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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. Maybe they decided they wanted to stay longer and expected the boat to wait? Wrong country for that. ????
  2. We all know what is going to happen, and it won’t be pretty. Get ready for uprising and Coup to control it, if they even make it that far. Chinese are coming back so the cases of Covid will rise and even though it’s like a cold the military will have to step in to take control of the country for its own safety. Here we go again.
  3. Hmmm. Tipped off. I guess the competition was losing money. Nothing unusual here.
  4. I’ll bet most don’t even work since they haven’t been used for years. Wonder how they’ll manage to turn them on and change the rates? And what tourists will even know what the new rates will be. I’ve had some good experiences and some really bad ones. It’s a flip of the coin.
  5. I’m sure the pharmacies will have the most benefit from these tourists. Grab your Tylenol while you can.
  6. Just go ahead and open them. If they have problems they can do do a typical Thai flip and shut them down. Nobody would be surprised.
  7. They should do this asap. It’s a nightmare driving down beach road with people trying to pull in or out of spaces on either side. Really has slowed down the traffic and with the buses coming we’re screwed if they don’t.
  8. If the masks work so well then why do people wearing them have a problem if I don’t?
  9. Maybe they can offer a “free” mask at the airport once the 300 baht entry fee starts. ????????
  10. Ha. And that’s just Bangkok. They can’t even handle a small seaside town of Pattaya, how do they think they will ever be able to do this in Bangkok, but I guess they better get started soon as we will be having 80,000,000 visitors in 4 years enjoying this beautiful country.
  11. Nobody even knows the truth about the cases of Covid or type in China. They just spite out what they want. I guess they are just overwhelmed with the case load and finding easier to open the borders and let them go elsewhere to lower their numbers and work load. Who knows what they will bring except chaos.
  12. It will never happen, but let them dream. They can’t even complete a road project in 2-3 years. If it even rose to pre pandemic levels they will be screwed. Nobody wants to go on holiday to wait hours in the airport to get out then be stuck in traffic all day, scared of being ripped off(double charged) or messed with the police who like to play games with the foreigners. Also it’ll turn into China town and it won’t be the quiet peaceful land of smiles it used to be. Even that has disappeared in the bigger tourist locations already.
  13. I wouldn’t go really early. Everyone does and that is why it’s so busy. I’ve been going at around 10:30 or 2 pm and the lines are very small as most have finished. In any case I’m sure this year will be a challenge. Time will tell.
  14. Damn. That looks like a big thick snake. I’d be running as well.
  15. I’m so tired of seeing them put the Chinese on a pedestal as if they are the best and most important tourists. They are pushy, trash most places they visit, spit everywhere and spend very little in the local markets. I hope that the basket the government is making to put all their eggs in again fails again. Treat all your visitors the same. It’s past pathetic.
  16. I thought the Foreign fee to get into parks would’ve been plenty to upkeep them. We certainly pay way more than the Thais. Also I can almost guarantee that the money won’t be used to help people in accidents. It’ll just line a few more pockets as usual.
  17. A bit off topic, but I’m traveling to the USA next month and get back the day after my original 90 day report is due. Am I correct that I will need to skip that and do my 90 day report from my return arrival date? It’s been awhile. Thanks ????
  18. Don’t worry. By the time the election rolls in the Covid cases will have exploded and the military will need to step in to control it. Good timing China. I’m sure you’ll get a basket of beef broth from Prayut. ????
  19. Give them a month and see how much they love it then.
  20. Yeah. They will be thrilled once the cases go up and out of control and they are locked down again. Make your money quickly people.
  21. How the hell is it going to help getting a 2 year old vaccine for a different strain?
  22. In order to not upset China they are going to lose the rest of their visitors. Putting all their eggs in one basket again. Can they really be that stupid? Rhetorical question ????
  23. Unfortunately they are going to learn the hard way again and destroy Thailand. Hopefully they make enough in the first couple of months to sustain a couple more years of hell. ????????????
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