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Posts posted by icare999

  1. Some of the comments on here are disgusting. If a man cannot control himself around women he is the one with the problem. To say that women should cover themselves is antiquated and sexist and reminds me of years ago when female rape victims were made to feel like it was their fault. No ones fault but the perpetrator

    but sorry some men for whatever reason can't control themselves very well and many think a girl scantily dressed is sending an invitation. I recall 40 or so years ago i wasp na beach in south france with my first wife and a super model type girl wearing nothing walked whole length of beech. Of course i did not go and rape her but I could not help looking even staring at her all time. My then wife hit me and to this day ill still say well she

    invited me to stare at her.

    So its not appropriate or sensible to dress scantily and fairly stupid to do so in any isolated place. Of course n a Gogo bar its safe for girls as they are in public place but are you really suggesting it would be sensible for them to do that outside their work place.

    Right or wrong and i agree its not girls fault if she's raped but its plain silly to provoke such an action from some men in knowledge that their are a lot of men around who rightly or wrongly and especially if on drugs or drunk will try and so should not be encouraged or have their desires ramped up even more.

    I have lived and worked on beaches all my life and still do, but I just can not understand why the way a lady/girl dresses should affect the way a man /person looks /reacts to her.She should be able to wear a bikini on the beach even at night if she wants to.

    As you say all you wanted was to look.Unfortunately there are sick animals out there who can not control themselves.

    exactly my point so silly for gils to wear such scanty dress and anyway inappropriate here and not liked by most thais. ITs seen as rude and low class to say least

  2. And when is the English vote to decide if Scotland should leave?

    A union has 2 or more parts and all parts should be involved in the decision process equally.

    when is england going to be allowed to vote on independence so that non English MP's cannot force their ideology on english folk. I hope scotland votes yes and wales and NI and then if were lucky we wont get another socialist nightmare government in england

    Please please please scotland vote yes but i reckon they dont have guts to leave mummy and will be happy to continue winging about how unfair it all is while taking english tax payers money to support them

    Sadly i reckon they will vote No bit I live hope as i do that one day england will leave EEC and just become like switzerland and others a full trading partner in a common trading block but if Europe does not want that fine and even if were poorer or a lot poorer better to be free

    • Like 2
  3. It is not a point of just taxing the rich it is a point to ensure that the rich pay their equal , required amount , far too many times, the rich have super duper ways to avoid tax , the rich or wealthy should pay their way as with the rest of the population, when you find that a wealthy person pays ten per-cent and the bus Driver pays 33 per-cent you wonder who has the best tax accountant, P.M. Prayuth 's choice of words probably could have been more softer , however why go soft on people who make mega bucks and then flout the Tax laws.coffee1.gif

    wont work never has never will real rich always find loopholes only way to make it work is to tax luxury goods and have different tax rates for different products. Tax business class and first class air travel a lot and economy class very little. Tax as they do high end luxury cars 200% or more (done for cars not made here and rich still buy them), the luxury hotel tax it 20% make it 30 or 40%. So everything rich want tax it and it cant then be avoided. Zero rate tax on basic foods while luxury foods put 50% tax on them.

    Thats only way you'll get rich to pay up.

    • Like 2
  4. Maybe insensitive but he has a point. There is no bikinis or even swimming suits worn by locals at local beaches and only a few westernized thais wear them at tourist places and then much bigger than western bikinis. Unfortunately.

    The only thais you will see wearing western bikinis are pros looking for a custumer or already with one.

    Told this years ago by the wife saying girls in bikinis are putting themselves in danger. Most loso thai men have little respect for women and just see women as meat.

    The shorts under skirts are worn for a reason.

