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Posts posted by icare999

  1. I regret that my boy still is of the age that education is obligatory, otherwise I would pull him from school right now and then.

    if your boy is attending a thai school you must know beryl little about how kids are educated here and if you can't afford a decent international school i fell very sad for your boy since hell never get a education here at a Thai school.

  2. until Taksin is totally defeated there will be no election you no understand yet redshirt Taksin followers but then you are totally brainwashed naive and rest IMO ill add in my humble opinion. If theirs election for 10 years i and my thai family are happy even though it is obvious new regime do not like or want forang or care about views of stupid forang governments. THnak goodness and thank you Suphet and our general keep it up to add long live our beloved king. EVen my children show respect to king and others and they are 100% non this educated. In UK when i was a kid we alway stood up at cinema for queen and now having lost respect we've lost our way.

  3. What a woman!!giggle.gif

    Still good looking, a very popular ex-PM and even a good mother!!whistling.gif

    ".....a very popular ex-PM and even a good mother!"

    Very nice sentiments and let's hope that is exactly how things remain.

    i hope he was being ironic since i cant believe anyone is so naive to think she's nothing more than Taksins clone etc bout then I'm always surprised at peoples stupidity

    • Like 1
  4. What planet is this man on.... Quality tourist ?????? Please explain... Oh that's right like your quality police force. Most of the tourist destinations in Thailand are only good because of the foreign owned or started businesses there. Ask yourself where you stayed, where you ate, what club you went into... I would wager probably foreign owned... Its time to pull out people. Put your business dollars elsewhere. Put your money into a country that deserves it. Cambodia for instance. You would almost be getting in at the ground floor. Perhaps its time to make Cambodia a better version of what Thailand use to be..morally its impossible to stomach this PM anymore.

    I guess you really haven't spent much time in Cambodia lately. Actually here in Chiang Mai you avoid the foreign owned businesses if you want good service except for Dukes.

    you must be American every time I vitas CM an american recommends Dukes yet few times I've tried it when visiting I thought it was awful but then I'm a quality resident who likes quality

  5. So not all men are equal.

    And the law cannot be universally applied.

    No wonder Thaksin is the only one in Thailand who have to pay capital gain tax from selling SHIN shares.

    He deserves it.

    thats what started all this and while its true their is no CGT tax here at time I lived a lot in Bangkok and people were furious that to only dpi he change law to allow sale to singapore he paid no tax on profit which was huge. I remember at time around 2005/2006 telling people in Bangkok that no tax was payable but they still were furious and if he'd had decency to pay tax even though not legally due he would never had been deposed in coup and probably by now be president and dictator here. His total greed arrogance was thank god his downfall and I give thanks every day that this time with luck they will finish this evil megalomanic for good and if it takes 10 year of military rule to achieve that so be it. Thank you kuun Suphet and Army for at least having gifts to stand up to this would be megalomaniac dictator.

    • Like 1
  6. The ageneral is a good and respectful man.

    The reporter failed to show respect for the man and the position of PM.

    i 100% support coup but this is Thainess which mostly is about face and glengie mid penrie which is why this country is so good and so bad

  7. until the shinawati cancer and red shirt demand are fully out of picture i pray no election even if thats 5 + years. Id prefer to live under a benign military dictatorship anyway than crap we've had from Taksin and his red shirts for last decade

    You spelt malignant wrong!

    sorry as i said english is not my best subject and so i looked up malignant but i guess instead of plain honest speaking your hinting that Shin evil nonsense is incurable if so i live in hope and even malignant cancers which i have had can be cured. I assume you mean i should have said the malignant dance of shinawatis and not referring to benign or are you another piss taker

  8. until the shinawati cancer and red shirt demand are fully out of picture i pray no election even if thats 5 + years. Id prefer to live under a benign military dictatorship anyway than crap we've had from Taksin and his red shirts for last decade

    You spelt malignant wrong!

    wonderful english was never my my best subject and on top im badly dyslexic ?? is that a serious comment

  9. Delaying the promised election carries a lot of perils internally and externally. Pressure from inside can spill over into unchartered consequences from civilians and the military. External pressure like sanctions and investment pulling out will hurt the economy. I doubt the General will like history to remember him as a villain.

    how naive can you be you really believe outside world will maker any difference but i guess you also believe pigs can fly

  10. so much better when red thugs were roaming around wasn't it. Thailand will be fine dont worry and with luck once and fro all get rid of Shinawati cancer. Compare here with food stamps in USA food handouts in UK and rest and problems here are minor. People here are not yet so pathetic to have to live of government handouts as in west and this country has plenty of food, no problem with unemployment but new debt is a sign of real problems to come. Thais are very fortunate at all levels and IMO being poor here is much much better than being poor in west

  11. Are they serious??

    Tourists are no safer here now than before martial law?

