexit was a huge mistake, we are Europeans not Americans, there is no 'special relationship' and it's humiliating to hang on to the American coat tails like some servile lackey, our biggest market lays on our doorstep with people who think like us, people with some nobility, class and education (some of which still exists in the UK). French style and diplomacy, Italien design, British scientists and finance experts, German engineering, chemistry and physicists, we ought to be unbeatable with the right politicians but the likes of Margaret Thatcher, Helmut Schmidt, Matteo Renzi, Emmanuel Macron are gone.
  8. What fight? The days of 'by Jingo' are gone, Great Britain is now an insignificant island in the North sea, the industrial prowess that it once had is finished and quite frankly it's now an awful place to live, even before Starmer society was broken and in debt and no, it won't get better.
  9. That name was a geographic interpretation, England, Scotland and Wales, 'great' was added to the name Britain to distinguish it from the similar sounding name of Brittany, a French region.
  10. I see, well we all have our ambitions, some more realistic than others.
  11. He would like to have put the valuables in a bank.....but that's where he got them from.
  12. pure amateurs compared to the Catholic church, they move their perverts to quiet backwater communities where they can continue their dirty work for years before it's found out then they pay hush money.
  13. He paid for a hotel stay, not a song and dance, I would have been embarrassed and waved while leaving quickly.
  14. Woke is decadence made acceptable to a public that has long ceased to have the courage to be critical and who will tentatively embrace any filth under the guise of being 'tolerant.
  15. No but she wouldn't be allowed to get married to her suitor if he (usually his parents) didn't pay sin sod, basically it was an assurance that he could afford a wife and the payment was also recompense to her parents for bringing her to adulthood and as payment for losing her contributing work to the family. These days the money is usually symbolic, it would be laid out for show at the ceremony only to be collected again by the groom but more importantly gold ornaments would be given to the bride and her mother. My wife has been buying gold bit by bit for the distant future wedding of our 17 year old son. My wife owns a lot of rice fields and because my son has a falang father and is well educated my wife has told me that a few mothers have already told her that if he marries one of their daughters they wont ask for sin sod, my son says fvck marriage and after seeing what we go through with my wife's grand kids he says no way is he having children.....yeah right, who hasn't said that as a teenager.
  16. None, she is obviously no longer a virgin, the payment was to mark the ending of that state.
  17. If ever there was a need for a pit bull.....
  18. Here, let me help you get this ring off your finger.
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