    Excuse me sir. iam someone who wears a bikini and I am not a prostitute. i am Thai. I agree with you on beaches most Thais do not wear bikini but someone who is modern can do so and is NOT a prostitute. i think you are very old to think like this. i am very sorry about the British tourists and their family.

    but its not appropriate in many places here and if your this you know its frowned on to say least by most thais. So why since I'm sure you know its not liked and offends al to of thais do you do it ?? every this lady i know finds it distasteful and not just old fashioned ones. So i repeat why do you persist in doing something which offends a lot of people. The rude forang men who walk around with no top covered in tattoos and to some extent thai girls and ladies have at least excuse they probably dont know they are offending a lot of people and while I'm sure you are not a prostitute a lot of thais especially non educated non western thais will assume you are ax will a lot of their wives. In my time I've known a lot of shall we say lady companions form bars and none of them would behave like this in public (except at bar or entertainment venue)

  5. Some of the comments on here are disgusting. If a man cannot control himself around women he is the one with the problem. To say that women should cover themselves is antiquated and sexist and reminds me of years ago when female rape victims were made to feel like it was their fault. No ones fault but the perpetrator

    but sorry some men for whatever reason can't control themselves very well and many think a girl scantily dressed is sending an invitation. I recall 40 or so years ago i wasp na beach in south france with my first wife and a super model type girl wearing nothing walked whole length of beech. Of course i did not go and rape her but I could not help looking even staring at her all time. My then wife hit me and to this day ill still say well she

    invited me to stare at her.

    So its not appropriate or sensible to dress scantily and fairly stupid to do so in any isolated place. Of course n a Gogo bar its safe for girls as they are in public place but are you really suggesting it would be sensible for them to do that outside their work place.

    Right or wrong and i agree its not girls fault if she's raped but its plain silly to provoke such an action from some men in knowledge that their are a lot of men around who rightly or wrongly and especially if on drugs or drunk will try and so should not be encouraged or have their desires ramped up even more.

  6. There is only one reason why foreign tourists in bikinis are tolerated on Thai beaches, and that is because of the $$$ earned from these tourists.

    Most Thai people are conservative in outlook and frown upon the wearing of such clothing. Remember that most Thais are Buddhist, with a large Muslim minority (majority in the south).

    Don't think for one minute that you would be welcome on the beaches of Thailand in your bikini if it were not for your money.

    I have seen Thai conservatism on walking street in Pattaya and along Jomtien beach and in many other locations around Bangkok.

    I have been approached early (ish) evening by men and women showing me graphic, sexual pictures and trying to coax me to go to a "ping pong" show. This is while weaving in and out of hoards of scantily dressed ladyboys along bar fronts strewn with ladies dancing provocatively to try and tempt me into go go bars. All of this in the street open for everyone to see, including the kids, very conservative.

    And yet bikinis worn by women on the beach are inappropriate,,, hmmm,,, priorities skewed maybe?

    Pattaya is just one huge brothel so its appropriate but that does not make jot right in other places. What a stupid comment you've made. Maybe people like you totally immerse yourself in a brothel most or all the time but if you went out and looked at most of Thailand you will not see (except maybe in tourist sex spots) such rude and inappropriate behaviour. IT might be appropriate for gay men to openly engage sex acts in their own clubs and places but that imagine if they started doing that say doggy style in a shopping mall or beach ??

    As much as I agree that his post was a little misguided, Hua Hin even has it's own red light district or gogo bar scene which is very close to the beach and sometimes you can see stranglers from the night befer at sunrise around the beach areas (I like to take sunrise photographs at around 5-6am from time to time). It isn't just Pattaya or Phuket

    when we lived in Bangkok we used to go to Hui Hin and Cha Am a lot and in those days it was 99% a Thai tourist place mostly used by well of Bangkok folk for weekend or at holidays. Even only 15 years ago their was no var scene or togo bars at all but with it becoming popular with forang tourists it changed a lot and the bars opened. Same as in a lot of other laces in Thailand. Of course their were always places for This men but very discrete. Even one of our favourites Ko Chang has in last few years sprouted somme girlie bars but at moment these places are still fairly discrete and its not done. I know people who would not agree but id never take my kids to a Brothel like Pattaya mostly is except maybe boys to teach them facts of life. Of course its fun and in my day like most men i went to those places (long long long ago before married).

    Its still not appropriate in most of Thailand and sadly its forang who've brought it here. Ladies at temples and places are IMO more art forms and anyway not at all same as a live can be touched and got young pretty female scantily dressed. One is possibly obtainable other is just a picture.

