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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. How is the ladyboy genre? still like one up you? I don't struggle to cum but the op said he did which is most likely the reason for the high heart rate
  2. Back in the UK no one would ride one that small, looks like a mickey mouse 600cc bike
  3. I know my heart pretty well, I'm checking it when I'm cycling and analyse it after, for me to get to 169bpm would be on a steep hill if I'm pushing for a while and already tired, sex I've not checked but it feels like never over 130, maybe if i was struggling to cum and it's gone to hard work mode perhaps it could get high
  4. Lower level yes, tourists often have limited motorcycle experience so go too fast especially at dangerous junctions
  5. farang tourists are another level
  6. When i visited PP in Cambodia, the barang there were lower than a snakes underbelly, Pattaya fat bald expats are HISO in comparison
  7. Farang tourists are far worse, lack of skill but they don't know it
  8. Never seen that before, maybe you did something wrong, maybe try again using the app
  9. Some of those boxes are fake, so that's one possible reason. Maybe try connecting an ethernet from box to router
  10. Expat food shop, shops in that strip have all closed, probably development happening
  11. Good, let us know how you get on, better still start a thread about it, many will be interested
  12. Motorbikes? if so that looks way too high
  13. Did you arrange everything in Thailand before you went?
  14. I always feel less safe walking, definitely feel exposed, motorbike takes you to the next level but baht bus is good for a while
  15. turns into work when you struggle to cum
  16. I would prefer two smaller ones rather than one big one
  17. A rogue peak heart rate isn't that uncommon, what was your average heart rate? maybe if you're struggling to cum it might go high for a little while
  18. Seems high, are you unfit?
  19. At 71 I'd expect them to find pre-existing conditions when you claim, fingers crossed🤞
  20. So no short time after? Fool should have checked his bill after each drink, ladies are expected to pick up the bill if dirty farang doesn't pay
  21. power of attorney should cover that, or try an agent first, maybe they can wangle the system
  22. He's now learnt that you have to look at the ground always, along with everywhere else
  23. I'll go with no, maybe taxi baht bus
  24. They are paid 3rd world wages so you'd expect the coffee prices to reflect that, i usually pay 40-60 baht for americano or latte
  25. and you only drink just roasted coffee beans?
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