    In fact many cannot get travel insurance to a place under martial law.

    well IMO everyone is safer now red short murdering thugs are tamed. Not being able to get health insurance has nothing to do at all

    with being safe. Anyway insurance can still be obtained it just can cost a little more. I guess nothing to loose for TAT since

    anyone pout off by scare mongering about Thailand probably wont come. How ,much damage to tourist industry have red shirts mayhem,]killings and rest done and also all nasty scams which at least the junta is trying to do something about. How successfully is yet to be seem n next few years. It took UK years to rid London and rest of huge corruption by police (cray twins and all rest).

  12. when you've been here over 30 + years you do not get surprised at anything. Don't worry thais will do as they always have and do best they can to clean up as in so many many case in last 30+ years I've seen. A friend just here for 1 year seems to think believe this one is different since uk newspapers are so full of it and he even believes nothing like this has happened before. I 99.9999 % guarantee after

    assurances of doing better and rest whole thing will die down in a few weeks. Scapegoats will be found

    and Thailand will continue as it always has.

    Without appearing to be heartless and i feel really sorry for parents but it sickens me all the hands

    up in horror about how wrong this is when all around world thousands, tens of thousands and sometimes

    millions are slaughtered and all angry posters here dont give a thought or comment on that.

    WE who have been here long long time understand but sorry to say stupid tourists come here and think

    they are safer than in UK. Its BS here is as safe or safer than UK or most places in west. Would tourists go to cairo and acct so naively.

    Grow up and learn and stop being so stupid.

    Many many condolences to the parents but dont expect however much you wring your hands a decent outcome

    IF so many in UK cant get a decent investigation then how on earth do you expect one here. UK numerous

    cover ups for years on vile sexual abuse of minor and rest.

    NOt sickened by things here I'm sickened by rasist prejudice amongst most of ops and sickened they dont

    even know it .

    Please stop all your crap about a single sad incident and ignore whats happening with ISIS and rest

    rascism is only thing that explains it

    • Like 2
  13. when i first came to live here over 30 years ago it was all so simple if you got caught with a minor traffic offence since police pay was so bad i never indeed giving odd 100 baht (then 20 baht) to save hazzle of gong to police station paying fine and rest and it was all good natured. Tea money was standard in Asia and their were very few if any scams. Then IMO it all started going badly wrong when Taksin started and he and his merry men got stupidly greedy. Corruption was really more of a tip and you did not need to pay it. Their was no cohesion no aggression no problem. It was totally accepted forang had moremoney so paid a bit more.

    I never thought of it as corrupt and when dealing with government officials (also very lowly paid) i always considered it a fee for express service. It was very refreshing having come from London and New York where real corruption was and still is much worse or was much worse but very under the table. Here it was put in open.

    Police corruption in London in 1950's was terrible and only cured by massive pay rises.

    The old ways are sometimes best.

  14. Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

    I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

    ..but a Thai can rape a young girl, kill her and throw her from a train?

    You have zero credibility here.

    Best you leave.

    look i also dont believe any thai can do anything bad How dare you naughty forang suggest such a lie they also never cheat lie or do anything against their buddhist bliefs

    io honestly think he caws being totally ironic and making a joke or he must be most stupid ignorant pathetic brainless person on earth but then perhaps like so much crap here he really or she believes it

    So you nasty forang you go home we dont need your version of truth here Of course it cant be a thai

  15. At the moment i'm very not buying this.

    In the wake of the taxi driver attempted fit up its all very suspicious

    Myanmar wont protest either.

    of course they havnt been dna tested and yet to be matched so atm its just another BS headline

    Really this is all too convenient, but then again what did we expect.... its almost as if we wrote the script ............

    regardless of if these are found to be the murderers its been a farce all the way

    When things become as outrageously and openly corrupt and predictable as this its time for some soul searching regarding staying here anymore.

    At least it is for me

    like most here you're totally naive people like you also think politicians are fine but people like me who have lived here over 30 years and also90%+ of thais know how system works here. Im always amazed how stupid most forang are. They come here and even after some time believe values are same as back home. Every this I've talked to about this immediately said of course they will find some burmese scape goat. Without bringing in red yellow taksin etc theirs still forang who believe Taksin is a decent guy and that thailand has democracy. Just one example amongst hundreds.

    They are also same people who believe we dont have massive corruption in the west and same thing as here such as so many examples in UK of total incompetance by UK police in manchester grooming scandal welfare workers ignoring all signs of horrendous child abuse or sexual abuse by high up people and the rest. As bad or even worse than here IMO.

