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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. I'm 76, old age is brilliant, I'm bald with good genes, a fit slim bodied old man with false teeth but no aches or pains, my wife and I have decided we've done our bit, let the young do all the huffing and puffing.
  2. She's a politician for gods sake....you want the truth? Trump thinks truth is the name of a media platform.
  3. while I bet your average American doesn't know who Gandhi is or where India is on the globe.
  4. gives a new meaning to the term roofing
  5. Life is easier here and nobody bothers you, it's live and let live. In the West they must have a rules and regulations machine that is running 24/7. Yes we have the yearly visa and the 90 day rule but that is nothing compared to the finger wagging West, comply and fit in. Here they have rules but mostly people don't bother with them, as one Thai civil servant said to me, tongue in cheek, "We have our regulations but they are like a flowing river, if you don't want to get wet stay away from them".
  6. Ahhh yes, I remember now, $hitting bricks, I've been away so long now I'm forgetting my slang.
  7. It seems that violence does protect a religion, ever since they stopped burning people at the stake Christianity has been in decline.....or maybe it has to do with better education and critical thinking......I don't think logic or critical thinking is advisable in a Muslim community.
  8. The recession is world wide, from Alaska to Sydney and everything in between, the 'robust economy' in the US has been shown to be false while China and Europe are in deep trouble, why do you think Thailand would be spared?
  9. If a preacher accent causes you to vote for a candidate you shouldn't be allowed to vote, it's a poor reflection on the mind set of the American voter but we are accustomed to that.
  10. No and I won't question your motives.
  11. Do tell us more.
  12. Whatever turns you on
  13. and those that are can't speak English correctly.
  14. It's not about the political spectrum so much as about the man himself. I regard myself as slightly left of the middle but certainly don't agree with many liberal views, woke-ism being one of them. Trump is tainted by his past, he is a narcissist who isn't very intelligent, he is a proven liar, he is a criminal and appears to show the first stages of dementia, of all the people in the GOP he is probably the least appropriate candidate, indeed he has turned much of the GOP into sycophants who fear the maga mob.
  15. It's certainly under more control than most western nations debt.
  16. No, not over long periods but then nothing is certain, stocks can fall as can house prices or gold, when the $hit hits the fan you had better have a vegetable garden, chickens and a few pigs.
  17. You can sell stocks, land and gold and what do you get, fiat money. You cant by food at the supermarket with gold. Fiat money / paper money is still needed for everyday use, even digital is just a representation of cash. At the moment cash isn't a good storage of wealth of course but a reset has to happen to make it so, society depends on trust in the money that is earned, on savings that don't disappear with inflation so I am certain that a reset is coming and it cant be just bank controlled digital currency because if that isn't backed by something (gold?) then its still just fiat.
  18. Yes very impressive, I presume they still need lubricants. I know that Nazi Germany had a prototype heavy tank with electric motors on all the driving wheels but since there's no charging stations on a battle field they still needed a diesel engine for charging and possible complications with dirt ruining the motors meant it was turned down. No electric fighter planes I note. Australia is ideal because of the warm weather, once you get weather with snow and ice the range of electric motors is cut down a lot and the charging times go over the roof, sometimes they wont charge at all. New battery technology is needed.
  19. They should have thrown a bucket of water over them, it works with dogs.
  20. That isn't relevant, he tried to use them to buy things.
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