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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. Of course the motorcycle rental  company doesn't have third party insurance. They don't think They need it. They would just hold the passport and charge the foreigner exorbitant fees if the bike were damaged or even scratched. Rarely would this type of accident happen to them. But if anyone wants to sue them, good

     luck. This is Thailand. You can't get a baht from a Thai in court.

  2. On 1/6/2018 at 1:48 PM, pegman said:

    If you don't drive keep close to a baht bus route. You can get to food stores by using them. The Jomtien Beach area is my preference.

    Depends on what you mean by "food stores." I, too, live in this area. There is foodland , but it is expensive, the staff are sometimes rude, and everything is 20% more expensive than Big C or Tesco Lotus. Beer is even more expensive than familymart or 7/11, which makes no sense whatsoever. 

    You can take a baht bus down Theppresset Road to Tesco Lotus, but be prepared to sit in it and wait about 15~30 minutes until there are 8 to 10 other souls on board. Coming back, you'll wait a similar amount of time.

    i do it regularly, but don't fancy the wait.

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  3. 44 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Why do posters seem to believe that that universal behaviour is confined to Thailand? Happens everywhere.

    This kind of person uses the lame:

    Problem ______happens in country _____ as well. 

    It is a fallacy of logic, and the Thai apologists' greatest tool.

    Yes, people in other countries tailgate, but not every several minutes on the highway will you get someone 2 meters from your bumper at 100kph.

    Yes, people drive like sh!t in other countries, but I have lived extensively in five Asian countries, and in my own civilized homeland, and I, and every other poster here by you have never seen such sh!tty driving as in Thailand.

  4. 13 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

    The problem with following at a safe distance in this country is that very often, in my experience, some nutter will make the situation much more dangerous by jumping into that space due to impatience.

    This comment is spot on.

    And if you leave a space between you and the driver in the next lane to keep out of his blind spot,  some one will invariably thread the needle.


  5. 28 minutes ago, impulse said:

      I've found that Thai's have to be good at assessing and reacting to dangerous conditions, because they encounter so many more than we do back home.     








    And if Thais are so " good at assessing and reacting to dangerous conditions" then why are there so many accidents where the drivers do not break before a collision?! The truck driver clearly never reacted to the crash. I have seen hundreds of YouTube videos of crashes in Thailand where  the drivers do not break before collision.

    It's rather absurd.

  6. 9 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Nice deflection. 


    You recommended a vehicular manslaughter charge.  There were no deaths.  Then you claimed that Thai drivers' brains cannot quickly assess a situation.  Which is a pretty blatant Thai bash.  I've found that Thai's have to be good at assessing and reacting to dangerous conditions, because they encounter so many more than we do back home.  Which is not an endorsement of traffic safety in Thailand.


    On the CPR thing (which, BTW wasn't even mentioned until you needed a deflection), I think you'll find that worldwide, CPR has a minuscule success rate.   Whether the EMT is Thai or another nationality doesn't really play into that.  Unless you're just bashing Thais again.  






    Not a deflection; you proved my point that that poor girl will probably die with your comment about the very low success rate of CPR, and the much lower rate of success on a Thai highway.

    Youre not winning the argument; you're just being combative.

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