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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. you can't say black list these days, especially when regarding his hair style.
  2. I'm on my 20th retirement visa year, never had a problem. Why use an agent when you can do the extensions yourself, where I am (Isaan) it's quite straight forward and never takes longer than 30 mintes.
  3. It's the only thing Trump has done that is praiseworthy and the granny hooker doesn't like it.
  4. There is no need for poor spelling with a spell checker which most, if not all, computer users have, if a word is red underlined and you don't correct it it's a sign of laziness and disrespect.
  5. This artificial woke nonsense is dying as we write, if ideas have no organic consensus within the community they die, they have no meaning just because a few bi-sexual leftist liberals fresh from university with a worthless degree in liberal studies screech louder than the hard working majority who can identify with the bits between their legs.
  6. Killing him would be easier and safer than the complications of keeping him alive. I do think he was murdered, no loss to mankind.
  7. If Brits had a backbone gender neutral toilets wouldn't even be discussed, pregnant person indeed....what load of rubbish. It's up to you the people, just ignore this insanity.
  8. Why is this America's responsibility?
  9. yes, they also tried buying Canada back then but Britain refused. Megalomania isn't new.
  10. I just saw an article explaining why Trump is suddenly praising Starmer after earlier vilifying him. In 1917, when the UK was still a world power, the UK decided to block Americas efforts to buy Greenland from Denmark, which it had tried to do many times, because this would hem in Canada from the West with Alaska and from the East with Greenland, so the UK signed an agreement with Denmark that if ever they were to sell Greenland the UK would have first refusal, America showed agreement with this treaty. Trump wasn't aware of this (there's a surprise, Trump not knowing history) until the Danish PM explained it to him. Now he is going to do a bit of groveling to Starmer who is ''Doing a great job''.
  11. Yes they should, we don't need to know about their mental disorders nor should we be compelled to take part in their fantasy games.
  12. Doesn't the Thai government have to talk with Trump first?
  13. They didn't get the message......woke is dead and good riddance
  14. Greenland is not alone, Trump is losing friends and making enemies fast, Mexico and Canada will be having a trade war with the US and no doubt China will join in, Europe won't sit idly by when Trump starts blustering in their direction, he's already moaning about the trade imbalance with Europe, hey Donny, it's called capitalism, you know, making quality products than Americans like to buy with debt.
  15. I used EMS some years ago to send the German life certificate, I followed the progress all the way to Frankfurt airport then it stopped. I got into a panic and sent off Emails, turns out they gave the letter to the German courier DHL who obviously couldn't give their progress on the EMS tracker, main thing was it arrived. I got my confirmation for my British pension from our Mayoress for free and sent it today by normal post. I only ever had the pension stopped once because the form they sent me never arrived, it was only when the pension stopped that I realized something was wrong, after a telephone conversation they sent me a new one via Email, the missing pension was then paid.
  16. This isn't 1939 and Greenland isn't Poland, Keep away Donald you're lowering the tone of the neighbourhood
  17. Yes, loss of freedom is a correct punishment but with a persons release doesn't mean the end of their punishment. They have lost their abode, relationships, job and savings. They would find it difficult to get another job or be able to rent another abode, they have a permanent criminal record for life, the actual imprisonment is the least of their worries. People sometimes make unwise decisions which also affects their partners and innocent children negatively, even just a serious road accident or a drunken fight could result in a prison sentence. People change during their lives, the arrogant teenager changes to become a responsible adult and he can again change to commit a criminal act through unfortunate causal events and upon reflection can reorientate himself again. Impermanence and change is the guiding path in life. Nobody should be written off. Prison is meant as a punishment but also as a rehabilitation measure and nobody, with the exception of child killers and dangerous pedophiles, should be denied a second chance.
  18. 'Some' being the operative word, the tsunami of decrees he has just signed are harbingers of fascism, two of which are unconstitutional, one, the birth right, has already been squashed, the other, the sacking by Email of 12 anti-corruption and waste officials should have been presented to congress for a 30 day period giving reasonable grounds for dismissal, not they aren't sycophantic enough, Biden was stopped from firing one such person because his grounds weren't explained in detail but at least he followed legal procedure.
  19. I don't know what you mean by wards, I don't see why women's and men's cells shouldn't be next to each other in the same block, trannies could share cells with each other in the same blocks as the men and women's shared block. There shouldn't need to be social separation between genders, same work spaces, same dinning hall, same recreation spaces, the very openness would act as self policing, the group dynamic would ensure civility, most people aren't animals.
  20. No, there would no longer be gender specific prisons, men and women would serve time in the same prisons. Biological males whether trans or not would use the men's showers and toilets, biological women, no matter what they identify as, would use the women's showers and toilets. It would only be problematic with fully operated trans but that could be solved with specific different shower times in their identified gender, no harm done.
  21. Why, one would only need building alterations for showers and toilets in both the female and male prisons, the prisons are there already and the number of prisoners are the same.
  22. Personally I think that a mixed gender prison, with gender separat cells and rest rooms, would be a healthier prison system resulting in less violence and less mental health issues, the loss of freedom is bad enough without the artificial all female or all male confined community, it could help in genuine rehabilitation.
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