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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. My first thought but apparently he doesn't live here anymore.
  2. As a Brit who left the UK over 50 years ago I only know about England from the news, podcasts and relations telling me how awful it is. I'm 76 and have been blessed with good genes and so am in good health. I find very little to complain about Thailand, life here (as far as I'm concerned) is free and easy. I took the MIL to the dentist in our medium sized market town in Isaan this morning, I had to wait around for an hour so I took a walk in the splendid weather along the high street and around the market, something I don't normally do. The place was a bustling hive of activity, no boarded up shops, which sold everything imaginable, computers, motorbikes, clothes, furniture, farming machines of every variety etc. a picture of prosperity and this in a farming area, not Bangkok. My family, some of whom are still in the UK, most left years ago for Australia, tell me life in England is pretty miserable and expensive with lifeless towns full of boarded up shops, even in London, violent youths and graffiti everywhere, it's almost dystopian. I am grateful to be able to live here, the specter of ill health to the extent of the OP doesn't bother me, I am at an age where death is expected and I would just let nature take its course rather than take multiple hospital visits but that is just my personal philosophy of life.
  3. She probably thought everybody else was driving the wrong way.
  4. He's worried that his term as foreign secretary is coming to a swift end.
  5. I bet that has made All Trump voters regret their decision.
  6. Good news, insanity has to cost money, go broke woke.
  7. Yes, I find it wrong that judges can be political appointees ie the supreme court, they should be neutral or at least their political affiliation should be unknown, I've never heard of politics playing a role in British judges.
  8. Europeans must be better off financially than they are telling us.
  9. Yes America is still somewhat racist but it's more probable that a considerable portion of African Americans are more likely to be involved in crimes, having said that I have read that black people are more likely to get a prison sentence than white people possibly because white Americans can afford to pay for a lawyer as opposed to having one assigned by the court. I disagree that Western courts allow themselves to be politically motivated.
  10. You have no faith in your Justice system?
  11. Well you did write that his enemies had better be afraid
  12. What do her opponents say? I know very little of Harris, I would have preferred anybody but Trump, apart from his failings as a decent human being I was concerned about his remarks regarding Nato, Ukraine, the Paris agreement, his disregard of global warming, his nearness to dictators and his apparent willingness to use the military against the civil population. His anti-wokeness I regard as a plus point. We shall have to wait and see what really transpires during his term as president
  13. True, integrity isn't a hallmark of Starmers, actually it isn't a hallmark of most politicians but with Trump its absence is excessive, apart from everything else I found the reports of him wriggling out of paying firms completely or partially for work done on his buildings particularly loathsome, its no wonder that he had difficulty finding good lawyers to represent him in his many legal cases.
  14. I don't have a cult leader and I'm not upset but like most Europeans I'm appalled, on the other hand we are accustomed to the Americans way of thinking, a bible in one hand and a gun in the other.
  15. Why? are you saying that people now have no free speech and will start to fall out of windows as in Russia?
  16. and staying out of prison.
  17. Everyone's a rebel until the police are at the door
  18. When Oscar Wilde said that 'a man who calls a spade a spade should be made to use one' he could have been thinking of someone like Trump. I for my part feel that the leader of my country represents me when he travels abroad (not that I like the current leader of my country) I wouldn't feel flattered to be represented by Trump. Regarding 'slick talking', your post reminds me of an incident in the 1920's when an American diplomat (how could it be otherwise) felt out of his depth with the good manners and diplomacy shown among French politicians while he was in Paris, he gave vent to his feeling to Georges Clemenceau saying it was just a lot of hot air to which Clemenceau replied a car tyre is only filled with hot air but it makes life's journeys so much more comfortable.
  19. You weren't quoting anybody although it's possible you were referring to Clinton's disgraceful behaviour while in office.
  20. I'm sure that you won't be disappointed, there are some here who, no doubt, feel that Harris or Trump would make a positive difference to their lives, I have however no such illusions and although America is losing its earlier power and influence in world affairs I had assumed that the leader of such an important country to have at least some semblance of sophistication, elegance and integrity, it just goes to show that one shouldn't assume anything.
  21. Written with the same eloquence of your preferred candidate
  22. All he cares about is his bowel of food........ which makes him wise.
  23. I have no candidate, I'm not American nor do I live in America. Whether Harris would have been good or bad we shall never know. We do have some inkling of Trumps character which doesn't put him in a good light but the fact that he has no class and is dishonest played no role in why he, or rather his party, was elected, it was a pragmatic economic choice with the vain hope that he could wave a magic wand and make a 35 trillion dollar debt disappear. No matter which party governs for the next 4 years it will be a disaster, a trillion dollars a year in interest payments alone, rising interest rates, unemployment and homelessness issues are harbingers of discontent which will be unfairly laid before the door of the government. These are world wide problems which need solutions from all parties and governments but that wont happen, the house of cards must first collapse before there is a new beginning but waves rise and fall, just a historical footnote from which nobody will learn.
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