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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. A major hissy fit, all that hidden testosterone want's to get out and express itself after years of suppression.
  2. Yes Mr. Spock it's blotting paper but it's not blotting paper as we knew it at school.
  3. He made the mistake of using a zebra crossing, it acts like a magnet for some drivers and you are easily seen. I've even seen police cars weaving around people crossing, nobody stops.
  4. Scientists examine cause and effect, nobody wants to listen to them if it affects profits, the technocrats can offer solutions as long as it doesn't mean a big cut in greenhouse gasses. It's an unfortunate situation, our civilization is built around fossile fuels, it just isn't possible to suddenly make rapid reductions and yet by waiting the solution (and damage) will become ever more expensive with the possibility of there being no solution. Expect more, millions more, climate refugees to Northern regions. Alaska and Siberia have a brilliant future in front of them, Asia and Africa not so much.
  5. Probably something like, "two new 'warm brothers' (German saying for gay) for the workers" but that was the way our office was. Other departments were more correct and boring. I needed information once from the engine designers, I walked into their office with my company pass attached to my jacket with a paper clip because the official plastic clip had broken. The young man I spoke to was horrified, he kept telling me to get the correct clip, he barely listened to my questions, his eyes kept resting on the paper clip. When I got back to the sanity of my department I was delighted to hear an engineer ask another engineer (both in their 60's) from across the room, 'What's your password Walter" (he was working on the other guy's computer) "Oh, errrm, I can't say that out loud, I'll come over to you".
  6. What about carpet munchers? Probably not eh, one would have to say "she isn't like other girls". You can't say a woman is fat any more in Germany, she is 'voll schlank' or 'full slim' what a lot of rubbish.
  7. She should have kept quiet and hired a Thai thug to give fatty a good kicking.
  8. No, she knew the easy going pi$$ taking atmosphere in our office, she just didn't fit in and she was a bit of a snitch anyway, once a rep came into our office and asked me where our boss was, I told him he was with a group drinking coffee in the kitchen, he asked me what he looked like, "Hmmm, have you watched the muppets at all"? "Yes" "Well he looks a lot like miss Piggy", she overheard that and couldn't wait to tell him.
  9. not really, we were always taking the pi$$ out of each other, it was something we enjoyed doing, especially with the Spanish girl, us 'th' instead of 's' when speaking to her, she gave back as good as she got but we were all close friends, it was laugh in that office, the two black guys joined in once they had settled in.
  10. What has changed is that 'sofort pay with Klarna' can't be used all of a sudden and with my Maestro giro card I had no other way to transfer funds, I had a German friend transfer 2,000 Euros to me and I reimbursed him using SEPA.
  11. I think most women have bisexual tendencies, but the social norm is to be heterosexual so the bisexual part is pressured away but is still latent. Sex isn't especially important for women, at least not in the same way it is for men, they prefer a more emotional attachment and a woman can provide that better than a man, if sex is then part of the deal as a sort of partnership contract then that is OK as well, indeed the sex is better than a man can provide since penetration isn't that important. Women will dress sexy because they like to be admired, it isn't for men especially, it's mostly for their own self esteem. I've seen women flirt with men and women at the same gathering, it isn't meant to lead to sex, it's a 'feel good' situation.
  12. Woke seems to be very resilient despite the normal majority rejecting it, whose behind this $hit, it would seem anybody in power, be it politics, media or police have lost their backbones. I remember some years ago at a German car firm an engineer seeing two new black technicians when he walked into the office asked, "Has there been a fire in the office", everybody, including the two black guys laughed but a woke secretary reported him to HO and he was sacked immediately, she was mobbed afterwards and didn't last long.
  13. Don't be too caustic, she needn't have done anything but instead showed empathy for those less fortunate than herself.
  14. There are different classes of wais, if you wai someone of higher status than you your hands should reach forehead level, equals reach nose level, good friends, chin level or even just implied. continuing the hand movement over the shoulder is an insult, one is going through the motions of being polite but literally throwing it away.
  15. You are being extreme, try a more stoic attitude to life. Hypocrisy exists in every country one can be nice about it or sink in a sea of rage, rage alters nothing. As Oscar Wilde once said, "A man who calls a spade a spade should be made to use one"
  16. No, it's to do with social cohesion. An American in Paris once said to a French politician that French diplomacy and manners was just hot air to which the politician replied tires on a car are only filled with air but they make the journey so much more comfortable.
  17. After living here for 19 years it has become automatic, it's not a case of liking it or not, it is a simple courtesy, would you refuse to shake someones hand in falang land? When my German daughter visited me I gave her 'wai' automatically and we both burst out laughing, but she knew enough to offer a wai to my Thai wife and our 16 year old son. I remember once when he was 14 and I drove him to school, he gave me a goodbye, throw away wai, quick and landing over his shoulder, he did this in front of his teacher who exploded with rage and gave him a dressing down, when I intervened and said he comes from my falang household and we are lax with greetings, it didn't soothe him, "You are his father, he is duty bound to show you respect, that was a terrible show of disrespect, we don't tolerate such bad manners in our school". Just to let you know how important a wai is.
  18. You can't help stupid, I've been to that waterfall, it looks pretty dangerous....but well we are on holiday, what can go wrong?
  19. It's just a phase he is going through, once he meets a good woman and gets a job he'll settle down.
  20. I don't know, I've had the same vaccine (in fact one injection more than I should have had due to a mistake by the nurse) with no ill effects but I won't get vaccinated again, the vaccinations were a rush job for an illness with a very low mortality rate.
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