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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. My friend (50, overweight, but healthy) up in Bangkok said that he quit drinking, with last Friday being his last drink. He says that he had been drinking a twelve pack of beer every day for 16 months (except for a two week period in spring when he had an unrelated medical issue and was taking medicine and couldn't drink. At that time, he said that he had no withdrawal symptoms). 

    Now he is almost three days sober. He woke up this morning (Monday) with a fever of 101.2F/ 38.4C.  He said he has started taking Tylenol, which works sometimes to reduce the fever,   His temperature has mostly been constant except for brief periods after taking  the Tylenol. Other than the fever, body aches, a cloudy head, diarrhea, needing to drink water often, and a little upset stomach, he hasn't had the shakes or racing heart or abnormal heart rate, or any other serious side effects.

    But he is scared that it will get worse tonight. He hates the idea of being hospitalized, but if he has to go in, he wants to go to Bumrungrad, as he goes there for regular stuff.

    I don't know how to help him. He says it feels like the flu, but he had a flu vaccination, and the timing off his illness leads him to believe it is alcohol withdrawal.  

    If anybody can give advice on what he should do if he gets worse or any advice, like just staying at home and getting through it, it would be appreciated.



  2. I have an idea: Allow 15% of minivans to be owned and operated by foreigners. After a full year,  if (haha, if) the rate of accidents and deaths are significantly lower than that for Thai minivan driver's, increase the foreigner owned and operated minivans to 30%. Increase each year. I guarantee you the accident rate will be cut in half.

    This will save lives and take jobs away from vehicular homicide/manslaughter Thai "drivers."

  3. There is a priority lane, usually for VIP passenger, but I got a pass last trip and was in and out in minutes. They should have a special lane for trusted visitors; people who own peoperty and/or are long-term regular visitors, those with ED and retirement visas, etc.


    Those of us dreaming for a creative response to the problem are dong just that, dreaming. The Thais are not very smart and not very creative.

  4. Occasionally, I'll see Chinese tourists not on package tour trying to hire a Baht bus. If they walk away with getting in,  I sometimes ask them where they wanted to go and how much they were asked to pay. It is usually something absurdly high. Last time on north pattaya road a group of five or six were quoted 700 baht to central festival.

  5. 57 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

    The Thai way. I can't beat him myself so I'll get my friends.

    Not exactly. When the other drivers saw a foreigner fighting a Thai, they got excited and joined in. 

    When I saw in high school, I knew a few guys who enjoyed fighting and hurting people. But in Pattaya, I think so many aggressive Thai men enjoy hurting a farang. 

    The real problem is that these guys won't be punished enough for "seriously " hurting this guy. All Thai men know that they can hurt farangs and get away with it. Until this changes, we aren't safe.

  6. Hi gang,

    I tore my ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) in my knee. It is a Grade 3 tear requiring reconstructive surgery. (I also have a meniscus tear and a Baker's cyst).

    I live in Jomtien. I usually go to Bumrungrad hospital in Bangkok for any real problems.


    As to the surgery, what would be recommendations for a top-notch orthopaedic surgery department in either Bangkok or Pattaya? Should I have the surgery in Bangkok, then go somewhere in Pattaya for the rehab? Are there options for a really top-level orthopaedic surgery department in a Pattaya hospital?


    As they'll need to take a healthy ligament from the front of my knee, drill a whole in the femur and the tibia, and anchor the harvested ligament to both sides, I wouldn't mind paying for the best surgeon to do this. 


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm really in need of the advice.

  7. Just to put the 100,000 baht fine for smoking into perspective: that fine is equal to the combined fines of 200 Thai people who decide to stab you. The fine for a Thai stabbing a foreign tourist is 500 baht (see repeat offender watch seller who stabbed a foreigner on Beach Road). So, smoke on the beach and your crime is the same as 200 Thais all getting in a knife wound on you.

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