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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. She was stuck IN the lift at the 58th floor, it went there without her selecting it.
  2. Might influence the TAT though as well as who is going to pay.
  3. The market, the real economy, will decide the rate cuts, the FED can only respond. The FED has caused credit tightening to such an extent that money is in short supply in a debt based economy which means low demand for goods and debt delinquency, the result will be high unemployment. The FED will cut drastically, possibly to zero again, but due to the lag effect it wont help, too high for too long will cause the FED's reaction to be too little too late, even negative rates won't help, a world synchronized economic crisis is on the horizon which is what the inverted yield curves are prophesying.
  4. I think most expats would be of your opinion and yet many would willingly slip 300 Baht under a policeman's clip board (try doing that in the West) and I have seen many a falang jump into his car after 3 or 4 large beers, not obviously drunk but over the limit but they obviously drive better than the Thais and are more responsible, one of my acquaintances managed to kill himself by driving his motorbike in to the wall of his own house while drunk.
  5. Once you accept 'it is as it is' life becomes so much simpler. In the West life is almost antiseptic, take the ULEZ (ultra low emission zones) in the UK, 20 mph maximum and the myriad of fines that can be given out for the most minor of transgressions and yet there are still 346 road accidents daily, in 2022 there were 1,711 fatalities, and 135,480 casualties of all severity. This is low compared to the 20,000 fatalities per year in Thailand but accidents still happen and no matter how hard the police control traffic they will continue to happen, how severe do you want the controls to be? My opinion is that there is too much in the UK and far too little in Thailand, there should be a happy medium somewhere without being too draconian. You can't wrap people up in cotton wool, life entails risk which should and can be somewhat minimized, the Thais don't quite see it that way, perhaps that is why life here is so much more vibrant than in the UK.
  6. You would have trouble getting a doctors appointment on the NHS if you lived in the UK let alone living abroad, as for a dentist appointment forget it.
  7. Where can they be found, asking for a friend who wishes to judge for himself.
  8. What is a 'bad foreigner', presumably someone involved in illegal activities, in which case that would involve normal police work so why the need for a grand meeting?
  9. No need for conspiracy theories, nutters abound everywhere, in the West anyone in the public eye is open to death threats from someone who feels his ideals have been slighted.
  10. There is no country where corruption doesn't exist, in the West they have legal names for it, Lobbyist for example, or large party Donater. In Thailand there is no need for such obfuscation, corruption is often open and transparent, answered with a silent smile, a dismissive wave of the hand, the ease of being. In the West when 'they' are found out they resign, only to resurface later in a different post, the pack looks after its own. Asia is vibrant and interesting, I personally like it the way it is. Let us be honest, who among us is so pure that he wouldn't take advantage of a position of power, mice protesting about the rats consuming more cheese than they can.
  11. During my 18 years here I've never been stopped and been asked to show my passport so I think the risk of that happening is low.
  12. In other words, just a normal person who has achieved a position of power.
  13. Yes, that's why they have to free up the hospital bed first before she can fly back.
  14. Whatever, I've forgotten more important things than that. All I can remember from 5 years of technical college is 'that when a body moves around an object in such a manner that its distance from that object is proportional to its speed around that object it can be said to be in simple harmonic motion' and what good did it do me? The same as forgetting Prinz sang purple rain.
  15. I think the Ukrainians and Russians living abroad have already voted with their feet, patriotism good, long life better.
  16. I can only presume 'turn off power before repairs' is a given.
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