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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Now s the high season for Tourists and Police Tea Money as well. Its traditional
  2. You would think that the Electric Company might have guessed at something not quite right
  3. For a man that had frequented Thailand for Years, and then moved here permanently in Sept 2021, this Guy learned absolutely nothing. Self inflicted wounds have little sympathy
  4. Sure does look ready to give a poor defencless Human a Glasgow Kiss
  5. TIT, and the Country belongs to the Thai people. Should people wish to deliberately break the Laws that Thailand has in place for Immigration, please stay away, and find another Country to accommodate you with the Rules and Laws you set out, and not theirs. Good Luck with that.
  6. Anutin opposing 4 AM drinking is the best thing he has said for a long while, however, to oppose the 4 AM drinking time on the grounds it could spread Covid is a nonsense. Now! If he had opposed it on the grounds that it will increase the incidents of Drunk Driving early in the Mornings, which would lead inevitably to a greater loss of life on Thai roads, and the fact that those who were lucky enough in managing to get to their place of Employment or Business unscathed, would be totally useless at what ever they were Employed to do through still being drunk or hungover, then that would be the words of a wise person.
  7. What kind of sick individuals can just stand by and watch a Woman being carved up with a Box Cutter.
  8. A 500 Baht fine really does not cut it in this situation. His attitude shows a total disregard for those he is supposed to be " Serving and protecting ",a vocational change would be appropriate in this case for this callus piece of Low life.
  9. The greatest fear to the CCP, is not being able to control the masses, and have them rebelling. Xi,s Covid policy has pushed the people of his Country to the point of revolt, and anarchy is something that the CCP cannot, and will not tolerate, as it would undermine their totalitarian grip upon the nation. Xi will only bend slightly. He will never give in, at any cost.
  10. We have our Cat Vaccinated for Rabies on an annual basis, and the Veterinary Clinic attaches a Metal tag to the collar to signify vaccination. However, I realise that we would be in the minority getting this done, and the real answer is, as you have stated - a mass cull. This would certainly stop most of the attacks upon small Kids, and put many poorly and suffering Animals out their misery. I believe their to be something really wrong in a Society to allow all these attacks on Humans
  11. " Project faces delays " Read as Not got the Money to invest
  12. Oh yes you will ! Its getting near to the New Year Holidays - the traditional time for them to crawl out from whatever they have been hiding under, and start the traditional season of RTP goodwill in fleecing as many people as possible for a few weeks
  13. With over 2 Years where the Country locked out Foreign Travelers, there was an ideal opportunity for the Government , and the Private Sector, to Invest in the Tourism Sector. Instead, the Authorities just dug more and more Holes in the Walkways and Roads, and watched the weeds grow around every piece of Tourism Real Estate, and the Private Sector just shuttered everything. New approaches to Tourism have been implemented a long time ago by forward thinking and innovative Governments, which now leaves Thailand on the back burner when it comes to attracting Tourists to Thai shores. The high Baht and a policy of flip-flopping over every decision made at the top, has pushed Tourists away, and the sole reliance upon China to come charging over the Hill with Millions of tourists has backfired in spectacular fashion for TAT. An old saying springs to mind P**s Poor Planning will always equal P**s poor performance.
  14. Exports falling as more to do with the Worlds Economy at this present time, and also competition from other Nations. Thailand has a heavy reliance upon the CCP, and with that Economy in a slide, it is going to domino into Thailands GDP also. The CCP is steadily losing some of its business to India now, and other Nations such as Vietnam, are more progressive than the Thai structure for Business, and also taking Business away from Thai shores. Tourism that accounts for roughly 18 % of GDP in Thailand will also slide away in 2023/4 . With what appears to be rampant Inflation within the Country, and an insane amount of lending by Banks to people with little or no means of full repayment on their Loans taking Household Debt to nearly 100 % of GDP, the Country has dug as very deep hole to encourage Consumer spending with a zero safety net. Hence the warnings from the IMF
  15. The passing of a great talent. RIP " Songbird "
  16. These short term high interest Loans are usually for Gambling habits
  17. And when Deputy Dawg gets the gets his 35 Baht to Dollar that he demanded openly about 6 weeks ago, it will be even worse for the Export market. The Vietnamese and Indians are taking the trade away from Thailand.
  18. Very true ! Expat money in Thailand is but a pimple on an Elephants rear end. The True GDP drivers are Exports, Manufacturing, Agri and Tourism All of which are due for a slide in 2023 / 4
  19. There are many, many more drivers in Thailand that remove the number plate completely. Obviously to avoid the speeding fine cameras and incidents like this. All too easy to just say if stopped and asked by plod " Oh ! it must have fell off " I guess all this just falls into the can of Traffic Violations that are rife
  20. Other Countries have already factored into their Inflation rates the massive rise in energy costs for Electricity Generation Etc. This has not come to full fruition in Thailand, as there are more massive Electricity rises planned for the New Year, which will domino into the Inflation rate I think everybody that lives here will say that the reported Inflation Rate is nowhere near the true rate, and is closer to 10 % than the published 6.7 % Gas + 30 % Electric + 35 % ( so far this Year ) Eggs + 30 % Pork over 60 % Chicken over 50 % Haircut + 20 % The Inflationary rises are very big and across the board, AIMHO, the BOT have been at the same dream pipe as TAT
  21. Oh dear ! If the TAT dream team are still relying upon the Chinese hordes for a bail out, they better think again Covid is more rampant in China now than it ever was, and as others have stated in this thread, many Countries are heading into a recession in 2023/4, and peoples earnings are falling way behind Inflation. As I have been saying for a while now, the last thing Money will be allotted too in the near future, and for some time to come, will be a Foreign Holiday, and with the falling production and Exports, times they are a changing.
  22. Get the outside wall rendered over correctly, and when fully dry paint inside and out with a silicon sealant paint such as " Thompsons Waterseal " The Waterseal is a UK product, but I am sure there will be an equivalent in Thailand.
  23. Indeed, Thais never seem happy when the immediate surrounding area is quiet. They almost glean some kind of warmth and feeling of safety when there is a load of noise And it does not matter how its generated,
  24. Thai Taxi Mafia logic at play. Have just a few Touroids , and a busy weekend with Firework Display so rip everybody off for as much as possible.
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