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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Yes, so despite his life history it has come down to this, boring. When you're dying nothing has any meaning, past triumphs and disasters fade into nothingness which is why I prefer detachment to life's events, waves rise and they fall and rise again, nothing has permanence, events have only the meaning we subjectively attach to them, in and of themselves they mean nothing, a rice farmer in Thailand couldn't care less who is president, a worker in America may find it important, just subjective interpretations.
  2. Democrat is not a name of any species and is therefore not a creature
  3. Oh I wouldn't be so negative with regards to the human race, I believe that conscious awareness is important to the cosmos, we give it qualia, without awareness of it it might just as well not exist. Humanity has survived the worst that nature has thrown at it in the past, even when our species was reduced to less than a 1,000 individuals it bounced back and is now reaching out to other planets, we are an insidious, tenacious species with the quality of introspection and greatness.
  4. Why so angry? I don't take any of this seriously, governments come and go, the wealthy remain wealthy, debts rise higher, wars will always be fought, it's pointless to be emotionally invested as non of this will be important to you on your death bed, as an example....when Winston Churchill was dying, a man who lived a life full of excitement and great responsibility to a nation at war, his last words were, "I'm so bored by it all".
  5. STFU ? Creatures? Democrats belong to a political party, not a species. You must try education, it makes life so much easier.
  6. They should look on the bright side, they will, after many years of immersion with the locals, go home with the ability to speak street Thai.
  7. He didn't believe that a golden age was just around the corner.
  8. 55555555555, no golden age for anyone, nostalgia is a poor advisor, debt, demographics, AI, global warming, inequality, hunger and war will ensure more of the same for decades to come, irrespective of who the organ grinder is.
  9. That's usually a MAGA quality. The voters have held their noses and voted more for the GOP than for Trump in the belief that they will be better for the economy even though isolationism (seems to be the general direction) tends to damage competitiveness in the long run. Potty mouth will play golf and watch TV more than govern considering his past. One must admire his tenacity at 78, though it remains to be seen if he can last the full term. The red sweep was surprising but as one American theater critic said many years ago, " never underestimate the poor taste of the American public."
  10. My Wise transfers from Germany to Bangkok bank usually take 24 hours since years, nothing new, sometimes it will take 12 hours, sometimes seconds which always surprises me, it's not a big deal to wait 24 hours surely.
  11. Where does she get her money from?
  12. Why mention these three? they neither pretend to be democracies nor were they the subject of my post. Most news in the world is biased, there are rare exceptions but the listener is now incapable of discerning truth from falsehood and even if, it will be ignored if it goes against ingrained political views. There are swing states in the US because politics has nothing to do with logic in the US, the other states will adhere to 'their' political party regardless of the candidates suitability leaving only a few states who actually think about what is on offer, primitive tribalism. Since the West is basically ruled by the elite, conglomerates, central banks and the military industrial complex, tempered perhaps by the stock market and international events it makes voting just as pointless as the votes given by the central committees in China. It was Americas own Mark Twain who said if elections made any difference they would be banned.
  13. He was just joking to lighten the atmosphere. They look bored stiff, the third one looks as if he's asleep.
  14. No they don't.
  15. It hasn't happened yet, you're as bad as those youtubers talking up WW3.
  16. depending on how far back you go so are you....Anglo Saxon. A genetic study done some years ago showed that the genetic make-up of the English had more affiliation with the Germans than with the Welsh or Scottish population.
  17. Which will be positive for all the geriatrics with dementia out there, hurrah! we are still relevant.
  18. A famous singer, but sometimes it's never enough.
  19. Frustration comes from not accepting 'what is'. 50 is a difficult age, you aren't old but neither are you young and depending on your genetic make-up and life style choices the first harbingers of old age appear, this can come as a shock if you have lived a hedonistic life with little to no introspection. Later when old age sets in you either become bitter and fearful or accept the new era you are in with all its advantages and disadvantages. This should be a time of detachment from unimportant things and spiritual growth, a philosophical approach to your physical decline with humour helps, you are free from the mundane aspects of life.
  20. The short sentence, violence begets violence, is well illustrated here.
  21. Modern democracy which isn't really democratic requires that the general population is well educated and well informed through at least one unbiased media outlet, neither can be said to apply to the USA.
  22. Yeah lazy, no sequal.
  23. I have a certain amount of sympathy for him, being considered not worthy by a katoey is a real insult, there are some people you would rather reject than be rejected by.
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