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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Stranded ! or being provided a shelter in exchange for spending ?
  2. I find it difficult to believe the GDP has fallen from around 96 % to 84% in about 5 Months or so. Money is being Loaned at an Insane pace at the moment to try and get Thais on the property ladder, as only roughly only 20 % of all Loans are secured, and Thailand has a potential problem in its credit rating due to this fact. Tourism has not taken up the slack from a 4.5 % drop in Exports and a slowing in Manufacturing, which will mean the GDP is roughly the same.. NPL Loans may be low, but a huge amount has been taken into special measures and management programs to keep this number low.
  3. And with all the Money being Loaned out at the moment, "too late " may not be so far away. Household Debt must have surged past the 100 % to GDP by now
  4. Boxes, Bikes and Crates ! What about all the Menu Boards and Advertising C### , and the Tables and Chairs that then constitute their " Restaurant " taking over the Sidewalk
  5. I really dont think that Thai Citizens have anything to worry about in Ulster. They would probably have more to worry about if they returned back to LOS
  6. I just think its his turn to come out with a stupid statement, as hes not made many for a while.
  7. The Authorities were banging on over 2 Years ago about the amount of trash on Koh larn. They have obviously done nothing at all to solve the problem, and to make the same statements as they did 2 Years ago, and expect things to change without their input, is the true definition of Insanity.
  8. Ford Ranger Drivers are just a few in a long list of " Dick " Drivers that are prolific in Thailand.
  9. You having excluded all the main Breeds of Dog to protect your house, I suppose the nly option left for you is some kind of a Handbag Dog to do the Job.
  10. TAT speak for "many people will get absolutely bladdered for a Week or so ". They know its going to happen, but do nothing to reduce the appalling Road Death Toll that occurs every year. Tomorrow we will get the spending prediction from them also
  11. If there has been any further damage done to Thai Tourism, it is by the Thai Authorities themselves. Lets recap The Rubber chord of the Bungee Jump snapped ! Hardly OK IMO Should have been declared dangerous and closed within minutes. And for the Authorities to take 2 or 3 Days to get their act together and declare this after finally visiting the structure and doing an " investigation " is a nonsense that says to the entire World. Ho-Hum, your safety really does not matter here in LOS We had your money for the Jump
  12. Most. if not all Russians would have converted their Money a very long time ago when the Troops were massing on the Border of Ukraine. Much of the Money would have been converted into Gold and also the $, and then transferred to Thailand, where " Facilitators " would hold it for a fee
  13. And probably also contains small egg plans
  14. It is a highly monitored substance in most Countries around the World as it has the ability to be a component of a dirty bomb.
  15. I hope more paint is applied to the space ship than was applied to this seriously dangerous piece of equipment.
  16. When exactly was your Home bombed , and because of this hennas , cowardly, and barbaric act , you were forcibly made Homeless and became a misplaced person.
  17. Most of these Officers are very busy Mainly with " moonlighting " activities, hence no time for Police related stress
  18. Whilst accommodation and travel within the Country remain fairly cheap, the cost of Tour Excursions and Attractions, and the costs for just living, IE Supermarket prices Etc have sky rocketed as they have in many other Countries. However, Thailand publishes an Inflation rate of just 6.5 %, which is a total nonsense, with the Inflation rate nearer to 12 %,as those living in the Country will testify.
  19. Well done Thailand for producing such a large amount of Bio-degradable Plastic. Its such a shame it is not used to reduce the enormous amount of waste Plastic strewn everywhere.
  20. These things are only the tip of the Iceberg facing Thai Manufacturers and Exporters. Some of the additional things weighing upon the Exporters are the Labour Laws, Cost of actually performing in Business, and a workforce pool that is neither well Educated or Skilled compared to the Export competitors such as Vietnam The higher Air Fares are sure to play a huge part in the number of Chinese Tourists the Country can expect They, like everybody else Globally, are feeling the Inflationary costs of just living, and to many their Holiday will be placed in the cooler for the foreseeable future.
  21. Sounds to me like the meeting of Two Paranoid personalities
  22. Another hair brained idea bounced around Boing ! Boing ! Boing !
  23. And the banking systems are just a nonsense Digital Society anybody ?
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