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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. 50 million.....a lot of potential bribe money.
  2. Just home grown violence.....you know it makes sense
  3. "the law'' is not an entity, somebody has determined what the law is, after all somebody once determined the laws on the rightfulness of slavery, on blasphemy, on the death penalty, "the law is an ass" comes to mind.
  4. No. Are you sure the messages you are getting are really from wise? I have a code word that Wise uses with every message they send me so that I know it is from them.
  5. While I agree with your sentiments I am alarmed that Musk has so much power, he is already the worlds richest man and consequently has huge seductive power upon government and industry and this power is now elevated with a government position and direct access to a president that doesn't seem to have any moral values. "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." Musk and Trump are basically untouchable and all powerful, what does that do to two already damage psyches? Government waste is a world wide problem but some seemingly redundant departments are 'pesky' counterweights against an all to powerful administration, it is now easy to remove them.
  6. Who decides what is hate speech and what is an opinion? Apart from that for hate speech to have any affect it must have a general consensus within the public, a consensus that is ignored by the authorities.
  7. My own opinion is that there is no media outlet, including newspapers, that don't have a political bias, even the once noble BBC is now tainted, factual news and neutral political commentary is probably impossible today, there is too much money involved and the public, especially the Americans, have been dumbed down, I once heard an American tourist in Cologne cathedral explaining to his wife that the magnificent stone arches were obviously plastic moldings.
  8. We get the message but why do you call us friends?
  9. but in privat please, there is something aesthetically revolting about the mixture of lipstick and a 5 o'clock shadow.
  10. That isn't unusual, any activity can over time lose it's fascination. I remember while still working in Germany a funny group conversation among 50 year old men where the general Consensus was that the worst beer was preferable to sex.
  11. Past customers perhaps, attesting to the validity of the accusations. Since Aids is so prevalent on the African continent it might be a good idea to have them tested and publicly warn past customers through the media if they tested positive.
  12. What drives these perverts to harm the most innocent of society, China, the UK and now here, he hasn't carried out his threats but alone that he made them must raise alarm about his mental health, he should face a very long incarceration in a secure mental facility.
  13. They are available with documentation as to their abilities. When I complained 20 years ago to the local owner of the company who built my house about the cable spaghetti in the loft I was told it was 'Thai standard'. By coincidence I mentioned this 'in passing' to a civil servant at our Ampoer in Isaan who told me that in my own village was a highly qualified electrician whose documentation allowed him to wire not only private houses but also hotels and government buildings. I sought out this friendly, humble 50 year old and asked him to inspect my loft, on inspection he burst out laughing when I said I was told it was 'Thai standard', he said it was a fire hazard. In 3 days he alone with an assistant brought it to Thai standard, changed all the cables going down to the plugs and even changed the fuse box with a second hand unit for free. After 3 days there wasn't a cable to be seen in the loft, all in pipes attached to the walls. I paid for all the material and he charged me 1,000 Baht per day for his work, I gave him 5,000 instead of 3,000 which embarrassed him and he tried to refuse the extra money but I was so pleased by the result it was worth it.
  14. I think it's only just beginning, a long one.
  15. A small correction Trump is scientifically illiterate. The real killer will be methane gas which due to warming by excess CO2 is being set free evermore in the frozen tundra and under the sea (methane ice is melting under the oceans), methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. Musk, who I have always admired, has sold his soul to money and power. Trump can only have 4 more years, probably not even that considering both his mental and physical health but he will leave behind an army of sycophants and a poorly educated public to continue his life's work of division and chaos.
  16. Yes and a wery good one (Have you never seen the film Cabaret? "every one of zem a wirgin")
  17. He was a product of his time but not a complete bigot as shown in 'The Ballad of East and West' Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat; But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth, When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth! or in Gunga Din, Though I've beaten you and flayed you by the living god that made you you're a better man than I am Gunga Din. We are not only products of the era we live in but also the country in which we were born, it was obviously normal for an Englishman born in the time of Victoria to feel superiour to all other races. I may be wrong but I dimly remember a connection with the 'White mans burden' poem to the Americans ruling the Philippines after the Spanish war, perhaps the poem was a request.
  18. Well although I find Trump disgusting as a person his latest 5 point plan to combat censorship in any shape or form (which should end cancel culture and the ridiculous game of pronouns) finds my full approval. Those who think Trump can turn back the clock and make America great again are in for a disappointment however. The world is in recession and there's no country left to pull the cart from the swamp, hard times are coming for us all, especially for the entitled Americans who will suddenly realize that credit cards aren't money. For the last 6 months I've been reading and watching all the economic news, forecasts, podcasts etc that I can get my hands on, it's frightening to say the least, recovery (there's always a recovery) will take decades, I am reminded of the book, 'The bread of those early years' (Das Brot der früheren Jahren) by Heinrich Boell about a man living in post war Germany, "the hourly wage was always less than the price of a loaf of bread".
  19. 33 kg! Any room for clothes amongst that cannabis?
  20. He seems out of it, smoking weed before making a video isn't a good idea.
  21. I thought for a moment you were describing the UK.
  22. Many British people die waiting for surgery and as an expat you wouldn't even be on the waiting list. I hope to go like my father, from a heart attack, seems to run in the family at around 80 and that really is long enough. Failing that one could approach a friendly pill pusher of African persuasion in Bangkok and ask for some self medication. I don't wish to sound too nonchalant about it but from a certain age onward usually medical procedures merely lengthen the dying process, your friend with the brain tumour being an exception of course, it should be about quality of life, not survival at any cost.
  23. So the Church authorities aren't being prosecuted for aiding and abetting?
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