  7. well good for them, the comments, if quoted correctly were made in bad taste and are very insentitive to say the least.

    well sorry if your offended by someone telling the truth. Stop bringing your crap western ideas here where everything is ok. Here itsw not ok for men to walk around half naked covered in tattoos or women (except in gogo bars and Pattayi bars) to go around indecently dressed and its not ok like most westerners do to enter a temple in hot pants or short skirts or to wear shoes

    When in rome do as romans and stop all this crap its not appropriate here.

    So all you forang who think its fine to come here parade around as you would in west your simply looked upon by all thais (including bar girls prostitutes and rest) as rude and totally low class.

    Im not excusing any murders or rape but its simply not appreciated or appropriate here except in proper place being bar scene or at a private party with paid dancing girls

    And coyote and karaoke bars with skimpily-clad girls with numbers pinned to their chests, both heavily patronised by many Thai men are OK then?

    yes its perfectly ok because its in correct place its not ok if girls are forced to do it either by intimidation or worse expected to by their scum parents. In past some girls were forced but these days its not common and girls do it willingly.

    It is however not appropriate outside the entertainment venues

  8. There is only one reason why foreign tourists in bikinis are tolerated on Thai beaches, and that is because of the $$$ earned from these tourists.

    Most Thai people are conservative in outlook and frown upon the wearing of such clothing. Remember that most Thais are Buddhist, with a large Muslim minority (majority in the south).

    Don't think for one minute that you would be welcome on the beaches of Thailand in your bikini if it were not for your money.

    I have seen Thai conservatism on walking street in Pattaya and along Jomtien beach and in many other locations around Bangkok.

    I have been approached early (ish) evening by men and women showing me graphic, sexual pictures and trying to coax me to go to a "ping pong" show. This is while weaving in and out of hoards of scantily dressed ladyboys along bar fronts strewn with ladies dancing provocatively to try and tempt me into go go bars. All of this in the street open for everyone to see, including the kids, very conservative.

    And yet bikinis worn by women on the beach are inappropriate,,, hmmm,,, priorities skewed maybe?

    Pattaya is just one huge brothel so its appropriate but that does not make jot right in other places. What a stupid comment you've made. Maybe people like you totally immerse yourself in a brothel most or all the time but if you went out and looked at most of Thailand you will not see (except maybe in tourist sex spots) such rude and inappropriate behaviour. IT might be appropriate for gay men to openly engage sex acts in their own clubs and places but that imagine if they started doing that say doggy style in a shopping mall or beach ??

  9. Deputy govt spokesman says PM sorry over 'bikini quote'

    BANGKOK: -- Deputy government Spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd said Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha was sorry after learning that his comment over the murder of British tourists caused a furore.

    Sansern said Prayuth was also sorry that part of his statement was selectively played up without taking his intention into account.

    Sansern said Prayuth had good intention to protect tourists and wanted to see all sides cooperate to increase security for foreigners.


    -- The Nation 2014-09-18

    Why can't he say it himself?

    why should he the comment was appropriate although PC nutters like you prefer to suppress peoples freedom of speech by using PC claptrap I wish they had simply told western lot to @##$% off and no wonder many Thais dont like forang who refuse to be polite and follow standard rules of behaviour here. Even most bar girls would not wear scant chothes or bikinis outside of their work places

    • Like 1
  10. well good for them, the comments, if quoted correctly were made in bad taste and are very insentitive to say the least.

    well sorry if your offended by someone telling the truth. Stop bringing your crap western ideas here where everything is ok. Here itsw not ok for men to walk around half naked covered in tattoos or women (except in gogo bars and Pattayi bars) to go around indecently dressed and its not ok like most westerners do to enter a temple in hot pants or short skirts or to wear shoes

    When in rome do as romans and stop all this crap its not appropriate here.

    So all you forang who think its fine to come here parade around as you would in west your simply looked upon by all thais (including bar girls prostitutes and rest) as rude and totally low class.