    IF you dont understand this yes its time to go since your totally naive and ignorant.

    HOwever I find it worse i west and UK much worse in many ways since theirs a total denial by most to accept the facts while here at least thais know truth but also know they are powerless to do anything.

    I would not live anywhere else but know dangers and would never let a child or daughter of mine kurt of sight or be so stupid as to let a daughter wear a bikini here and go to a secluded place.

    I feel very sorry for parents and sad their kids were so naive. It happens in Spain and everywhere.

  16. i wish they would stop all this nonsense and not act like headless hickens Its pathetic but soon all will believe rumours going around which are as usual police doth want to find real murderers because either they have been paid off or murderers are to well connected so and this is Thais talking not me as a ex pat most seem to say of course they will never admit it could be a thai so will find some poor pathetic burmese or such to be scapegoat as usual. I was even after 30+ years here vert surprised to hear from my wife and friends all in agreement that this was normal this way and they are not hiso or even so well educated except most from their youth very street wise. Maybe fact they are beginning to openly say what was taboo before even is not true is a really good sign that and i live n hope after 30+ years here worm has finally turned and been so disgusted with police and other corruption

    One lives in hope that thais we've known for decades and their young are prepared to say openly at least semi publicly what they have believed all the time

    one thai firmed of my wife's (came from Issan slums)as my wife did 35 years ago said thailand has no law no respect no moral values which is true of many hi sos police and others IMO but this group have always had moral values and they also repair about rip offs scandals and open corruption which they say was not so until last 10 years or so (and yes sorry to say who has been main government in power or in power all those years yes a certain hero of poor)

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  17. Thailand is a very safe country. I have been here 2 years and I haven't so much as seen any trouble. The only problems here in Thailand appear to happen in the places most people know to avoid anyway - Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok. I am sorry for anyone who gets into trouble here or gets hurt but it doesn't take a genius to work out that there is a certain risk to going to Pattaya and getting extremely drunk. The same would apply to a tourist visiting England, don't go to St Annes in Nottingham and get extremely drunk or try to purchase drugs in Moss Side in Manchester. It is of course not ideal but at the same time, getting in trouble in Thailand seems entirely avoidable to me.

    Before i settled down to a quite peaceful life many many years ago i used to get drunk as a lord as they say in Bangcock and in my drunken stupor went to places most would consider risky to say the least I did this many times and never not once lost any money (not that id really know being so pissed but their was always plenty in my wallet at end even when i did not recognise my sleeping companion). I used to do same n Pattaya Phuket and again never any problem or trouble. I fondly remember those says but was always amazed since i was such an easy target that in every occasion after visiting many dives and low places not once in perhaps 500 times over 5 or so years the slightest problem (except due to my state fairly often in lower reagoons of my body.

    Long time ago now so maybe a lot has changed and maybe lucky I'm now so old and derepid i prefer a good film and bottle of whisky with my wonderful wife (she does not partake in whisky and I'm restricted to 1 bottle a session now and again)

  18. Isn't the impeachment request premature?

    This is what I understand:

    1) Yingluck has not been found quilty in a court of law for negligent dereliction of duty in the rice pledge program. To date the prosecutor has declined to charge Yingluck and bring her to trial. But it seems the NACC has independent prosecurial powers to the extent that it can hire its own prosecutor to take the case to trial. Regardless, she has not been tried and\ found guilty. So is the grounds for impeachment is based on NACC allegations that she should be impeached?

    2) With regards to the failed Pheu Thai Party MP's legislation to alter the way some senators are selected (proposed 100% elected vs. 50% appointed), the Supreme Court ruled that it was the PROCESS used to pass the legislation that was unconstitutional. The SC did not rule that it was the PROPOSAL itself that was unconstitutional as the 2007 Constitution provided for changes to the Constitution. Again, where is the criminality and conviction?

    3) Finally, it is odd that NACC is asking that Yingluck to be impeached for attempting a change in the constitution that no longer exists. To those new TV readers, the 2007 Constitution doesn't exist because the military coup aborgated (threw out) the constitution in May 2014 and by its own perrogative created an Interim Constitution and a National Legislative Assembly in which the Senate no longer exists.

    So what is the grounds for impeachment other than a political vendetta against the PTP and Yingluck?

    Oh stop it now.

    As loads of people have said on here, "we all know the Shinawatras are evil, thieving people, and we all know that they must be guilty of something, so we all know that they must be found guilty, because we all know that they are the baddies and the other guys are the goodies, because we all know this, and this is the truth, because the Nation said so".

    no because anyone with half an eye and a bit old brain knows its true

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