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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Just needs the Immigration Desks to keep pace, which is something they have not been able to do thus far
  2. I guess that TAT are on their own Holiday and a team of realists have been seconded
  3. From a particularly gruesome photo yesterday, showing the poor Lady actually trapped by her leg, I would say that a piece of Metal cut from, a Baked Bean Can. and used as the end plate on the walkway hardly deems as good and professional maintenance, The end plate is usually made from a robust casting or Diecasting, in order that it does nor flex, bend, or deform under any situation. This plate in the photo, has clearly been replaced with some metal that was not fit for purpose in any possible way. A wheel form a suitcase would not have deformed the correctly installed part Sue the Ass off them Lady, not that that gives you back your mobility or dignity.
  4. When I was a kid, fire drill at school was as follows Upon hearing the Fire Alarm, walk in an orderly fashion to the assembly point designated for your Classroom along with your Teacher The Teacher would then take a full head count based upon that Days attendance Register. Fire Extinguishers and Kids together ???? Well ! I guess its more important to save the Building than the Kids here in Thailand RIP and speedy recoveries to those injured, and long Jail Terms for those responsible for this atrocity
  5. Such is the squeaky clean image that the RTP have, there will be very little sympathy shown toward them
  6. I have ordered so much stuff off Ali over the Years, and not once have I never had anything not delivered. Yes, you pay up front, but you have to notify Ali of receipt of your order before they pay out to the Vendor. They also have a payment quarantine refund scheme Do yourself a huge favour and try them Far superior to Lazada or Shopee
  7. Try a Herbal Tea such as Camamile
  8. Yes indeed A policy of continual progression would have already seen all those Doctors and Nurses positions filled. Its 6 Years to fully train a competent Doctor isnt it ?
  9. Real Estate woes are only a small part of the current problems facing China Only Yesterday Apple and Foxconn closed large plants
  10. A few years ago, " Bloomberg" described Thailand as a Nation full of people driving around in BMW Cars, but living in Tin Shacks Never more true than it is today
  11. The really scary part of the 86.9 % Household Debt to GDP for me is how the debt is made up. Only approximately 20 % of that Debt is Secured against Mortgages Etc The other 80 % is made up of Loans that are issued for potential Toxic Vehicle Loans, Motorcycle Loans, White Goods and Credit Card Loans Etc. All of which are unsecured. It has already been widely reported that some 90,000 Vehicles had been repossessed in the first 5 Months of the Year, and a warning issued that the number could rise to nearly a Million by the Years end, such is the problem of non payment. The Banks can repossess, but they are just adding Toxic Debt to their asset to Loan Ratios, and this is not the way to try and hide NPL from the Market Place and Investors. Banks holding Toxic Debt is very bad As an add on, this 87 % Debt if it is to ne believed, is only a part of the massive debt problem in Thailand with many Trillions of Baht issued in Loans by " Grey Banking " to people that have little or no hope of ever repaying their high interest rates Me thinks Thailand's Consumer Society dreams are about to explode
  12. Only yesterday, I witnessed the very large Water Tanker ( 10-15 K Liter ) belonging to the local Tesaban, spraying copious amounts of water all over the Road outside the Offices and the access road to it Have to manage the dust on the office staff cars first before the water
  13. Read all statement as " fatter Envelopes required to enter "
  14. just a tad off with your comments mate. Many live in Dorm Apts = no chucks, plus kids to feed Etc You need to live in the Country to understand, or if you already do live in the Country get out more with your eyes open
  15. Any rise in the cost of a basic staple food such as Eggs is bad news to many Thai people that have Eggs as a major part of their diet at times
  16. great idea to ditch the 10K givaway Most, if not all, would have been just PI55$d against the wall Much better to put it into Social Welfare Programs
  17. with the attitude being taken by some employers, the problem is not going to subside any time soon.
  18. Geese are also extremely good at guarding their property. Better than any Dog
  19. Great idea, but it will not be allowed to happen. Too much money involved, the same as the Big C, Tesco, Macro Monopoly that is not too much short of a National disgrace,
  20. It was only a matter of time before all the infighting and dealing within the Coalition reared its ugly head. The Country has a Golden opportunity here, and it could all go up in smoke if they cannot, or will not be adult about the situation.
  21. OP Put together the words in the correct order " Back, own and rod "
  22. He should just about have enough dosh to survive a Year or two
  23. The rainy season will start at 09.00 in Bangkok on Monday, and will move progressively across the Country, with it expected to start at 15.35 in Pattaya and 15.50 in Rayong
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