    Im not excusing any murders or rape but its simply not appreciated or appropriate here except in proper place being bar scene or at a private party with paid dancing girls

  11. Under the Barnett rule, Scotland recieves 1500 quid per year per head more in spending than England. NI receives 2000 more, Wales about 700. The UK has said this will continue . But if Scotland leaves then obviously it is no longer eligible.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 1 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    another reason i say please vote yes scotland please please pretty please

    if scotland votes yes for me it will be xpartytime2.gif.pagespeed.ic.V_K7hML3fS. even if GBP falls even if its economically bad for england because I as an englishman want england to be independent of its hangers on scotland Wales and NI and be allowed to choose itself what government it wants not one imposed from scotland and wales and their socialist MP's

  12. If there is a Yes then it would be in the interests of the rest of the Uk to strike the best possible deal for the remaining three parts of the Kingdom. Expect a big bill on the way out and no mercy in the separation negotiations after all the Westminster parliament holds all the cards and it is an acrimonius divorce.. That said good luck if it is a yes !

    Westminster holds all of the debt and virtually none of the oil. Maybe we will show you some mercy.

    please please please vote yes as an english man although expat since last labour government in 70's brought UK to its knees before being saved by Thatcher.

    For my children still in UK sake and my grandchildren I'm fed up with Scotland and Wales forcing a socialist government on england. So please go your own way double please and no more winging or scourging of english and i do wish you well but dont want you at all and i love scotland. I have a daughter who lives there and grandchildren who live there but time england had rights.

    So whatever outcome let England be free of socialists and their stupid ideas. At verity least give england its own devolved parliament and let england have devolved max as they say.

    If scotland votes no we deserve the right to be rood of scotland and for that matter Wales and Northern Ireland.

  13. I myself hate Thaksin and his political party but history should not be distorted, people need to know the truth . It was the failure and corruption of all the Politicians from all camps , the PheuThai, The Democrats, Banharn, Newin, Chavalit, etc and a failure of the education system that lead thailand to be in a shameful state of being without democracy and being ruled by a military junta and a few elites.

    Just omitting the name Thaksin is not the way .

    I fear of what the future holds for Thailand.

    First I thought maybe better to tell truth and write a chapter on his corruption stealing vile acts and that of his scum red shirt thugs but better this way for several reasons

    1. Most of Thais are not educated enough to understand and some even if they understand still love him even though he is a megalomaniac would be dictator on par with Stalin, Saddam, Mugabwie and Hitler and they all had and have lots of devoted followers.

    2. The libel laws here are such that even if it’s the proven truth you can be sued and loose

    3. If history books showed truth (that is hes a vile monster) why give him and those silly folk opposed to military rule the chance to cry foul even though it would all be true. No better to ignore him.

    So army have probably been quite clever here and sooner he is wiped away not only from history but from whole scene the sooner Thailand can mend.

  14. RPI and sincere condolences to both their families absolutely horrific murders So it is now becoming more apparent where not to go for your holidays if you want to have a safe carefree relaxing holiday with beautiful beaches Thailand is not the place to come to.

    yes its awful, but come of it how often does this sort of thing happen in west so often IMO it does not usually even bother to be reported.

    Before coming out with nonsense put it into prospective against number of tourists and I'm not condoning it at all.

    Also get full details and it is possible its a faring or faring who did it

    Just because your on holiday here or anywhere you need to take sensible precautions. No one would dream of walking late at night along deserted places anywhere in west and while this is a couple I've seen single forang woman doing that when they just would not back in UK or USA or europe

    What does all that mean in English ???

    it means its very sad but it happens everywhere in world and probably more in west than here so post claiming otherwise IMO is total nonsense English enough for you

  15. RPI and sincere condolences to both their families absolutely horrific murders So it is now becoming more apparent where not to go for your holidays if you want to have a safe carefree relaxing holiday with beautiful beaches Thailand is not the place to come to.

    yes its awful, but come of it how often does this sort of thing happen in west so often IMO it does not usually even bother to be reported.

    Before coming out with nonsense put it into prospective against number of tourists and I'm not condoning it at all.

