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Posts posted by soistalker

  1.  They think that just increasing the tourist numbers is the best way to go. But Chinese aren't going to spend any money. 

    The authorities made it so difficult for western guys to live in Thailand. The visa rules show that we aren't wanted. Most westerns would spend $1000+ a month at least while living in pattaya. That's probably 10X more than the average Chinese will spend in the local economy per trip.

  2. 9 hours ago, LaoPo said:

    It looks like you support the lies from the Japanese...like they did with the Comfort Girls during the Japanese occupation of Asia where girls of many nations were forced to "serve" the Japanese soldiers and raped thousands and thousands of times.

    Poor girls and women!


    Japan even deleted ALL horror history out of their children history books, even today.


    Are you now going to excuse Hitler as well? 

    You are framing the comfort women issue in the simplest of terms. 

    And are you a paid Chinese agitprop?

  3. 7 hours ago, LaoPo said:

    Seen it hundreds of times in the west...with western parents and western kids; nothing special.


    How old was the toddler.....18 ? :laugh:

    No you haven't .

    Listen, no one here is lying about dirty Chinese behaviors. We would appreciate your honesty.

  4. 1 hour ago, LaoPo said:


    That's the most unbelievable comment I've seen in a long time as an excuse to murder hundreds of thousands of totally innocent people.

    Shame on you :ph34r:


    "it's not all their fault...unbelievable :shock1:

    You need to see things from the Japanese perspective 75-100 years ago in the context of the geopolitical climate of the time coupled with their newly dominant position in all of Asia,   and their relative lack of exposure outside of Japan.

    And Chinese of the 1930s would have been absolutely repulsive in their behavior and the total lack of hygiene and proper behavior.

    Plus, it is well known that the Chinese lied about the scope of  Japanese military action, especially in Nanjing.

  5. 1 minute ago, LaoPo said:


    Bashing upon China and the Chinese should belong in the world's most ridiculous and grumpiest complaints by tourists and it certainly looks like it belongs in that category as well :laugh:


    1. “We went on a canoe trip but were very disappointed that no one told us there would not be a bathroom onboard. It was very inconvenient.”
    2. “There was no sign telling you that you shouldn’t get on the hot air balloon ride if you’re afraid of heights.”
    3. “My trip was ruined when I got sunburned and got sick because of it. They should warn you that the sun is brighter in Mexico than it is in the United States, I would have used sunscreen.”
    4. “We booked an excursion to a water park, but no one told us we had to bring our swimming costumes and towels.”
    5. “Tour company did not warn me that I would get wet during the river rafting trip. It ruined my $300 leather handbag.”
    6. “I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local store does not sell proper biscuits like custard creams or ginger nuts.”
    7. “We found the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as yellow, but it was white.”
    8. “You said the town was next to a volcano, but we went and there was no lava. I’m pretty sure it was just a mountain.”
    How dare they?
    1. “On our trip to New York, the streets were dirty and we saw people asking for money, it was depressing. There should be a warning to travelers.”
    2. “We had to queue outside with no air conditioning.”
    3. “It is your duty as a tour operator to advise us of noisy or unruly guests before we travel.”
    4. “The beach had too many fat people. It was gross.”
    5. “Will never return to this hotel because there are homeless people everywhere in this city.”
    6. “I was bitten by a mosquito. No one said they could bite.”
    7. “It’s lazy of the local shopkeepers to close in the afternoons. I often needed to buy things during ‘siesta’ time — this should be banned.”

    MORE: https://myria.com/42-crazy-and-cringeworthy-but-true-travel-complaints



    Chinese complaint #1: No one told me I couldn't pull down my son's pants in public and hold his penis while he urinated.

  6. Just now, ExpatOilWorker said:

    What happen in Nanking pales in comparison to what Mao would later do to the entire population of China.

    The Japanese are very very different from other Asians. They all follow the rules. They are mostly quiet, polite, and well behaved. And they are clean. Japan upon reaching Korea and china and seeing the filth and low level behavior of the masses caused them to react in an aggressive way.  It's not all their fault. 

  7. Western countries have a high standard of behavior than Asian countries. Let's say you are American and at a buffet  with mostly Americans. If there are Americans screaming and grabbing food and cutting in front of people, others will probably say something. 

    You dont get English tourists st the airport screaming a normal conversation at each other. You don't have Germans pissing and shitting on the streets.

    But to Chinese, these behaviors are normal. They are savages as compared to western people.

  8. They are indistinguishable from each other by behavior and looks. Each group acts the same way as the last group. They are loud, disgusting by behavior, and block the road in bulk of pure smelly humanity.

    My uncle fought them in the Korean War. Thousands of Chinese, many without weapons,  charging machine gunners like insects who don't know they are going into a hail of gunfire. Less than human. He used to wake up in the middle of the night screaming, on those few nights he didn't drink, yelling about the "little yellow men."

    The are basic human beings. All the way down on the scale of what makes up humans.

  9. 20 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

    Those who want to mainstream perverted behavior will always try to make you feel ashamed of your stand in favor of heterosexuality. I don't wish homosexuals, transexuals or cross-dressers any harm, I simply refuse to consider this behavior as normal. If that makes me "bitter", then I wonder if you know the meaning of the word.

    This comment just won the thread.

  10. 10 minutes ago, ginjag said:

    It could be said a person marrying someone with your attitude could be deemed to be not quite right in the head.

    Nice try. She is a lovely woman who charms the pants off everyone she meets, and has an infectious smile. And she is pretty and sexy. She has a master's degree. And she bought a condo in Jomtien for us with her own money. We couldn't be happier in our normal relationship. Normal.

  11. 5 minutes ago, berybert said:

    It is probably very normal, people do not become gay if they go to a gay day school day. People are born gay. Well done to the teachers at your kids school for including any gay kids that go there. Because kids of that age need to know there are gay people in the world. Who knows your child might be gay. Don't tell me, if your kid is gay you will kill him. And if he comes home with an African boy whos mum works at Nana you will kill him twice.

    Lets hope he is.

    You just outed yourself. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    What is not normal is the hate directed towards this couple and others who have the courage to be who they are. 


    As to who has the deep psychological issues...I have a different perspective on that. 


    “Gay Day”?  


    That’s what the school called the event you seem strangely disturbed by?

    Gay Day. That was the actual name of the event. Giving prepubescent children sexual ideas that they normally wouldn't have is morally wrong. People have been gay since people have been people. They usually figure it out without help. Young children don't need to be talked to about alternative sexual  lifestyles.

  13. 1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

    It’s a story that shows how much progress has taken place in society and how the hatred and bigotry of the past towards those with different gender identities is being challenged by those with the courage to be who they are. 


    Does seem to scare those who refuse to accept accept that the world of gender/sexual identity is far more complex than boys and girls. 


    As Taylor said


    ”haters going to hate”. 

    Just because liberal societies want to normalize abnormal behavior does not make it moral. It is sad that these people have serious psychological deep routed issues. And normal people shouldn't be so quick to accept these people into society. It is not normal. And they are dangerous, and mentally unstable.

    It is sh!t like this where they had a Gay Day at my kid's middle school. Gay Day aimed at 9-12 year olds. Is that normal?  

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