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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. 14 minutes ago, todlad said:

    Actually, this is the most important point. Who knows how many lives decent drivers in Thailand save each day? You see a motorcycle ahead or to your side, even oncoming; and you can see their deaths awaiting. You do the decent thing and take evasive action. They have no idea what you have just done for them.

    The decent drivers are just sentencing someone else to death, dismemberment, or broken bones. If you can get them, get your car fixed by insurance, and get away unscathed, then you have done society a favor.

  2. 1 hour ago, z42 said:

    Incidentally went to Cambodia recently and the driving standards and attitudes there are even more pathetic than here ?

    This is untrue. I rode my motorcycle with my wife on the back from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap and back last Christmas. That's a six+ hour ride on the freeway each way.

    Try driving a motorcycle on the freeway in Thailand for six hours.

    I thought Koreans were bad drivers when I lived in Seoul. But they are nothing compared to Thais. I've never seen people drive this poorly, and I've lived in five Asian countries. 

    In countries where the police do not enforce the traffic laws (Thailand, Cambodia, South Korea, Vietnam) people will drive like <deleted>...because the can.

    Thais drive like <deleted>....BIG <deleted>.

  3. 10 hours ago, connda said:

    By golly, they do.  All they have to do is choose to install them.


    They had these in a building I lived in in Seoul. The Koreans could still slam their doors. Matter of fact, because the had to wait that extra two seconds for it to close, they were always pulling or pushing it closed hard.

  4. 23 hours ago, natway09 said:

    I got a door slammer from the middle East just down the corridor in my apartment.

    Then he stands in the foyer talking loudly on his mobile phone just outside our door.

    Spoke to him once about but turns out that I am the inconsiderate one for bringing it up

    & he screaming at me outside my door as I shut my door (quietly) in his face.

    It must be the way they are dragged up

    Everytime he does that, bring out your bible an ask him loudly if he has made his choice of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Then open the book and get to preaching. 

  5. All door slammers should have their fingers slammed between the door and the side. These people are the worst. You really can't get them to stop. Some people are so shitty that if you ask them not to do it, they will do it more. Either move or threaten them with violence.

    I come and go from my condo like the Farang Ninja. I try at all times to consider the quality of life of those around me being negatively effected , but I come from an upper middle class family, not some farmer's daughter farang plaything or some somchai so important because I am a Thai man. Or some oblivious farang who won't stop doing it without a punch in the face.

  6. 8 minutes ago, chezy86 said:

    The real problem here is the Police salary it’s peanuts. And as the old saying goes “ Ya pay peanuts ya gets monkeys”. Until salaries support the policeman’s families adequately it will never attract more suitable candidates or commitment from them. 

    That doesn't excuse them for being crooked thieves. And what is worse, everybody knows they are crooked thieves. If the salary isn't sufficient, they should have found a different job. 

    Basically what you have is a policeforce indistinguishable from moto and tuktuk drivers. Just look at them.

  7. There is this strange habit in Thailand, I think it is called "vehicle lock." It is when one car follows another car so closely to it that the driver is not looking at the road, but at the car in front of him. If the front car needs to brake, the second car will cause a serious accident.

    i think it is different than getting right up on someone's ass, trying to pass, as the second car doesn't appear to be trying to pass or could and doesn't.

  8. In pattaya and Jomtien, the police have checkpoints where they pull over any white person on a motorcycle. Then squeeze them for money. I have watched them. Most of the whiteys pulled over have helmets and are driving prudently.

    It is obvious to everyone in Thailand that the police have no interest in fixing the incredibly horrible driving conditions caused by Thai people's insane driving practices. Thais drive like little children.


  9. Back in 2004, I spent the month in Cambodia. I stayed at a small hotel on the riverside in Phnom Penh. I stayed for a few weeks, then went up Country for a few days. When I got back, I asked for the same room on the top floor. The guy said ok, but it needs to be cleaned. He said leave my bags there and come back in two hours.

    After two hours, I came back. But he had rented the room to other people. I told him that he told me to come back in two hours bexause the room was being cleaned. He said that he didn't say that.

    it was one of my first times in Cambodia, so I asked an expat why he would lie to My face like that. He said that because of their history with the Khmer Rouge, that only those good at lying survived. I believed him.

    But after moving to Thailand, the lies were bigger and more frequent. I think lying in SE Asia  is just what goes on. Everybody is full of shit. Cheating and lying is a sport in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

  10. 34 minutes ago, EcigAmateur said:

    They do not lie, for them it's the truth !



    Ouch! Scorched!

    So, you've seen her?

    He sounded like a real gentleman, explaining to strangers about his wife's  teets. A gentleman never tells.

    That being said,

    "Let me tell you all about my wife's vagina."

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