    Also get full details and it is possible its a faring or faring who did it

    Just because your on holiday here or anywhere you need to take sensible precautions. No one would dream of walking late at night along deserted places anywhere in west and while this is a couple I've seen single forang woman doing that when they just would not back in UK or USA or europe

  16. Over 30 years here and never had a problem with criminals or police. Ive been cheated a few times but I was also cheated in UK and i know several forang with business's here long term never paid a bribe or had a problem. Ive paid odd police man only because its less trouble than going down to police station to pay the fine but also just accepted the ticket when they obviously wanted a bribe. All fairly petty stuff. Ive had some try intimidation but only when I've done wrong (like over limit on a nought out and yes i should not do that). Ive offered bribes to officials to save taxes and they have been accepted and yes its bad i did it but if its saves a few hindered thousand baht so be it. Ive done worse in UK and seen more corruption in UK to be honest long ago after the war.

    I think the only forang who have a problem are those involved in shady things like running a girly bar or brothel or treading on toes of thais. Those like me who are careful to leave thais to themselves and dont ever compete or threaten them. I did once or twice have a gang and headman threaten when in dispute with a third party thai and when i just said ok and went to police the police (paid by other side of course) were quite aggressive but in end i acted like a dumb forang and pretended the police where good guys and so they gave up and then so other side saved face gave some minor amount and even had police touting to all see forang has lost. Funny just 100 baht or so instead of 20,000 demanded but if it came to it id pay 20,000 if they pushed it to real aggression instead of just barking

  17. So these guys presented themselves to the Deputy Interior Minister claiming to be some of the Men in Black ...yet he apparently made no attempt to have them arrested or entrapped or somehow detained !! That sounds beyond stupid to me.

    are you completely without a brain say i was hired by someone totally in control of government police and most of judicery and then went to someone totally opposed to the person who controlled the police government and the rest what do you think the police government and rest would do. Come on its not rocket science you know

    Nothing at all and of course the government and those totally paid and controlled by that person would say they did not exist

    Get it yet

    Theirs people here who would claim Hitler never killed any jews facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif

  18. And for those with GBP held in Scottish banks or other deposit taking institutions, what becomes of that money if Scotland leaves and adopts a currency that is not the GBP?

    For a start banking rules state that a bank must be based in the country where it has most customers so the main Scottish banks will be forced to move HQ. There are similar rules for parts of the insurance/assurance business.

    Although the oil and gas is running out there has already been some new finds north of Shetland and Shetland has said it will not leave the union, so lots of contentious issues abound.

    Which banking rules, please?

    dont worry I'm still always surprised about total nonsense people post here I sometimes think they cant be that stupid and just make up total crap for fun Surely that or their brains are size of peanuts but then the BS I've heard Thais say takes prize for sure especially government here Who can ever forget such classics as get 1000 boats to push water away during floods or one of my favourites at a red short rally when speaker said when Taksin comes back gold price will fall and so everyone will be able to buy gold again and all Thais believed it or do pmt have plants in house they take good air out and you'll suffocate. I must make a book of all crap people say here

  19. I understood one of the rules for any new country joining the EU was that they had to use the Euro.

    By the way the oil is mine just like the pound is yours

    as it is for a Welshman or somebody from any part of the UK.as you will find out when you try to steal it the English politician's have been very quiet about it so as

    not to drive the majority into Salmonds black hole.

    as always the lawyers are rubbing there hands.

    The court cases will drag on for years.

    We will join NATO (though the weapons of mass destruction

    A new country joining the EU, do you mean the new England/Wales/Northern Ireland entity, the Scottish entity or both?

    As an Equal partner in the union Scotland would have as much right to be a member as any of the others or are the yes protagonists right and under the current rule Scotland has zilch?

    Does this mean the £ will have to be abandoned in England for the Euro?

    please be right and please scotland vote yes because then england can leave EU since if what you reckon is right no way could any government push us in party time

  20. I'm still sticking with my view that whether or not the Scottish vote to breakaway from England, after the vote is over the English should be allowed a vote as to whether they want to keep the Scottish biggrin.png


    Fletch smile.png

    +1 please please scotland vote yes double please burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif if yes vote no more bloody socialist governments

    on other hand not a lot of immigrants in scotland to scrounge of welfare state so maybe move their if it all goes bad here

    on other hand loads of scottish single parents with loads of kids scrounging of rest of us

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