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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. It has also caused some doctors in Germany to be concerned. My brother in the UK has been off work with 'long covid' for two years after being vaccinated with mRNA.
  2. Even Jesus hat an agenda. I'm sure that this misunderstanding will be cleared up soon and that the real culprit, corporal Somchai, will be arrested and charged.
  3. Got to laugh at the false Christian mafia.....if they weren't so scary in their bigotry and ignorance.
  4. I agree, also there is no mention of America being a Christian nation in any of its statutes.
  5. No, she is Chinese remember, this wont go down well in China so he will have to go down well in Thailand.
  6. and yet presumably you would describe yourself as a civilized man but not cultured I hope, that would be like watching a dog walk on its hind legs, it isn't done well but one is surprised to see it done at all.
  7. I have a house in Chiang Mai and we live in our house in Surin, both houses are owned by my Thai partner and our 16 year old son.
  8. Disdain is a noble shield against that which is negative and about which I can do nothing. I have disdain for Trump, for Putin, for the slaughter in the middle east, for the exaggerations in the media, for the monetary manipulators who are destroying the 99% in the West and for those who would hold up basic primitive instincts as something to be admired. Those admirable members of human society who quietly create are ignored while the destroyers become famous and even in many cases praised.
  9. As Mark Twain once said, "Don't argue with idiots, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".
  10. It's important to show disdain towards the primitive side of human nature.
  11. Well I've spent most of my working life in a civilized country, so outside the UK, which means I haven't had to deal with any primitives.
  12. Obviously not his boss who is getting some kickbacks so the silly Denunziant is in big trouble and will lose his gambling rights.
  13. You cynic! Look at his cute little face, would a man who looks like that lie?
  14. He's going to have to do time for this escapade, I suppose he'll be all apologetic when the drugs wear off but I doubt that will impress the judge, endangering a flight is a very serious offence and then there is the GBH offence as well.
  15. Actually earnings aren't decent, what the Fed has conveniently ignored is that although hourly rates have risen employers have curtailed the number of hours worked due to lack of new orders. At the moment backlogs are being worked through and employers are loath to fire trained workers but sooner or later that has to happen, this recession isn't going away. Analysts have reckoned that the S&P will reach 6,000 followed by a crash to 2,000 mid year. Fired employees who have received several months of severance payments haven't yet applied for social security so these numbers aren't yet in the statistics. There are now many thousands of long term unemployed who can't find new employment, hardly a sign of a booming economy.
  16. There will be rate cuts, maybe even to zero. When layoffs start becoming a big problem (and they are starting) spending goes down and with it inflation nosedives. Bank failures and company bankruptcies start massing and then the Fed, too late as usual, loosens the borrowing rates but banks can't make money with low interest rates so they tighten credit, it's a 'my God what have we done' moment for the Fed and/or central banks. Before this era there were always other countries who weren't in recession (usually China or the USA) who could act as an economic engine to pull the one or two countries out of trouble but this time the whole industrialized world is in trouble, no engine in sight.
  17. Every Western country sends money overseas even when they are in recession, it has to do with soft power and political influence, they all expect something back, call it an investment....an oil company may be more likely to get a drilling license if that country is well disposed to the oil company's government for instance. The whole world is heading for a recession, possibly even depression which is more difficult to get out of as Japan well knows, they've been in one for 20 years, inflation would be an improvement for them. It's the first time ever that a world synchronized recession has happened and nobody knows how to deal with it.
  18. 10 Americans whose great grandmothers were of dubious Irish descent.
  19. Usually war and a monetary reset is the answer. I don't think that will work this time though but something is going to break worldwide and it wont be to the advantage of the 99%.
  20. According to some American financial investors, many credit cards are maxed out and banks are tightening lending standards even more and so many retailers are having to offer 'buy now pay later' schemes. The Pandemic money is running out and in addition people are having to restart paying their student loans monthly. The housing market, along with commercial real estate is in bad shape. America is having to borrow money to pay the interest on the 34 trillion dollar debt load, as one expert put it, " If America was a company they would have to file for bankruptcy." This is the first time that the world experiences a world synchronized recession which is way beyond the ability of the central banks ability to combat. Enter the Brics with their own IMF and soon a gold backed trading currency and in a few years time America loses it's status as a reserve currency.
  21. It rather depends on the state of the economy. Retail sales are down when adjusted for inflation which means lower factory production, already layoffs are in the pipeline as 3,4,5 month severance payments mean people haven't yet registered for social security payments, defaults on mortgage payments and credit card debts are rising and the massive drop in the value of commercial buildings, 40 to 50% which are on the books of small to medium sized banks are a harbinger of bank failures to come, this all points to an economic crash, especially as the inverted yield curves foresee this and the Fed (too late as always) will have to massively drop interest rates no matter what the inflation rates are in a belated attempt to revitalize the economy (historically this doesn't work sustainably).
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