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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Let us be kind, they are both geriatrics bordering on dementia and the orange one is insane, apparently its the best America can offer.
  2. Pragmatic to the end. What he is saying is, "dear elites, don't put a spanner in the works for my freedom"
  3. The gravity of the situation was immediately apparent to him.
  4. A bit dangerous, if the women were British he may have got a kick in the nuts for his trouble.
  5. Sounds like a sensible man, he's already showing symptoms of shell shock before going to the front lines so he won't be dying on the battle field like the thousands of morons from both sides, way to go, leave the fighting for the 'heroes', life is certainly better with both legs still attached, who needs to suffer in poverty on a disability pension with the hypocritical thanks of the motherland ringing in your ears.
  6. It was a play on the sentence, 'used in natural disasters'. The propensity for Americans to sue is why liability insurance costs for doctors is so high which is passed on to patients, you're all litigation crazy.
  7. An emergency bridge vehicle caused a natural disaster. Apart from that it was a nice day out spiced up with a bit of drama.
  8. Here, have an orange, you'll feel better.
  9. Heart valve disease is a good one, can't see anything from the outside, just have to look a little weak and whisper, "I'm not long in this world (prison).
  10. No it's the swooping that does it. The policeman on the right seems to have pi$$ed himself.
  11. Nobody will adhere to this law and the police (in rural areas) will also let the missus and family dry his rice on the road, so no arrests either.
  12. On plastic sheets......before the rice is de=husked obviously.
  13. Urined all over Europe now pi$$ing all over Patong, kudos for not relieving himself inside.
  14. Whatever the gender the brains were missing, escape on a motorbike with number plates, hows that for planing, not only dressing like a woman but thinking like one.
  15. The 'medical equipment' wasn't a credit card reader by any chance.
  16. Halal, sounds like someone pi$$ed trying to say hello.
  17. The word communism is an often misused word, there has never been a communist state, plenty of dictatorships spouting the word socialist yes. Like 'a Christian society' which has also never come into existence, plenty of dogma dictatorships yes. "To each according to his needs, from each according to his capabilities" from Karl Marx sounds like Christianity to me. Neither Christianity nor communism could exist because the mindset of humanity is too selfish, too greedy, too corrupt. Europe has managed a compromise, mixing socialist ideals with capitalism, unfortunately though the various government systems throughout the world seem to be turning more and more towards authoritarianism, perhaps because there is a societal breakdown due to failing demographics, and a disproportionate wealth gap, the elites of the world are grasping on to the status quo while the rest are looking for answers, we can only hope that the answer isn't the French solution from 1789.
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