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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. 23 minutes ago, Jimdandy said:

    Third world? Isn't that just a little archaic, or do you really know of two worlds in addition to the one we all share... If you mean have I ever had medical care in country that is not Western Euro master race kind of thinking, I have.

    No. You're right. I'm sure the hygiene and cleanliness of the hospitals are commensurate in any country because we are all the same.

  2. 1 hour ago, Jimdandy said:

     It seems they are less likely to be environmentally insensitive at first glance. When you really look at it closer, wealthy people are less likely to advocate for or support initiatives which address global warming for example, instead choosing to invest in projects such as drilling for oil, cutting down forrest in the name of development or mining for precious metals all to seek an ROI (return on investment) It does seem like it on the micro level as far as visitations and travel where they are under the microscope but on the macro global financial level where you cannot see where the money is coming from they are the worse, all for the sake of the almighty dollar. 

    Obviously, you don't know anything about the upper/upper-middle classes. And a public school education for you that ended before college?

  3. Twenty years ago, the Chinese, Indians, and Russians were too poor to travel overseas. Thailand, and pattaya in particular, were visited by people from western advanced democracies which all share a similar level of cleanliness, politeness, awareness and respect for others, and a general avoidance of being an a$$hole to others. It was really a different place, and much nicer.

    Now, you have Chinese hoards of hundreds following the leader holding a flag, numb-brained following that flag much like they did during war, staring and pointing and snapping pictures in walking street like they were on a Disneyland ride, completely unaware that everyone around them is actually a living person.

    Walk down Beach Road where they are screaming at each others' faces in conversation completely blocking the path, completely oblivious to anyone other than another spitting, screaming, filthy, trash-tossing, Han Chinese.

    And there are now millions of them.

    You think they won't come because of deadly lack road safety or pollution?! They love that sh!t.

  4. 52 minutes ago, chaihot said:

    This sums up Thailand in one sentence.


    Give this video along with the pictures of the vehicles after the collision to any police officer in the USA.  There won't be an "investigation" as there is nothing "unclear" or "confusing" about the collision.  The recorded footage eliminated all need for investigation.




    Thai police officers are like the dumb children in your math class in the 3rd grade.

    They won't do the work required because it is too difficult for them, and they are lazy and stupid.

  5. You have an extremely high rate of teenage pregnancy in Thailand by unintelligent kids. Then you have the older Thais  killing each other off on Road Warrior type crashes like this one. 

    The dumbing down of Thai people's average IQ keeps going down towards 70. The only thing that is keeping Thailand's average IQ over 70 are all of the old English and Australian chaps who are having babies with the most worn out old slappers Thailand has to offer. So, good on them for doing their part.

    • Haha 1
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