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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. You must already know that you are on a loser After all ,- TIT Just pay and move on.
  2. I am starting to wonder if some kind of " incentive " to the Airlines and Russian Tour companies is being paid out.
  3. Tinned Fish is a good idea But if this Cat is anything like ours, it will scoff all the Sauce and leave the Fish.
  4. It shouldn't take long to do its orbit of the Thai Borders
  5. The Van did not Faint It had a coronary from being overloaded and having to haul all those Kids around. Thank God non of the Children are seriously injured.
  6. Although Thailand is pushing so hard to become a Digital Society, they have yet to learn that there are no corners to hide in any more. So much as break wind in Public, and the entire World will know about it within 5 Minutes.
  7. This must be the follow up article to one that was posted in BKK Newspaper a few Days ago. This is an article of smoke and mirrors me thinks The Newspaper out of BKK, stated that just a few Tourists had tested Positive for Covid upon their arrival in Thailand during the same period as this article states. However ! what this article does not state is the number of Tourists that had to report their Covid status to their Governments before returning to their Home Countries during the same period. That number was reported to be between 300 - 400 people testing positive, after their stay in Thailand. Hmmmm
  8. Sounds a little like a roleplaying exercise to me Never seen a Lifeguard before.
  9. Top of the list on important things that need addressing.
  10. I guess there is a need to show the Global population that Thailand is trying to do something about its Covid situation. It was reported in a Newspaper out of BKK, that in the first 2 weeks of 2023, only a very few visiting Tourists were tested Covid positive. However, those that had to report their status to their returning Countries upon departure from the Country were a whopping 300-400 after testing. Go figure !
  11. Along with a rise in basic wage for workers, this is going to play into the Economy in the form of further Inflation for sure.
  12. Most probably the Contractor reached the quoted price for the Job, and would never take a loss.
  13. My Wife has a small business renting out Apartments to Factory Workers. The bill she received mid January showed that the FT rate had increased in DECEEMBER from 0.9343 Baht per unit Baht per Unit to 1.5492 baht per Unit A rise of 0.6149 Baht Per Unit - a very large increase of about 62 % PLUS Vat has to be added to this which takes the rise to nearly 70 % This came as somewhat of a shock, as the FT rate rise on Electricity was supposed to be suspended until April
  14. I guess those employed in the Prawn Mines will be working overtime to meet demand.
  15. Why would you even think that something would be done to stop these mindless accidents. After 13 people were killed in a similar accident a few years ago on the 36 Route near Pattaya, a law was passed to take these 4 wheel Coffins off the road, and replace them with Micro Busses that 22 seats. But because the owners of these Operations kicked up a stink, the Law was revoked, and that is why these 11 poor innocent people had to die in such a horrific manner. Condolences to all their Families and Loved ones
  16. Not only is there a downturn in Exports and Manufacturing, but there also seems to be more signs of another round of Inflationary hikes about to start. I think this has all been so predictable with the increase to Business users on the cost of Electricity. The FT rate on my Wifes Business, has risen this month from an FT value of 0.9343 per unit to 1.5492 per unit. a whopping rise of 0.6149 Baht per Unit - plus 7 % VAT. This is close to 70 % with the VAT added With high Energy costs such as this, Employee Wage Rises, plus the highly over valued Baht, which will play onto a reduction in Tourist numbers, I feel the wheels are starting to fall off the Thai seemingly Invincible Economy going forward.
  17. These mainly young couples are possibly the " Brain Drain " and conscription dodges from Russia. The big question is how they are able to receive funds for any possible long stay what with all the sanctions on their Banks etc Maybe Thailand has " facilitators "
  18. And those prices are continuing to increase. A recent trip to Pattaya saw another 10 % increase in many food items in a large Supermarket. Inflation ? or simply price Gouging off the back of tourist influxes during the "high season ". Inflation at 6.5% - Ha ! Who are they trying to kid
  19. Have the DDC full, clinical, and intimate knowledge of the situation within Chinas Borders in regard to Covid Infection Rates, Strains Etc, Etc If they do, this would be a World first, and their knowledge gleaned should be made available to WHO and the entire World for the benefit of Mankind. If they are not willing, or able to publish this information, this statement can only be seen as a load of Tosh, and should be publicly retracted
  20. I guess we will have to wait and see if the rise in Tourists also creates a boost in demand for ICU Units and Hospital Beds.
  21. Way to go Thailand ! Forever not knowing whether your Ars#s have been Reamed, Punched or Bored. Do these Senior Ministers actually know what they have gone to the Bathroom for ???
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